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Rage against the machine's latest concert


Ganja struetu?

ST. PAUL — On Wednesday night, Republican delegates fresh off Gov. Sarah Palin’s vice presidential nomination speech at the Xcel Energy Center here formed a conga line of taxis, buses and private cars to Minneapolis, where post-convention parties were firing up. At almost the same time, a huge crowd was emptying out of the Target Center after a political show of a different sort — a concert by the band Rage Against the Machine.

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Times Topics: Rage Against the Machine
More Convention Coverage by David Carr, a k a the Carpetbagger

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Robert Stolarik for The New York Times
Protesters facing off with the police in Minneapolis.
A small fraction of those people, perhaps 200, decided to take over the intersection of First Avenue North and Seventh Street. Traffic snarled, and delegates watched in waiting traffic as riot-clad police pushed the spontaneous, vocal protest up Seventh Street. A delegate from Texas said, “Those guys, again?”

Yes, again. For two weeks straight, both in Denver and in Minneapolis, Rage Against the Machine, a rap-metal band formed in 1991 and known for its big noise and ferocious politics, formed an ad-hoc convention in opposition to both major parties. Although the band has been a significant commercial success — three of its albums in the 1990s attained multiplatinum status — radical politics have always been baked into their music.

The band members’ notoriety grew in 1996 when they tried to hang upside-down flags on their amps during a two-song set on “Saturday Night Live” — a performance that was cut short, and became something of a theme. Shortly after a concert at the Democratic convention in Los Angeles in 2000 that ended in clashes with the police, the band broke up, then reunited in 2007 at the Coachella music festival.

At both the Democratic and Republican conventions this year, Rage led marches, performed through megaphones when prevented from taking their stage, and generally agitated against the politics of convention and the conventions themselves.

None of this would be especially noteworthy — cause musicians reflexively congregate around political events — but Rage has millions of fans whose ardor has not been diminished by the band’s not putting out a record in eight years. The group’s insistent calls to action, in song and from the stage, still fall on receptive ears. Some of its hard-core fans are less prone to buying T-shirts than engaging in the kind of civil disobedience that sometimes ends in tear gas.

The Democratic convention opened with a free Rage show at the Denver Coliseum in support of Iraq Veterans Against the War, with the band’s lead singer, Zack de la Rocha, kicking into “Guerilla Radio.” “It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime,” he sang, “What better place than here?”

The building all but tipped on its side and bucked throughout the frantic, politically framed set, which included a guest spot by Wayne Kramer of the MC5, reprising the song “Kick Out the Jams” from an appearance during the mayhem of the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. When the band finished at the coliseum, most of the 9,000 people who were present followed a march led by the veterans down to the Pepsi Center.

Many contemporary musical acts have lined up behind the Democratic candidate for president, Senator Barack Obama, while the McCain campaign has put some country music firepower behind it, but Rage Against the Machine and its legions regard donkeys and elephants as the same species.

“The only difference between the two parties is marketing,” said Adam Jung, a youth organizer who was interviewed during the Rage concert in Denver. “Electing Democrats to end the war is like drinking light beer to lose weight.”

Still, Republican Party officials here and in Minneapolis this week reacted to various Rage endeavors as if a sleeper cell were in their midst. A concert sponsored by the Service Employees International Union at Harriet Island on Monday, the first day of the convention, had its permit revoked and then restored after Rage was placed first on and then off the bill.

On Tuesday a five-band protest concert was scheduled on the lawn of the State Capitol above St. Paul. Near the end of the day the four members of Rage pulled up and were immediately surrounded by the police. The band members were told that they were not going to take the stage because they were not on the bill — but there were no bands listed on the permit. And so the four members of the band walked out into the crowd, which was chanting, “Let them play!,” and someone handed them a megaphone. With the guitarist Tom Morello vocalizing instrumental interludes, Mr. de la Rocha did two songs: “Bulls on Parade” and “Killing in the Name.” The crowd surged around the band and filled in the musical gaps.

After Mr. de la Rocha suggested that the assembled police were “not afraid of four musicians from Los Angeles, they are afraid of you!,” Mr. Morello took the megaphone.

He said: “I suspect that the cops have much more in common with this band, with you people. Before this weekend is over, they may turn their batons, rubber bullets and their tear gas against us, but it is our hope that one day they turn those batons and rubber bullets and the tear gas against” the people assembled at the Xcel Center, whom he described in colorful language.

It did not turn out that way after a few of the more fleet-footed protesters began running through the streets of St. Paul. Windows were broken, chemical agents were deployed, and arrests were made.

Later that night, Mr. Morello, who like Mr. Obama is the son of a Kenyan father and a white American mother (and who went to Harvard), stood in an alley behind the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis, tuning up for a hootenanny with Billy Bragg hosted by the Minneapolis musician and writer Jim Walsh. Neither he nor the other members of the band were granting interviews, however. Mr. Morello, who performs solo as the Nightwatchman, was talking to the songwriter Ike Reilly, and said the day had been a busy one.

“When we got to the capitol, we were surrounded by cops, and they asked, ‘Are you in Rage Against the Machine?,’ ” Mr. Morello said. “And I didn’t know what the right answer was, so I just said, ‘I don’t know.’ They blocked us from even approaching the stage, saying they’d arrest us if we played. So we went into the middle of the crowd and began to improvise.”

The Rage show at the Target Center on Wednesday night was a commercial concert, not a protest rally, with proceeds going to benefit various antiwar causes, according to Mr. Morello. But the political backdrop had hardly disappeared. When the lights came up at the start of the set, the band was clad in orange jumpsuits and black hoods, with hands behind them, an image that seemed to shout “Guantánamo Bay” without ever saying the words. Still, the rhetoric from the stage was more nuanced than that of the previous shows.

“I hope you all leave peacefully, but you don’t have to be passive,” Mr. Morello said. “Don’t let anyone put their hands on you.”

Thousands took that advice, and a few took it a step further, refusing orders to disperse at Seventh Street and Second Avenue.

Arrests, a mainstay of the latest Rage shows, quickly ensued
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Non Conformist
Power to the People!!!

Power to the People!!!

Rallied around the family, with a pocket full of SHELLS!!! Right on RATM! BC


Active member
Haha, they're a bunch of hypocritical faggots. It's too bad that they didn't get beaten down by the police or at least trampled by a few police horses, that would have been some funny, ironic shit. They sell millions of records, they're on major labels and they promote themselves as being peace loving people and at the same time they preach violence, they admire mass murderers and they're lowlife lying, scum. They're hypocrites all right, just like most of the other anti-war, hypocritical faggots.

Somebody should beat the shit out of them, that would be hilarious. I am not one of those so called "peaceful" faggots so that wouldn't make me a hypocrite at all, unlike RATM, who does have a couple of catchy tunes BTW.

:joint: :wave:


"It's just a flesh wound"
greenhead said:
Haha, they're a bunch of hypocritical faggots. It's too bad that they didn't get beaten down by the police or at least trampled by a few police horses, that would have been some funny, ironic shit. They sell millions of records, they're on major labels and they promote themselves as being peace loving people and at the same time they preach violence, they admire mass murderers and they're lowlife lying, scum. They're hypocrites all right, just like most of the other anti-war, hypocritical faggots.

Somebody should beat the shit out of them, that would be hilarious. I am not one of those so called "peaceful" faggots so that wouldn't make me a hypocrite at all, unlike RATM, who does have a couple of catchy tunes BTW.

:joint: :wave:

I was just going to say that I thought their music sucks green donkey balls but you said it better.


Active member
greenhead said:
they promote themselves as being peace loving people and :joint: :wave:

hmmmm....please point me to somewhere where they ever promoted themselves as being "peace loving"....i must have missed that somehow :confused:


I was close to front row at their show in Chicago. I am pretty certain the reason they came back together was to make sure that the next President doesn't support the war.

You can look up some of the stuff they said at their first few shows. They are awesome but their words aren't very peaceful at times.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
wow Chad Stokes said that you fool
get your quotes right, and suit trying to start shit, your words were obvisouly meant to inflame... :spank:
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Active member
Sheriff Bart said:
wow Chad Stokes said that you fool
get your quotes right, and suit trying to start shit, your words were obvisouly meant to inflame... :spank:

The final words must go to Tom: "I would like to say to socialists in Britain that you are not alone. Even in the belly of the beast there are hundreds of thousands of us fighting for a just world. I feel the tide is turning. Our job in the US and Britain is to keep pushing."

Yeah, you're right, RATM are not hypocritical, anti-war, socialist faggots, I must be totally misinformed.


:joint: :wave:


Ganja struetu?
greenhead said:
Yeah, you're right, RATM are not hypocritical, anti-war, socialist faggots, I must be totally misinformed.
good that you see that, gus.

did you have a point, by the way?


Active member
here are some ZDLR quotes....i guess he is a terrible man w/ his head up his ass after all...lol

[at Coachella, 2007] "A good friend of ours once said that if the same laws were applied to U.S. Presidents as those were applied to the Nazi's during WWII, then every single one of 'em, every last rich white one of 'em, from Truman on would have been hung to death, and shot. And this current administration is no exception. They should be hung, and tried, and shot. As any war criminal should be. And the challenges that we face, they go way beyond administrations. Way beyond elections. Way Beyond every four years of pulling levers. Way beyond that, because this whole rotten system has become so vicious and cruel, that in order to sustain itself, it needs to destroy entire countries, and profit from their reconstruction, in order to survive, and that's not a system that changes every four years, it's a system that we have to break down generation after generation after generation after generation after generation. Wake up."

[at Rock the Bells, New York, 2007] "A couple of months ago, those fascist motherfuckers at the Fox News Network attempted to pin this band into a corner by suggesting that we said that the president should be assassinated. Nah, what we said was that he should be brought to trial as war criminal and hung and shot. THAT'S what we said. And we don't back away from the position because the real assassinator is Bush and Cheney and the whole administration for the lives they have destroyed here and in Iraq. They're the ones. And what they refused to air which was far more provocative in my mind and in the minds of my bandmates is this: this system has become so brutal and vicious and cruel that it needs to start wars and profit from the destruction around the world in order to survive as a world power. THAT's what we said. And we refuse not to stand up, we refuse to back down from that position not only for the poor kids who are being left out in the desert to die, but for the Iraqi youth, the Iraqi people, their families and their friends, and their youth who are standing up and resisting the U.S. occupation every day. And if we truly want to end this fucking miserable war, we have to stand up with the same force that the Iraqi youth are standing up with every day, and bring these motherfuckers to their knees. Wake up…"

[at Rock the Bells, San Bernardino, California, 2007] "Sixty-eight years ago just after World War II, they claimed they were the greatest generation.. And I'm not so sure. I'm not so sure. All the potential for greatness is in this generation right here. 'Cause I know that this fucking government took this country to war for a lie to withstand its empire and millions of you across this country said no. Stood up, and said no! And with the whole world watching, this generation here, in this country, we have to step up! We have to step up! We have to take it from the concert stage, from the crowd, and into the streets and prove that we won't let these fascists rule us any longer. This generation. Are you standing in line? Are you believing the lies? Are you bowing to the flag, you got a bullet in your head..."

[at Rock the Bells, San Francisco, California, 2007] "Every once in a while, people forget who really has power in this country. People forget who really holds power here, and you look at them helicopters coming in over the White House lawn and all the press gathered up, and all their security, and all their banks, and all their punk ass police, and you want to believe that our last powers there, up top at the center putting forth position in the world, you want to think it and you want to consider them to have the decency to look out for your best interests everyday, but for me as a mexicano I know I do not answer, that should never be the case, its never been their military, their propoganda, their machine, their punk ass police, their presidents, their politicians, its you that has power, its us that has power, and here, and here a few years ago on that day in March as Bush was taking this country to war for a lie, I stood with you here in San Francisco as you took this whole fucking city over, and I was with you, and right now the whole world is watching us, we can be the greatest generation, we can take facism out of power in the United States and if you don't think thats what it is thats exactly it. We're going to take a lot of sacrifice, a lot of jail time, maybe even a little bit of death, but I'm sure dropping a co-op onto these rich white crackers that don't know shit about the world we know cause rich in this world can go in and have nothing amount to them anymore. Wake up!""

[at Alpine Valley, 2007] "A couple of months back when we played this show at Coachella, Valley, that was our first show back, I said a few things from the stage that the next day, Fox News ran this whole piece about us saying that the President should be assassinated. But those fascists always get it wrong when it's from a band in the corner standing up. What we said was that the whole Bush Administration should be put on trial for war crimes, and then hung, and then shot. But this made me think about something: It made me think about what the fuck they're so afraid of. It made me think about what scares them. Is it really four of us from Los Angeles that have a point of view? Is it really just this music, and these rhythms, and these words? Is that what they're scared of? I started to think about it and you know, my conclusion is this: naw, they ain't scared of us. They're scared of you. They're scared of you. They're scared that you might, come election time, throw Bush, and Cheney, and all their fascists out of power. That's what they're scared of. And let me say this: that the Democrats are scared of you too, because they know that you see through their bullshit too. Because when Bush was wiretappin', spying on citizens, torturing innocent people, they were supposed to be the people to defend us from them. And they didn't do shit. So the Democrats are scared of you too. Why? Because they know they're coming to power. But they're scared because they know that if they don't fuckin' start pulling troops out of Iraq, then we're gonna go and burn down every office, of every Senator that doesn't do their jobs. All we're saying is that the world is watching us right now. The whole world is watching us. The brothers and sisters in South America that are dealing with this imperialist violence have their eyes on us. Our brothers and sisters in Iraq got their eyes on us because we are the ones who are gonna have to put an end to this nonsense. So wake up! Come on, wake up! Wake up..."

"It is important for me, as a popular artist, to make clear to the governments of the United States and Mexico that despite the strategy of fear and intimidation to foreigners, despite their weapons, despite their immigration laws and military reserves, they will never be able to isolate the Zapatista communities from the people in the United States."

"America touts itself as the land of the free, but the number one freedom that you and I have is the freedom to enter into a subservient role in the workplace. Once you exercise this freedom you've lost all control over what you do, what is produced, and how it is produced. And in the end, the product doesn't belong to you. The only way you can avoid bosses and jobs is if you don't care about making a living. Which leads to the second freedom: the freedom to starve."

[At the Grand Olympic Auditorium, September 13 2000 - the last RATM show before their 2007 reunion] "So who went out and joined us for the Democratic National Convention? I've never seen so many fucking cops in my whole life. It's like everybody knows when everybody went out there, the only thing we were out there to do is express how much we hate both the Democrats and Republicans because they sold this fucking country out. And by expressing our rights to resist, what do they do?...they open fire on the crowd. I don't care what fucking television station said the violence was caused by the people at the concert, those motherfuckers unloaded on this crowd. And I think it's ridiculous, considering none of us had rubber bullets, none of us had M16s, none of us had billy clubs, none of us had face shields. All we had was our fists, our voices, our microphones, our guitars, our drums, and anytime we get beaten in the streets for protesting, we take it to the court system, and the court system don't wanna hear it. Look what happened to Amadou Diallo in New York, they shot that brother 41 times and let all four officers go. It's time for a new type of action in this country."

"We were witnesses to that. We saw how the soldiers burned and razed the fields, threw the children out of schools, and turned the schools into barracks... And each time we became more familiar with the Zapatistas form of organization, communal work and cooperation. And I realized that the motives behind the militarization were to break down the community, to keep the people from organizing in an autonomous manner in order to overcome poverty and isolation."

"I'm in this band to give volume to various struggles throughout the world. To me, the tension in this band is a minimal sacrifice."

"One of the great things about young people is that they do question, that they do care deeply about justice, and that they have open minds."

"If today I had a young mind to direct, to start on the journey of life, and I was faced with the duty of choosing between the natural way of my forefathers and that of the... present way of civilization, I would, for its welfare, unhesitatingly set that child's feet in the path of my forefathers. I would raise him to be an Indian!"

"You can't ignore what some bands have done. I know that from my own experience, from the way my life was changed by 'Fuck Armageddon, This Is Hell' by Bad Religion. I know our record will be in a bin next to Lionel Richie--but so are John Coltrane, KRS-1 and Boogie Down Productions, and Public Enemy."

"Lies, sanctions, and cruise missiles have never created a free and just society. Only everyday people can do that, which is why I'm joining the millions worldwide who have stood up to oppose the Bush administration's attempt to expand the US empire at the expense of human rights at home and abroad. In this spirit, I'm releasing this song for anyone who is willing to listen. I hope it not only makes us think, but also inspires us to act and raise our voices."

"He has the nerve to call us violent when last year there were 80,000 cases of police brutality filed against departments all over the country this sheriff pig is poppin' off, poppin'off about how we're violent. Well, shit, he belongs to the most violent gang in US history." [Referring to a Sheriff who tried to get a concert banned]

"This next song goes out to those who still believe that there is an american dream. And still believe that within that dream there is something called freedom. It is time to fucking wake up, and begin to truly think for ourselves, and find new sources of information... otherwise - things like what's happening in the persian gulf with continue. They will be able to make decisions for you, unless you fucking wake up, and take that veil of complacence from your eyes, and fucking begin to remove the bullet from your head." [Said before performing Bullet in the Head]

"We've got to regain knowledge again, and we've got to regain an understanding again, of who we are. Not just those chosen to fuel systems, but individuals who have the power to criticize and analyze, and attack injustice when it becomes prevalent and apparent in front of our faces like it is in ours right now. We've been all put to sleep. Put to sleep to a system. A system that continues to perpetrate ignorance amongst our spirit and amongst our minds. One that wants you not to act. A system that would rather see all of you at that bar drinking beer filling your minds being put to sleep with beer or with drugs rather than acting against it and fighting a system which has been perpetrating imperialist lies and other fucking bullshit for five hundred years. So fuckin drink up or fuckin wake up. You're part of the solution or you're part of the fuckin problem. I am sick and tired of my own complacence in my life and I know I'm fuckin sick of yours. So wake up and stop fuckin sleeping. Wake Up."

"Brothers and sisters, our democracy has been hijacked. Brothers and sisters, all electoral freedoms in this country are over so long as it's controlled by corporations. Brothers and sisters, we are not going to allow these streets to be taken over by the Democrats or the Republicans. Because it's all of us who have built this city, and we can tear it down unless they give us what we need."


Active member
while were at it sum lyrics:


"We're already dead.."
(Heard in "Tire Me" 1996)

"They say jump and you say how high, ya brain dead, you gotta fucking bullet in ya head!!!"
(Heard in "Bullet in the Head" 1992)

"Fear is your only God."
(Heard in "Vietnow" 1996)

"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses"
(Heard in "Killing in the Name" 1992)

"Wake up!"
(Heard in "Wake Up" 1992)

"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!"
(Heard in "Killing in the Name" 1992)

"Burn! Burn! Yes, you're gonna burn!"
(Heard in "Bombtrack" 1992)

"Your anger is a gift"
(Heard in "Freedom" 1992)

"Freedom! Yeah! Freedom! Yeah, right!"
(Heard in "Freedom" 1992)

"Blood is born, Fight the war, fuck the norm!"
(Heard in "Know Your Enemy" 1992)

"See through the news and the views that twist reality"
(Heard in "Bombtrack" 1992)

"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses"
(Heard in "Killing in the Name" 1992)

"Some of those that burn crosses, are the same that hold office"
(Heard occasionaly in live performances of "Killing in the Name")

"See right through the red, white and blue disguise"
(Heard in "Take the Power Back" 1992)

"A jail cell is freedom from the pain in my home"
(Heard in "Settle for Nothing" 1992)

"If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face"
(Heard in "Settle for Nothing" 1992)

"No escape from the mass mind rape. Play it again jack and then rewind the tape"
(Heard in "Bullet in the Head" 1992)

"Yes I know my enemies. They're the teachers who taught me to fight me, compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission, ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite, all of which are American dreams."
(Heard in "Know Your Enemy" 1992)

"They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em"
(Heard in "Bulls on Parade" 1996)

"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!"
(Heard in "Killing in the Name" 1992)

"I'll rip the mic, rip the stage, rip the system. I was born to rage against 'em"
(Heard in "Know Your Enemy" 1992)

"The D the E the F the I the A the N C the E, the Mind of a revolutionary."
(Heard in "Know Your Enemy" 1992)

"They rally 'round the family! With a pocket full of shells."
(Heard in "Bulls on Parade" 1996)

"There be no shelter here! The frontline, is everywhere."
(Heard in "No Shelter" 1998)

"What? The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy"
(Heard in "Know Your Enemy" 1992)

"You know they went after King when he spoke out on Vietnam. He turned the power to the have-nots. And then came the shot"
(Heard in "Wake Up" 1992)

"You know they murdered X and tried to blame it on Islam. He turned the power to the have-nots. And then came the shot"
(Heard in "Wake Up" 1992)

"Rep the stutter step then bomb a left upon the fascists"
(Heard in "Wake Up" 1992)

"When ignorance reigns, life is lost"
(Heard in "Township Rebellion" 1992)

"The structure is set ya never change it with a ballot pull"
(Heard in "Down Rodeo" 1996)

"It's my life for their life so call it a free trade"
"NAFTA comin' with the new disaster"
(Heard in "Wind Below" 1996)

"'Cause I'm cell locked in the doctrines of the right. Enslaved by dogma, talk about my birthrights"
(Heard in "Year of Tha Boomerang" 1996)

"Aw, power to tha people, 'Cause the bosses right to live is mine to die"
(Heard in "Year of Tha Boomerang" 1996)

"So now I'm rollin' down Rodeo wit a shotgun, These people ain't seen a brown skin man, Since their grandparents bought one"
(Heard in "Down Rodeo" 1996)

"Made the masses of mastadons a path to trample the fascists on."
(Heard in "Voice of the Voiceless" 1999)

"His thoughts like a hundred moths, trapped in a lampshade."
(Heard in "Born of a Broken Man" 1999)

"Every official that comes in, cripples us, leaves us maimed, silent and tame, and with our flesh and bones he builds his homes."
(Heard in "War Within A Breath" 1999)

" Weapons not food, not homes not shoes, Not need just feed the war cannibal animal..."
(Heard in "Bulls on Parade" 1996)

"Let the riot be the rhyme of the unheard"
(Heard in "Calm Like A Bomb" 1999)

"Their existence is a crime, Their seat, their robe, their tie, Their land deeds, Their hired guns, They're the crime!
(Heard in "War Within A Breath" 1999)

"You see the powerful got nervous, cause he refused to be their servant, and he spit truths, that burnt like black churches
(Heard in "Voice of the Voiceless" 1999)

"More for Gore, or the son of a drug lord? None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord"
(Heard in "Guerilla Radio" 1999)

"Long as the rope is tied around Mumia's neck, let there be no rich white life we bound to respect, cause and effect, can't ya smell tha smoke in tha breeze, my panther, my brother we are at war until you're free"
(Heard in "Voice of the Voiceless" 1999)

"A mass of promises

Begin to rupture

Like the pockets

Of the new world kings

Like swollen stomachs

In Appalachia

It's the priests that fuck you

As they whisper holy things

A mass of tears have transformed to stones now

Sharpened on suffering

And woven into slings

Hope lies in the rubble of this rich fortress

Taking today what tomorrow never brings"
"The camera's eye on choice disguised

Was it cast for the mass who burn and toil?

Or for the vultures who thirst for blood and oil?"
"It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here? What better time than now?"
"Hoover, he was a body remover

I'll give ya a dose

But it can never come close

To the rage built up inside of me

Fist in the air in the land of hypocrisy"
"With this mic device

I spit nonfiction

Who got tha power

This be my question

Tha mass of the few

In this torn nation?

The priest, the book, or the congregation?

The politricks who rob and hold down your zone?
Or those who give tha thieves tha key to their homes?

The pig who's free to murder one, shucklak [sound of pump action shotgun]

Or survivors who make a move and murder one back?"

"Mass graves for the pump and the price is set"
"What was the price on his head?"
"Ya standin' in line, believin' the lies, ya bowin' down to the flag? Ya gotta bullet in ya head"
From "Testify"

"Who controls the past now controls the future

Who controls the present now controls the past

Who controls the past now controls the future

Who controls the present now?"

(Taken from George Orwell's 1984)
"Is all the world jails and churches?"
"Shutdown the devil sound"
"One God, one market, one truth, one consumer"
"The world is my expense, the crux of my desire."
"I am the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria,

The noose and the rapist, the fields overseer,

The agents, of Orange, the priests of Hiroshima,

The crux of my desire, sleep now in the fire!"

"Ignorance has taken over, we gotta take the power back!"
"Ain't it funny how the factories doors close, 'round the time that the school doors close"
Taken from No Shelter
"Coca-Cola was flowing in the veins of Saigon

and Rambo too.

We got a dope pair of Nikes on."
"Ghost of progress,

Dressed in slow death"
"I'm deep inside your children, who betray you in my name!"


RAGE is so damn raw its killer. Guitar, bass, & drums recorded "live" in a room... and Tom Morello is the master of being able to coax crazy shit out of his simple gear.
Those dudes are bad man.


I used to like RATM when I was in middle schoool. Now though, I realize that they have no power, have no influence and have no real potential to change anything. People that subscribe to radical principles and conspiracy theories don't MAKE IT in the REAL world. They just live in their own created world. You can reform America and society, but acting like America isn't looking out for its interests and the interests of its people in SOME respect is just stupid. America was never hijacked, democracy has been less than ideal from the start, but it's far better than authoritarianism. These guys preach that America is such a bad place, well poor ass idiots in the Ghettos make it a bad place for themselves by acting like they are so hard and gangster and shooting each other. They will never have the security that rational people want. Besides that, RATM should go play their music in other countries like China and Russia where authoritarianism is a real threat and democracy is nonexistant. America needs less fixing than many other states in the world--including many nations in Africa.