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Rash from plants!


Everytime I go in and check up on my plants, checking the leaves, putting my face into the plants, or when my arms/hands brush up against them, I end up getting a rash EVERYTIME. Its itchy and after scratching it spreads, so I find myself having to smoke a bowl and chill out to deal with it. :mad:

I am slightly allergic to grass but it has never been this bad. Does this happen to anyone else?

The only thing Ive ever sprayed on the plants were pyrethrum and Green Cure.

This has been going on ever since I can remember! :yoinks:
well sounds like you should just give it all to me, sasmokin: and find something else to smoke lol. seriosly that sucks hope you figure out why it happens. good luck
This is very common. I used to have similiar experiences, but not anymore.. Very weird.. Would like to see a study done on it, but its just one of those things we may never know.



Active member
Sorry guys its my fault. I was trying to breed some color into my genetics and I found this cool looking red ivy type plant. Well I crossed it just fine and made a ton of beans and spread them across the world. Here is what the male looked like.

I first heard about this a few years ago, a girl on another board -jamiemitchell- had a specific strain that gave people rashes when the plant was brushed up against. If I remember correctly, in her case -unlike all other rash reports I've heard- it was just that one strain and apparently it gave everyone rashes. Since then, I've heard many other similar reports of people getting rashes, but not from specifc strains effecting everyone like the initial account I'd heard of.. This topic intrigues me.

Any of you guys own a jewelers loupe or a microscope? Could you check for tiny insects?


Cool I was just wondering if I was the wierd one!

Im growing Platinum Kush btw. Hope its not strain specific cuz I heard this one rocks!
I don't think it's actually strain specific, despite my first account.. but even if it were, I personally think that'd be a pretty awesome trait for some of us, like yo check this shit out, this plant is so deadly it'll give you a rash.

For what it's worth though, according to every account I've heard of, only the live plants effect people, the dried buds won't give you a rash.. I personally wish they would though! ..I think that'd be great bag appeal haha.


man, and i thought i was the only one! good to know there are other swith my ailment.

first couple of times i broke out with a rash while trimming i was like WTF is this shit!!!! sctatched the hell out of it. got red bumps and shit. i was like what the fuck did you feed these plants bro? cuz its fucking my shit up! but it cleared up after a spell or two. i just pushed thro it, and blazed up a few extra fatty's and kept on trimming away.

I too have only recently experienced this itchy type feeling on my skin after tending to the girls. I actually thought that it was traces of residue from my sulpher burner, but it seems like now, even untreated vegetative plants can irritate my skin. The weird thing is that for 15 years, this has never been an issue. Strange. Its not severe or anything but really annoying at times. Might be some kind of reaction to our nutes? not sure


Years ago, I experienced this and blamed it on rockwool. Could have been the plants themselves though.


You guys, its the plants. :)

Some strains specifically more than others have the tiny bristle like trichomes that contain certain pollens and plant based chemicals that will cause you to have allergic reactions... just like any other plant. Like in the spring when you get season allergies like hayfever when plants are all in the start of vegetative growth...

I myself on some strains can get very watery itchy eyes if i touch my eyes after touching my plants and yes, itchy skin... i found that if you wash the infected area with warm water and soap after it helps.

But I think its also basically a typical skin allergy that is produced from the plants defense mechinism. Animals wont want to eat a plant that makes them breakout or have itchy skin, nose and eyes, no matter how good it tastes.
Thanks for your input Mr. Hades. I tend to think you are correct. I didnt think there were many trichomes on a young vegetative plant but they must exist even at early plant stages. I do know that my strain is so resinous that if Im trimming and even think of rubbing my eye or touching my face, it can be very very itchy. I have surely learned to keep my hands and fingers away from my face and eyes during trimming. As far as veg plants, this is a fairly new thing for me to experience these itchy, rashy arms, etc. It isn't bad but slightly annoying. I'm sure it affects different people differently, along with the different strains


I think a lot of people are allergic to it, it is in fact a weed. It makes my eyes red as shit (Duh) and makes me stuffed up (my sinuses) every time I smoke.. I just use a lot of nasal spray to counteract it.


So then the question is which varieties have the least allergic impact in veg stage and when smoked?


some winter squash does that to me, those hooks hook me and I Itch for about a half hour.

Your body just thinks its something harmful.

Is it all strains?