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raising and lowering vertical bulbs to max vert yeilds

side by side vertical systems with a light mover on the ceiling above the systems, a pulley wheel centered above each system and as the mover moves. it raises one bulb while lowering the other, and vise versa. with identical bulbs and weight this is easily achieved. ill be back with a paint drawing soon.. dont forget CC taught you this. i have never seen anyone else do this.

blue line the rails on the roof
red dots, the pulleys
grey cable or lamps wires hooked to mover motor
lamps are obviously on the ends of the cables or even their wiring.

this use of light mover can add 1' to 1.5' extra height to a single bulb vertical system. it is also great for avoiding burnt tops with stationary lamps.

hope this helps. with 6' basements where 2 stacked lights is overkill this can be the solution.


Mitch Connor

This has been running through my mind recently too! I've been really liking the vertical grows being documented and wondered why no one else makes use of this technique.

I had the same idea except using a 1000w hung vertically on a mover in a 5x10 tent. It would save an extra ballast/bulb combo, and like your design, allows for more even light coverage and reduced canopy temps.

I've never owned a mover before so I wouldn't have a clue as to how to mount a vertical bulb/cord properly though...

Anyway this is a really neat idea and I will definitely be experimenting with it down the line.


I've been doing this daily by hand.Automated would be cool.

I just adjust the heights daily at least, or 1/2 way through the light cycle if possible. I also have extra "J" hooks in ceiling so the lights can be moved length wise, and up/down.

Donno if it helps, but It seems like it would make a difference..
my lamps have never been stationary. plants tend to strech and grow for a fixed lamp.

this method is just how to set up 1 mover to use in 2 systems. along with the other benifts,.

of all methods this could be 2 heath robinson style mini verts with an extra shelf in each helping newer growers or pros hit higher yeild per watt.. is all..

good luck. ill have pics up eventually. im building up 4 vertical rooms and plan on using 4 750watt hps on movers. raising and lowering the lamp in each cylinder.

food for thought...CC


Hey CC......Saw a guy do this at a dead site several yrs back but in the same room , not like you`re showing for 2 separate areas......

Guy had 6 lights on pulleys and light movers that raised and lowered each 2 light set per mover synchronized with 3 goin up while 3 were goin down with a flat wall of shelves on all 4 walls with buncha plants.............Everything painted white and fiberglassed for waterproof......

Was pretty slick with major plant numbers from fully rooted cuts straight into the flip.......Guy called it "Wall`s of Green" and they were.......

Only problem I see with the mover between 2 rooms with false ceilings and the mover in the middle above both rooms is the hole where the socket cords raise , drop and keep from gettin caught on somethin in the process.....

I`m sure it`s dialable but light leaks also come to mind unless in totally isolated areas during lights off conditions......

Alway`s Murphy`s Law with me............If anything can go wrong , it will.......

Take care and good luck........DHF.......:ying:.....
in my case they wont be light tight between each system. just that each lamp is 360 wrapped by plants.
im planning on this again just with single lamps no more stacking and ill be keeping the 6x6 footprint but using a 750w in each insted of 1000w.

i will eventually buy dutch leach bacs. and set it up like dr happy's system. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=193366 but no rockwool, promix in gro bags and autowater drain to waste.

with the light movers and this system is where id like to get too. i try to keep my setups cheap as possible for now to keep a low loss ratio, eventually ill have to 20$ for each bac available lol.. its a big investment..


Don't know if it's been discussed here but it's been covered pretty well on other sites. Other options are using a spinning wheel cam style, or linear actuators. Those methods don't need the space that a light mover track does.

real ting

I think there is a lot of promise in a vertical light mover setup. There has been much discussion of different methods, but I've never seen anyone implement one yet.

I would totally buy a well made product that moved your bulb up and down very slowly on a timer.

I've said this elsewhere, but it would be even better if it started at the bottom, slowly moved up, stayed at the top for about 3-6 hours, then slowly moved back down to finish the day at the bottom again. This would somewhat emulate the path of the sun over the course of the day.

Lex Dysic

I like this idea a lot. Getting ready to set up some 600 vert rigs and this might be incorporated.

Nice setup....Few questions if you don't mind.....

What size pot you using?
What is the height between shelves?
Do you think its worth angling pots out towards light instead of flat shelving?

Thanks much!
Take care.

in my case they wont be light tight between each system. just that each lamp is 360 wrapped by plants.
im planning on this again just with single lamps no more stacking and ill be keeping the 6x6 footprint but using a 750w in each insted of 1000w.

i will eventually buy dutch leach bacs. and set it up like dr happy's system. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=193366 but no rockwool, promix in gro bags and autowater drain to waste.

with the light movers and this system is where id like to get too. i try to keep my setups cheap as possible for now to keep a low loss ratio, eventually ill have to 20$ for each bac available lol.. its a big investment..


I've said this elsewhere, but it would be even better if it started at the bottom, slowly moved up, stayed at the top for about 3-6 hours, then slowly moved back down to finish the day at the bottom again. This would somewhat emulate the path of the sun over the course of the day.

Why would we want to do that?
those are 1 gallon pots, about 5.5" wide. i cut all the rims off to allow more pots per row.

the shelves where about 12 inches in between each.

i dont see an advantage to angeling the shelves. in my case it would just make the pots tip because they become quite top heavy and i let my pots dry out between waterings.. but if you secure the pots i wouldnt see a disadvantage either.. other than half the pot being hard to wet completly without a shitload of run off.. flat pots absorb the water better...

but its all about preference... happy gardening..

growing is all about finding what works for you..


Active member
I was thinking of a way to simulate a vertical light mover.... my idea is 2 bulbs stacked... but on 1 ballast running 12 hours with a relay to switch power between top and bottom bulbs every 6 hours

I think this would work well and there wouldn't be any moving parts


Overkill is under-rated.
I was thinking of a way to simulate a vertical light mover.... my idea is 2 bulbs stacked... but on 1 ballast running 12 hours with a relay to switch power between top and bottom bulbs every 6 hours

I think this would work well and there wouldn't be any moving parts

There ya go! Just use a FlipBox per light, and you can have two bulbs on one ballast, one high, one low. For real giggles, install one halide and one HPS!


Active member
"i have never seen anyone else do this."

Sorry CanadianCracker, I beat you to the punch in 2005 on the Canadian RCMP shut down Overgrow.com.

Like you, I originally thought of using a light mover, up until I saw how much they cost!

So I just used an electric motor spinning an OVAL wheel and peg system... you want the lights to spend an equal amount of time in every location. I went overboard and had two Coliseums with 4kw each going up and down inside STATIONARY cool tubes.

So much vertical growing threads of mine, all wiped out in an instant... lets all smoke a bowl to Overgrow.coms memory.
sorry to hear liam.. i got 2 light movers lying around collecting dust... ill be posting up the construction parts soon...

i didnt know that it was the rcmp that shut it down.. i guess it cause the servers were in canada???

i didnt think i was the original i had just never seen it.. some people keep there tricks of the trade pretty secretive...

rep+ for having done it already...


Active member
Yeah well the RCMP took all that shit... they had to lie to get the Telewarrant, cut my two Coliseums in half, they aren't supposed to damage evidence FYI. I proved in court they lied on the warrant after an appeal, so technically they have to give everything back, plants and all (they've never given plants back, but equipment they have).. but since this was after Mayerthorpe I didn't get ANYTHING back. No criminal record or even record of being charged though... can't complain I suppose.

Then while I'm waiting for my court trial, Overgrow.com goes down!

I spent a lot of effort making the BEST threads, I literally spent days in PaintShopPro designing shit and posting it. Then I'd make my Journal grows as funny as possible... THIS IS FLUFFY, he is the destroyer of worlds! I don't know, maybe that will jog someones memory.

What's the worst part, is I technically still have all those threads and pictures.... but once I was charged, I used winRar to archive and compress everything for cold storage since I'd be on trial for a year at least, had to fly straight for awhile and all that. So out of paranoia pass-worded it and then archived and pass-worded it again. Well that fucked it all up, I lost years of research data, threads, pictures, designs.... so I got this like 5gig file that's all fucked up sitting on my desktop as a reminder that one day I'll fix it and get that shit all back.

However, that was years ago... I've moved far beyond vertical growing.... rotary my friend, that is the future.

And yeah I'm a douche and that shit is -top secret-, my ideas would fall into my competitions hands... <glares across at Vietnamese growers in BC> Those growers are all over the internet, and I don't have the bawls to run 40k in a house like they do.

EDIT> Awww hell, I'll give you one.... foilar feed via ultrasonic dry-fog to the underside of plants... with the lights on... during flowering. You can do it... cause I already am. (a lot of crops died to get it just right) sniffle.


Active member
I have barely been online the last two years, I thought I'd see how vertical grows were coming... I really like the 5gal pails coliseum, ingenius!

Anyhow...I would love to ramble all day... but I already wasted years of my life to internet addiction... and porn... that and Civilization 2,3, and 4... so hard to resist getting Civ 5. Oh, also no TV last two years.

Loll, weed is the only addiction I have room for! Plus the money... oh its just fucking awesome. Paranoia is a mofo though, I should have a gf, but 'chatty cathys' got me busted once already.

HOLY SHIT, I saved a few of my old photos to ICMAG!!! Look at my gallery...

My old original plan! Yeah... didn't quite turn out that way, two colis instead of 3, used a flood and drain table instead.

Awesome. Anyhow vertical growers... till next year!
once again sorry to hear about the shit you been thru, but like you said lucky in your bad luck non the less. i fully understand you wanting to keep your secrets.. better that way than the price of pounds being dirt..

dont stop looking for a chick thou.. youll eventually find on thats trustable... they are very few but they are out there.. but then again if your grows are happening you can more than afford a couple hoes every now and then,,, :) take care bro, hope the futur is brighter for ya..

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