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Qx2: Mounting and voltage


Damn, that looks alot better... I've never seen those, but I'm actually on my way to the plumber-store right now, so let's see if they have those... thanks!
Many shapes




Hm, okay so I've got the leds in front of me and the fitting I posted does not have enough flat surface. They did have something similar to the ones luvdemshrooms posted, but it was 40$ a piece. And I would need 7 of them...

Is chromed brass fittings an option? That would give me a bigger selection.
$40? Someone has a twisted idea of what they are worth.

Amazon gets $5 for the last one I posted.

$40. :noway:

edit: Chromed brass will work just fine.


Yeah, 40$ is crazy. The fittings I posted was about 10$. That's what happens when the national economy is doing good. You should try our beer, costs an arm and a small relative. Crazy. I'm currently looking around ebay to find something useful, I see there is alot of "free-shipping" going on, which is a good thing when ordering brass from china. Thanks for your help by the way, much appreciated!
I just looked on ebay. (5) pack of brass T's for $15

Helpful hint for search term: brass fittings extruded

If I was going to do this (and I'm feeling inspired), I might use the brass elbows and T's with nylon barbed fittings and clear plastic hose. You could even use food coloring if that floats your boat.

You could bond the fittings to an aluminum plate (or wood) as there is no real strain on the fittings.


Clear plastic tubing is a part of the setup and I've got lots of it. Very flexible kind. Food coloring definitely floats, awesome idea. I'm gonna wait till monday before ordering anything, so I can check out another plumber-store first. The internet is fast, but the mail is slow. Patience low. urge to grow: high.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
this place has alot of fittings..

man, I don't even want to start thinking of a watercooled project... too little time

here also might be some inspiration for you


Organic LED Grower
In my opinion, the water cooling for LEDs it's a step behind and lost of time (but fun to build for a hobbist/DIY kind of guy - and that includes me also :biggrin: ), increasing operational and maintenance cost. This days we are see more and more efficient LEDs on the market, with less energy lost as heat and more light output from the same wattage. Who knows what tomorrow will bring on the LED market ?



Thanks for the links, habeeb. It kind of didn't occur to me to check out other people's water DIYs... That's a glitch on my part, but I haven't gotten the needed parts yet so there's still time to check it out.

hempfield, I guess you're right about the heatsink issue. The reason I'm doing this project is simply because I had the pipes laying around and needed a heatsink. It's also a cool thing to do, as you mentioned;) Seems like leds are going to take over the whole market in the future, as they seem to be able to do everything any other lamp does, but with higher efficiency. Sounds promising, right?


Update time:

This is what the rig looks like before everything is mounted. I got tired of looking for the perfect parts, so I just wound up with what you see here. the four sides are approx. a foot each.

I also have an aquarium pump to go between the "radiator" and the pipes.

SO, my big question is: will this work?

I'm hoping for a "yes, no problem" but I'm not sure how much heat these leds will generate. I've got 6x10w to mount on this rig.

3x10w to mount on the cpu heatsink w. fan I posted earlier.

So, any feedback would be great.


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