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Race to legalization... who wins?


With more states approving medical use which state will pave the way to full blown legalization?

Many probably believe california but looking at their existing laws I dont think so as their are other states more pot-friendly. Maine seems to be the most pot-friendly state that I've found so far and with a full-blown legalization bill set for Nov. ballot.... could it be? Land is still cheap in maine. A 100k house in many parts in Maine would cost $150k to $200k in nearby states.

I'm getting a sense of migration. :woohoo:


Active member
ICMag Donor
With more states approving medical use which state will pave the way to full blown legalization?

Many probably believe california but looking at their existing laws I dont think so as their are other states more pot-friendly. Maine seems to be the most pot-friendly state that I've found so far and with a full-blown legalization bill set for Nov. ballot.... could it be? Land is still cheap in maine. A 100k house in many parts in Maine would cost $150k to $200k in nearby states.

I'm getting a sense of migration. :woohoo:
There is no legalization bill proposed in Maine, only authorizing dispensaries and patient card registration.

As for cheap property...there is sorta. Most of the cheap land is cheap for a reason. Do a quick property search online (Remax or Coldwell) and you will see why.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
If you are talking pot friendly, I'd say Alaska wins hands down. Because their state constitution guarantees a right to privacy, personal possession of up to 4 oz and up to 25 plants is completely legal there. Ohio is pretty friendly to smokers too, with possession or cultivation up to 100 g only a $100 fine.


If you are talking pot friendly, I'd say Alaska wins hands down. Because their state constitution guarantees a right to privacy, personal possession of up to 4 oz and up to 25 plants is completely legal there. Ohio is pretty friendly to smokers too, with possession or cultivation up to 100 g only a $100 fine.

More than 4 oz, or 25 or more plants , we have a relative up there in Alaska who grows his own and says they walk on egg shells up there. Not so freindly in the community as you think.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I think it will be nevada. weed is gonna save las veagas's ass in this time of harsh econemy,

casinos arnt doing so well. Casinos are f'in pathetic anyways. money pits


Registered Pothead
Never will anything be fully legalized because if your government can tax it it is therefore not legal. Anything with stipulations or regualations is decriminalization not legalization.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^everything is taxed. Coca-Cola, laundry soap, and paper clips are fully legal and are taxed. So are you saying, that all taxed products are only decriminalized? Not quite sure on that one :)

We all win, no matter what state is first. It will be hilarious if it is a small state that legalizes first. We could overgrow a whole state


Registered Pothead
^everything is taxed. Coca-Cola, laundry soap, and paper clips are fully legal and are taxed. So are you saying, that all taxed products are only decriminalized? Not quite sure on that one :)

We all win, no matter what state is first. It will be hilarious if it is a small state that legalizes first. We could overgrow a whole state
Yeah i am finally coming to the conclusion that if money is involved, everything is illegal if some greater entity doesnt get there cut.


Active member
Today I went to buy a pouch of tobacco. They wanted $12 for the 1/4oz pouch. Since the feds tax tobacco at $24 an ounce that means $8 of that was in federal excise tax alone. Really the federal government is the one cashing in while everyone else pays up because we are bad evil tobacco smokers and must be punished. Well that pissed me off enough that in addition to cannabis looks like nicotiana genus plants are going to be cultivated in my backyard too. Well fucking christ almighty bad enough to DEA hates me, now I can add the ATF to the list...




Blue Dot

Today I went to buy a pouch of tobacco. They wanted $12 for the 1/4oz pouch. Since the feds tax tobacco at $24 an ounce that means $8 of that was in federal excise tax alone.

So that means tobacco farmers are able to produce and bring to market a plant product similar to MJ at a whopping $4.00 a 1/4oz.

So you're saying that the difference between that $4.00 and the $100.00 1/4oz that the dispensaries sells their MMJ at is due to what exaclty??

People on here say cost of production but $4.00 compared to $100, doesn't really add up (so that can't be it).

Some say because it's illegal but a $96 1/4 oz difference to cover legal fees? H'mm, doesn't really add up (so that can't be it).

Lets face it, if pot were as legal as MJ there is no reason to believe it couldn't be produced and brought to market at $4.00 per 1/4 oz while the producers still made profit. I mean the tobacco companies are still making profit at even $4.00 1/4 oz.

I bet you wish you hadn't even brought up those tobacco prices now, huh freedomfghter. lol

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ try not paying your taxes at all, and see how free you stay. You have to buy your freedom basically. If you refuse to play the game they will jail you if they catch you. At the same time though, if my house starts on fire, or is robbed then I have help from my government.

I think we should set up two experimental cities. one democratic socialism, and one with 100% capitalism. In one everything would be done by government with taxes, and the other all infastructure would be built by the private sector. The basic laws would be the same as the constitution. Then we can see a fresh example of which works better.

honestly we should have the choice of which style state we want to live in. It is ok to have 2 fundamentally different state governments inside one larger nation. These choices are freedom, and could assure a place for all to be happy. America has steered from that, by having less states rights. Now it seems to be this big half assed mess of 2 different agendas

I hope obama will bring back some states rights, as he says he wants to.

To bring this back on topic. weed tax should be voted on at a state level, and the federal government should not tax it, unless agreed upon by the state's people
Today I went to buy a pouch of tobacco. They wanted $12 for the 1/4oz pouch. Since the feds tax tobacco at $24 an ounce that means $8 of that was in federal excise tax alone. Really the federal government is the one cashing in while everyone else pays up because we are bad evil tobacco smokers and must be punished. Well that pissed me off enough that in addition to cannabis looks like nicotiana genus plants are going to be cultivated in my backyard too. Well fucking christ almighty bad enough to DEA hates me, now I can add the ATF to the list...




I agree.....but I'd still rather pay a tax then literally give up my freedom. In the end, its just money, thats a big fucking difference from ending up behind bars.

I really do agree, its fucked up the government is a money grubbing whore.

So heres a question for you, if your not in favor of legalization based upon the incentive of taxation, what are you in favor of?


Patient Grower
The difference between tobacco and cannabis production are economies of scale. If tobacco growers had to deal with the same issues cannabis growers do the price would be similar. It was the profit motive combined with competition that brings you $16 ounce tobacco. It is why being in favor of limiting supply and eliminating the profit motive is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Let people grow, let them get paid and you'll likely see $16 an ounce cannabis. OK, ok, $16 an ounce before the $84 an ounce in taxes make it $100/ounce.

No Blue Dot, there's no reason why cannabis couldn't be comparable to tobacco in price. But you're position repeated over and over here works directly against your stated goals.

Blue Dot

OK, ok, $16 an ounce before the $84 an ounce in taxes make it $100/ounce.

Dispensaries ADD on their 8.75% sales tax to the $100 for the grand total, quite unlike the tobacco profiteers. Can you imagine how much a dispensary would charge with a federal excise tax? lol

Who would have thought the evil tobacco profiteers were/are more NOBEL then hippy-dippy pot growers?

It's not working folks, lets bring this mindset back to the 60's.
Free love AND free Pot.

Capitalism cannot buy you happiness. Wake up.
^ try not paying your taxes at all, and see hoe free you stay. You have to buy your freedom basically. If you refuse to play the game they will jail you if they catch you. At the same time though, if my house starts on fire, or is robbed then I have help from my government.

unless when they come to "help" you your growing weed, then theyll fuck you harder then if you didnt pay your taxes ^^


Active member
So heres a question for you, if your not in favor of legalization based upon the incentive of taxation, what are you in favor of?

The complete removal of any criminal/social penalties associated with cannabis and it's related products. Free Market Marijuana to be honest. I believe it should be on the same legal and tax level as buying lumber from Home Depot, or a ream of paper from an office supply store. Reasonable and expected taxes that EVERY product/company is require to pay is fair, nothing more nothing less.

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