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Quiz: do u know what this is?

oh shit, who the fuck are you?

That's some CIA shit... Operative Falcon, is that you? Brown Eagle here!

haha. seriously... that's scary.


I reckon they have discovered a few of them already. Who knows what they get up to eh? The military would love some sort of drug which could incapacitate whole nations surreptitiously.

I swear they use that one that stops you from working on me cos I fucking hate work and am totally useless at any poxy job I get. The only thing I can be bothered to do is grow weed and get stoned!


Weedman Herb

They really do want us to be robot like automatons. I knew it ... this shit is starting to lack solidity ... the flow is runny I repeat the flow is Runny ...



Active member
is this MKUltra? ha ha those fucks tried LSD for mind control.

they should try a mixture of atropine and something else if they were smart.

It just makes me think, what if certain chemicals affect people, and what if the government just puts chemicals in our shit. Well our drinking water already has bad stuff in it. 25% of the US is infected with Toxoplasmosis gondii, so if a chemical was shown to exponentiate the numbers of that in a person, it would affect them more.

they get us through the TV also.


devilgoob said:
they get us through the TV also.

who is THEY? don't sound like a paranoid schizo dude. Corporations create advertisements, which plague television...and programs on tv are changed to create more ratings which means more advertising money. While i agree constant advertisement ruins creativity and corrupts the mind...don't think it's the government that's doing it


Active member
"they" have invented a way of making stoners shit themselves^without ever comming in contact with them.
Brown Eagle, confirming identity of Devilgoob, confirm, that is Delta Echo Victor India Lima Golf Oscar Oscar Bravo. Please confirm coordinates and fire mind control ray at will. If suspect resists, terminate. I repeat, terminate, under direct executive command.



lover of all things hashlike
they is treatin us good... we all chillin' n shit... i wanna give a shout out to ray ray and lil sis...


alot of the phenotypes i keep as mothers affect you in the way described in that list. though im still searching for the grail....#11

Don Cotyle

inadvertantly speaking I understand the implications your trying to explicantly verbalize