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Quitting the puff...


ICMag Donor
I don't think that I have ever considered myself addicted to any substance. I have always believed that my mind is more powerful than my body. I guess I view this as my body sending a signal for a acquired need...and the brain not instantly going....now, now,now. But rather being conciously aware of the difference between a physical dependency and a mental one.

HOWEVER....just out of personal reasons, I have decided to take a break from the herb...after all, it is possible to abuse any medicine....just to reground myself. But let me tell you....my brain is fine and knows I am okay...but my body not so much....it is now like 72 hours since my last puff...and I FEEL IT. :wallbash:

And my buddy just called me like at hour 55 or so (not counting or anything ahhaha)

"MAN, really...I just quit kinda for a bit."
......."oh, WELL blah blah blah KUSH, blah blah blah KUSH, KUSH, blah, KUSH."

That was about all I could hear at that point. :laughing:

Anyone else care to discuss periods of times where they decided not to smoke and what they thought/felt/delt with?
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I've stopped before for days or sometimes weeks at a time. I liked the feeling of being Cannabis-free for a while, but I did miss those evenings in with a movie on and a joint in my hand.

When I quit cigarettes I had the most trouble. Friends would smoke in front of me to make me want another because apparently one more won't kill me, but I promised it would kill them if they did it again so I managed to quit successfully cold turkey after not too many problems.

Cannabis, as I said before, I've quit for short periods of time. Some of my friends wanted me to start again, but I had no intention of permanently quitting the herb so nobody really minded or tried getting me to toke up until my period of sobriety was over. I have to admit though, living without the herb for a short while isn't as bad as it seems, and I could remember to take the keys out of my bike before leaving it in a public place for hours at a time!


the first 3 weeks are the hardest , but you will be rewarded with LOW tolerance.


I quit cannabis for 15 years, ending about 6 months ago.

I tried to quit alcohol, only made it 5 months. Been a daily, moderate drinker for years -- 3-6 beers a day. Not too excessive, but rarely do I skip a day...

I never missed the cannabis, not until the last year or two. That's when I realized that alcohol was essentially negative, at least for me. I remembered that I had thought of cannabis as being negative, but couldn't remember exactly why. Too stoned to deal with the world? Sapped away my energy and motivation? I wondered if I was confusing the effects of cannabis with excessive consumption of whiskey, since I also quit that at the same time (just beer since then).

I'm glad I returned to this wonderful plant. As my supply increases, my alcohol consumption decreases, and I'm overall a happier person. Life is Good Again.

But hey, that's just me...


yes i drink a lot more with no weed, its the cure for alcoholism !!!


Posted last summer by 'Storm Crow':

Role of cannabinoid receptors in alcohol abuse

Cannabidiol, Antioxidants, and Diuretics in Reversing Binge Ethanol-Induced Neurotoxicity

Cannabis substitution

Cannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol


ICMag Donor
wow...thanks guys for the stories.

I love my herb. Yeah, I drInk, but don't really care for it. I would still drink for periods; like I'll drink a 40+/- every night for 3 weeks, then not drink for a couple of months. I can drink all night long till my guts hurt from the booze. To get actaully intoxicated, I gotta buy the 151, AND that CAN'T be healthy to down 1/2 a pint a night. I actually dumpped all my booze at the same time I quit the herb. GOING CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN for a bit.

BUT YES....I ALWAYS DID DRINK MORE WHEN I QUIT SMOKING!!! so both out the window together....I feel like I am being mean to myself...lol...but I know better.

I have just kinda locked myself inside my house and am just gonna hole up here for a bit until I am kosher and not being a bloody prick to everyone....!!!!!
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ICMag Donor
bagseed77 said:
the first 3 weeks are the hardest , but you will be rewarded with LOW tolerance.

lol...I usually just quit smoking the dank and go to some mids for a week then back to dank if I wanna drop tolerance...lol

HOWEVER...this is something I have yet to really think about....:cuss:
Makes me think how nice it will be to toke again...and actually only NEED a one hitter.
I quit for about 8 months while on felony probation. It was so incredibly hard the first week or so, because

1. It wasn't a choice and I really wanted to get high

2. My roommate at the time did his best not to tempt me, but I felt like thats all he was doing. Which obviously made me crave.

I actually didn't start drinking more frequently than I already was, but I did begin to smoke cigarettes. I have quit smoking cigarettes on a few occasions and I actually find it similar to weed. Once you get past the first few days and your body adjusts it isn't all that hard unless your are being tempted daily. The biggest thing I had to deal with was insomnia. Without dank weed I had a lot of trouble getting tired.

What it comes down to is how bad you want it. I had jail time as motivation (which worked quite well), so it wasn't that hard. You just have to find that motivation and really want it.


I ran out along time ago and couldn't find any because of the cops busting people and I was one ill asshole I was just pissed at the world, I hope you do what ever it is you want to accomplish. peace:


joined the army in 85...i left the base after 5 days and got cigs, liquor, a hooker, and pot. those 5 days sux. no pee test in there.

prison was about the same, but gaurds would bring it in or someones old lady.

i was on parole and probation. chiefin like chong the whole time.

the longest i been w/o saw 2 summers ago 4 about 2 weeks. had just moved to SC and knew no one. we MOVED and started growing again. aint looked back.

im alchy. w/o pot im DRUNK...gotta dull the pain...


Active member
i have quite for extended periods with no problem, not very often but i have done it. I, personally have been addicted to opiates, and know the hell of that, so i do not think being addicted to herb is a big deal nor would i feel any symptoms along the lines of opiate detox (worst episode ever!!!!), but we are all diff. look at the dumb bitch on celeb. rehab she is on there for weed.
" i sucked dick for coke, you ever suck dick for some weed" - that about sums it up!

sorry i can't share my experience strength and hope about kickin weed but if anyone need help with anything more i am more then happy to help! Stay off the real shit it is straight up horrible!


ICMag Donor
WELL...just to clear things up.

I am not trying to break an addiction...just taking a break from something that I really enjoy in order to remind myself that there are other things that I also enjoy. It is weird how when you smoke blunts and other small tokes to re-peak (pipe, bongs, steam rollers..whatever it may be) how much numbness (mental and physcial) you can create without intending or realizing it. I know that my tolerance was through the roof, to the point where I never felt "high" anymore, just kinda a return back to normal feeling;....even my buddies know me and ganja are like one in the same....never see one without the other. I think it has been harder and more tragic/shocking on them sometimes by the way they respond...mystified, kinda like the universe has been set off balance. lol

BUT...still going strong, starting day 6 and still feeling a bit different every day. In some ways it feels like a fog is being lifted from my mind; kinda like waking up after a dream and trying to remember what happened, yet feeling it slip away and not really making much sense like it did when you were just asleep 20 seconds ago. Is that at all coherent?

However, I can also say I have had brief moments of, "Man, I was better at this while stoned..."

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ive smoked pretty much everyday for the last... uh goin on 10 years actually. ive had a few times where i dont smoke for like a week or so... all it is for me is sleep- its hard to fall asleep without bud. that and my chronic pains become pms'in pains.