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Raistlin's Room '08


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
jipedestran said:
I had no idea that there were that many strains of boomers.

There's alot more than that. It's insane when you actually think about it. :chin:

Raistlin: Thanks for taking a peek. I actually got some good PM replies from people that read your thread, but probably don't always post. I also got some other people chiming in from another thread. Thanks for letting me put it out there...The general consensus is that it may be the quality of the water or a cal/mag deficiency. Since I've been hitting them with some pure cal/mag for about a week, I don't think it's that. I think the Coco Coir is a little bit less of a proficient buffer for any type of change: pH, nutrients, water quality etc. Therefore the plants respond rapidly to any changes like an intravenous feed. True soil is alot more forgiving.
My belief is that if a plant can't handle some harsh conditions sometimes, it may not be the "keeper" I'm looking for. Right now that Ed Rosenthal Super Bud is looking fat...so's one of my Papaya phenos. Those are hearty and seem to be able to endure a little less TLC and more extreme environmentals. They just need nitrogen and a bit o' love. Real low maintenance......that's how I like ALL my gals (LOL).

Anyway, I'm sending good clone vibes out to you.:yes: You may want to consider foliar feeding with a weak nutrient solution. That'll get the leaves sucking up nutrients when their roots aren't quite there yet :gaga:. When the situation is real desperate: I've included that with Green Fuse root stimulator....it's the equivalent of anabolic steroids for roots....expensive but effective. It's so concentrated you use like 1ml for 4 gallons of water. It's kind of like the Captain America super-soldier syrum. Blows roots out like a balloon animal.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Just wanted to throw this funny popup message in for yucks:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Raistlin Majere again.

Didn't think I'd be getting one of those so soon! LOL.


Woah dude so you get dooown???!?!?!?? I didn't know you were doing the mushies too that is sick, I've always wanted to try but right now I need more space, and also it has always seemed kind of more complicated to me than growing herb ;) Well keep it up everything is looking fantastic, I duno how you get full pages of comments without showing pictures your lucky!!! PEACE


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
We ALL get dooown........

We ALL get dooown........

caligreen said:
Woah dude so you get dooown???!?!?!?? I didn't know you were doing the mushies too that is sick, I've always wanted to try but right now I need more space, and also it has always seemed kind of more complicated to me than growing herb ;)

Yeah: I found it really complex just learning from books and such.....then just about a year or two ago (after YEARS OF TRYING TO GROW MUSHIES WITHOUT SUCCESS)....I found a video on the internet that made it really damn simple and cut out all the b.s.....then I scoured the internet for the appropriate supplies and voila! Mushies galore. Unfortunately the areas designated for mushies have been overrun by nugs......and that takes priority right now. I have to find more room for my mushies.....since they don't require much except darkness and heat, then humidity and small amounts of light....I may be able to pull that off at the office (LOL). One closet should suffice. If you want that video and are internet savy, I may be able to point you in the right direction....if not....send me a safe addy and I'll send you a copy of the video on a DVD. Plus as I've said to Raist. and others in PMs there are a bunch of places to get all your supplies pre-made, all turnkey if you're lazy like me.

Raistlin Majere

jipedestran ~ thanks for the vote bro :friends:
they got some wicked good compatition going on down in the POTM threads LOL
gotta bring the A game with the next flowers
i dunno whut is up with the SSH clones, probably a damp environment ??
beats me but check the pix below :badday:
and there are many more strains of cubies than the ones posted,however in affect many of them are very similar
the build is at a stand still lol untill this sat that is, i'll try and finish it all up if i can

accessndx ~ hope ya babies turn out well for ya bro :ying: and i always need those "good clone vibes"

cellardweller ~ :wave: pop any time you want to broseph :friends:

caligreen ~ i just like to keep things interesting mang !! :rasta:
growing the cubies is easy as pie, easier than cannabis IMHO
you got room for a ten gallon fish tank ? if so you got room to grow them
good to see ya again, oh yeah i voted for you in POTM good luck :joint:

---------------------------- and some pictures

clones - again the GA doing well but i lost a SSH :badday:

no roots either :fsu:

cubies :muahaha: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :muahaha:

what i am smoking now :badday: not very good at all
but better than nothing i geuss, traded some boomers for the bud

back later guys peace


Active member
hi RM,

looks like some rot bro..

cut it again on a 45 degree angle above that black rot bottom. cut off all the dead leaf stems back to the main stem, and leave just that one greenish leaf and stick it back in.

may still root!


Raistlin Majere

yeah loks rotted :badday: well i flushed it so i cant try to cut again
i really think it would not have made a diff though
:edit: next time this happens i'll try it man :joint: :edit:

here is the GA the first day i had it

and now

look at the smaller of the two
top pic its in the back - bottem its on the right
see the lowest branch right above the soil mix
looks like some growth to me, how about you guys ?
what's my next step ?
remove the dome for a bit first mebbe ?
remove it and transplant into a small pot ?
gonna go read a bit

Last edited:


wattup raist,yeah i definetly think these ones are growin brotha.you could remove the dome now im sure,take it off and check it in a hour or so,if its saggy lookin put the dome on but prop it open a lil with somethin about a inch or so,this will help them harden up.also somethin i used to do when i used a dome (before i got my easy cloner) it work good is i would breathe real heavy into the dome yo,manmade co2.they liked it i think,they never complained anyways;)
too bad about the ssh,some strains just clone easier man,i have no experience with the ssh but i know different cuts ive gotten thru the years take faster the others.
hope that helped ya,peace bro.-Y-


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raist: There's growth there...absolutely. I'd wait until you were pretty sure they're close to being rootbound before transplanting them. As far as those other clones go....as you saw...no roots...and blackened tip. I did notice that the 'cut' was not as sharp as it could be on those dead clone tips.....the whole idea of the 45 degree angle is to maximize the surface area....that's why straight cuts don't always take as well.
I've also seen people "butterfly" the bottom of the cut so they expose the inside, and two additional curvilinear surfaces to get roots poppin.

As far as trading nug for umbrellas.....looks like you got some decent midgrade....(there's even a seed crowning that second nug picture...)

What I would suggest you do is take a cutting asap from that GA (the lateral shoot looks good). Drop it in rockwool, peat pellet, soil, ezcloner, whatever.
We got to get you up to 85% success rate with clones. I'd keep that cutting as the GA future "MOM" while you see how the clone turns out. If it's crappy...it gets replaced. If it's not....it gets stuck in area 51 deep storage.

By the way...some of the earlier pictures of the clones: the fan leaves look like they've been cut sharply...real angular. Was that deliberate when shipping? Is that just some sort of optical illusion? What happened to those leaves?

I'd like to get you some clones of this Papaya animal I have going on here....if it turns out to be a beauty I'll mass produce some for ya. We're about a month or two from seeing the fruits of that labor. From what people say it's a real head basher...and it seems like I can't kill it no matter what I try....it's growing almost supernaturally. Should be a mom for years to come.

Raistlin Majere

YwouldntI ~ LOL i have been doin the breathing trick as well :joint:
i have two vents in the top that have been open 24/7 gonna try the dome off for a hour or so and see what happens
thanks for the input bro :friends:

accessndx ~ you are right about getting more root bound, thats what i been thinking i would do from the begining, but i wanted some more input

ha there is so much goop on the stems from the powder and medium you could not see what was really there :rasta: the angle was a sharp 45% cut to be sure
and on top of that i split or "butterfly" the stems on all 4 clones too
LOL looking at is now as i type and i cannot even tell, but that stem swelled up like a mofo too, all bloated and nasty

why would i clone this clone already ?
i was planning on making them both into moms then cloning as needed
i am not in a hurry for it, or is it to increase survival ?
ah i am stoned and thinking i am making it seem more complex :bashhead:

the cut leaves do look sharp now that i look at the pic
i cut them about halfway, and tried to make it straight across, looking at the plant they look level enough
does it matter if the cut is a bit crooked ? let me know please
i remember much better once i do something than if i just memorise it LOL

and trading is what i do best man :muahaha:
no one ever has boomers around here well except me that is :joint:
this guy got a bunch of freebies from me lately and i needed gas so i charged a small fee this time
he wanted to trade even up 1/4 for a 1/4 so i said cool, geuss his gas tank is a little low too :asskick:
times are hard :dueling:

and once again i feel like i forgot to type something :smoweed:
oh well if its important i'll remember later
keep it green brotha's


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Raistlin Majere said:
why would i clone this clone already ?
i was planning on making them both into moms then cloning as needed
i am not in a hurry for it, or is it to increase survival ?

Yes. To increase survival. Plus, the very fact that you're taking cuttings will make that gal sprout in multiple places increasing your likelihood of taking more and healthier clones later.

Raistlin Majere said:
the cut leaves do look sharp now that i look at the pic
i cut them about halfway, and tried to make it straight across, looking at the plant they look level enough
does it matter if the cut is a bit crooked ? let me know please
i remember much better once i do something than if i just memorise it LOL

Not sure why you cut them to begin with. It shouldn't matter that they are crooked. I'm just curious why you cut the leaves.....fan leaves are like solar panels. The more you have...the more photosynthesis. The less you have....the less photosynthesis (ie-less energy for plant growth). Plus, as the plants start to mature and require nutrients (that you may or may not be providing)....the fan leaves are the first to go.....the nutrients are resorbed from them to provide nutrients for new growth. Additionally, if you happen to overfertilize....the fan leaves take the brunt of the damage.......they almost store the toxic levels of nutrients or other crap.....sparing some of the other delicate parts of the plant.

Raistlin Majere said:
times are hard :dueling:

Care to expand on that? You strapped for cash? :frown: I have a suggestion if that's the case...but don't feel comfortable laying it out here. Maybe I'll send you a PM. :friends:

:listen2:On another note; next time you want to trade some umbrellas for nug, lemme know. I just pulled a half lb. of the same stuff that I'm getting bored of smoking....I'm just waiting for the new strains to roll in....my Long Island Old School is getting tired. I want my damn Papaya, Ed Rosenthal Super Bud, Ice Cream, Opium and Da Purps!!!!!!!! Then I won't be bored to tears smoking the same stuff (dank as it is).....


You got me.

I looked down, but sure enough, I am wearing sandals, so no laces.

I also second the opinion that those other cloners are looking solid. Y's advice was solid.


Raistlin Majere

accessndx ~ i think i am going to hold off on cutting from them for now, i just don't like the idea of unnessary stress during this time
not that i doubt your advice, but that i am unsure of myself during this process and will wait till i am more comfortable in dealing with clones and how they act

this is why i cut the leaves in half ...VVV

JJScorpio said:
Because there is more leaf then necessary, I am going to trim some of the upper leaf, and get rid of the one lower leaf entirely. I do this because I don't want to leave to much for the plant to sustain while it waits for the new roots to form. Plants naturally lose water through the leaves, so it helps to remove the tips of the larger leaves. Here is the picture after it is trimmed and a picture of the trimmings.

yeah a bit strapped for cash, but i expect that to turn around within the year :joint:
and i think we should use the P.M. option on some things
i always feel safe that way

jipedestran ~ just replied to your P.M. bro :friends:
i took the dome off for an hour and they wilted like a limp D*^K
sprayed them and closed dome an hour later they were fine again
so the opposite corner is propped up a bit in addition to the vents in the top
Did you really look down ? :laughing:

well well well whats raistlin been up to tonight :muahaha:
i mixed my dirt up for the BPP's that are going out in the corn feild tonight
added some D-lime / perlite / and water crystals
got them out on the back porch right now waiting till it gets dark enough i can sneak them out a few rows

stoked about having a feild so close to the house to work in
i'll spread them out real good there's only nine
bring on the fawkin drought this year :dueling: i run water out every single night if i have to :muahaha:


Ras-- just checking in on your thread..Sorry about you SSH ....i losted the GA but my SSH made it :fsu: I really wanted the GA to make it :spank:

Raistlin Majere

SILVER BACK ~ :wave: whats up bro
bummer about the GA not making it :badday: eh these things happen
i am sure you will get another chance at them

well it seems i picked the perfect night to move my gals outside
we have a slow drizzle going on today, with lots of cloud cover
should be a smooth switch for them
LOL its gonna suck tonight moving them around in the wet corn though :laughing:


Active member
RM, sorry to hear about your clones

next time don't use the dome, bro.

yeah i know some won't agree with me, but that's the problem with the dome -- they get used to 90-100% RH and they absorb their water from the air through the leaves instead of the stem, and you have lots of leaves on those cuts. so what incentive do they have to shoot roots? by the time they realize 'hey maybe i should shoot some roots now' it's too late, rot has set in.

it may work great for some strains that are low light/mountain side dwellers (they are used to living in the low lying cloud forests with high RH, and hazey filtered sun) but for sun lovers, they get addicted to the RH.

pop the dome off, and they will wilt, especially w/no roots to suck up the water the leaves need to stay rigid. you have to do it slowly, 15 minutes off, close for 15, 30 minutes off, close for 30, 1 hour off, 3 hours+, etc. ... to get them used to room RH slowly. kinda like hardening off. RH hardening off, lol. you can also open the vents in the dome. wider and wider each time.

just don't put them under the dome to begin with and you won't have to deal with that whole wilting/hardening off thing. also it probably contributed to the rot for sure.

i root in just plain water, in a shotglass. cut is exposed in the open air from day 1. and a foot under a 13w fluro. depending on temp, works in 5-14 days. they aren't wilting when they come off the plant, and they just stay the same perkyness while chillin the shotglass of water. if any minor wilting occurs it perks back up by the next morning. do these bubble cloners have a dome? i wouldn't think you'd need it.

if you still have green cuts, i'd say re-nick the bottoms back to green, trim all dead shit off, put it back in the moist soil. i'd use new soil too, if it's been sitting under that dome all this time, it probably has some nastys growing in it. you can run the cut under cold water to get it to firm up a bit.



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
xoox great advise, and the bubble cloners do not have a dome.. its not needed.


:wave: Hi Rais! I too am sorry to hear about your clones. :badday: But I'm happy to hear that your out in the corn now as well! (watch out for The Children of the Corn! :muahaha:) I just popped in to say that I for one am learning a hell of alot from all you guys about alot of things.:respect: to all of you!
Rais, I know that you dont like pics in your thread but have seen that you dont mind a link or two. I just wanna get some input from you and some of your more experienced growers in the room. Some second opinions if you will, it would mean alot to hear you guys chime in on this.

I transplanted my plants "back into their own pots" today.
You guys can read about it here:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=93332

I dont think that my topped clones are doin to well either, but they are showin that something is def.happening in the M/F dept. I'll try to keep them alive but if they dont make it I'll know what to try differently next time thanks to all this great advice flyin around in here!
stay safe you guys!


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Hey Raistlin: Sorry about the SSH clones Bro. I hope getting more isn't going to be a problem. Keep us posted on the corn fielders. 9 ladies are gonna make a nice haul. Stay safe man. :rasta: