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quitting smoking

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
From wikipedia.

"Women who use nicotine gum and patches during the early stages of pregnancy face an increased risk of having babies with birth defects, says a study that looked at about 77,000 pregnant women in Denmark. The study found that women who use nicotine-replacement therapy in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy have a 60 percent greater risk of having babies with birth defects, compared to women who are non-smokers, the Daily Mail reported. The findings were published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology."

Nicotine causes birth defects in animals. Typically, when that happens in rats and pigs and monkeys, it will usually happen to people as well.

I see you don't intend to use the patch or gum, but I believe that study lends weight to the idea that the animal results will carry over to humans in some way.

So yeah, do you *really* want it on your mind that it could be your fault if the child is born autistic or fucked up in some other way?

I know this isn't much of a "trick" but sometimes you just have to be honest about the potential consequences. So I suppose the trick here is, when you want to smoke, think about your child being born blind, deaf, autistic or even worse. Moreover, if we get cancer or something because we smoke cigs, so be it, our bodies our choice kinda thing, but rolling the dice with another life is morally wrong.

Food for thought.

Good luck with your pregnancy and congratulations!


i quit smoking around this time last year (i've had 2 packs since then...eddie.saw is a bad influence on me lmao) and this is the first time in 10 years where i didn't get that hideous cough in the winter...such a relief :joint:


i have never OFFERED you a cigarette, either you ask or just get around me and automatically think you need to smoke, damn finger pointer! lol

I do think you have the best point though, i mean i've been telling myself the same thing about the money and killing myself but god damn if i go into a gas station without buying a pack.

Good luck KK!


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
From wikipedia.

"Women who use nicotine gum and patches during the early stages of pregnancy face an increased risk of having babies with birth defects, says a study that looked at about 77,000 pregnant women in Denmark. The study found that women who use nicotine-replacement therapy in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy have a 60 percent greater risk of having babies with birth defects, compared to women who are non-smokers, the Daily Mail reported. The findings were published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology."

Nicotine causes birth defects in animals. Typically, when that happens in rats and pigs and monkeys, it will usually happen to people as well.

I see you don't intend to use the patch or gum, but I believe that study lends weight to the idea that the animal results will carry over to humans in some way.

So yeah, do you *really* want it on your mind that it could be your fault if the child is born autistic or fucked up in some other way?

I know this isn't much of a "trick" but sometimes you just have to be honest about the potential consequences. So I suppose the trick here is, when you want to smoke, think about your child being born blind, deaf, autistic or even worse. Moreover, if we get cancer or something because we smoke cigs, so be it, our bodies our choice kinda thing, but rolling the dice with another life is morally wrong.

Food for thought.

Good luck with your pregnancy and congratulations!
I appreciate your input, but like I said.. Im quitting! lol


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
"Greetings and welcome. Welcome to the best game in town. Stopping smoking."

Subliminal Stopping Smoking Tape. I guess CD these days. Lowers the urge to smoke and aids in preventing weight gain. In fact you may even lose weight.

Yes I've tried it, yes I cut back on smoking which was also part of the plan. As you feel the urge to smoke less often. Side B had the same message, but what you hear are the sounds of the Ocean. No fog horns...


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
oh yea.. vaping is nice...I notice when I smoke weed tho usually I dont smoke nearly as many cigarettes than when Im out.. honestly I know its boredom..


Cold Turkey

You either want to stop or you don't. Near 15 yrs a smoker, now just the smell upsets the stomach. Supplement with some cannabis makes it easier. If you want a smoke, toke a jay. Some people say smoking a jay or something then they want a cig even more. If it helps pick up a cig rolling machine and fill with cannabis instead. Sometimes the mental and psysiological addiction to the motions, shape and size of the cig in your hands can play a huge role.

Main think is if you are convinced to quit you will, until you do you are just bullshitting yourself. The cig rolling machine with canna is a good tip I think can be useful, not everyone has cold turkey in them? Do you?

I think you do, strong miinded girl like yourself. Now with others to think about, I see you quitting cigs saving money and buying more seeds and grow gear with all the money saved. Then a kickass story to help other people quit smoking like you did.

What are you waiting for toke that spliff, toss that pack, then get a pack of beans. Toke toke buubble.....

If you can't get a 400 vape there are cheaper alternatives, also making edibles can help. Though if you are preg. I would not advise edibles unless you already know your dose, edibles can sneak up on you.


sunshine in a bag
I think the best way is to just go cold turkey also.

and it is totally psychological for a lot of people. my mom comes by my work and grabs handfuls of coffee stirrers (along with a free red eye) and says she actually... chews on them. like she just chews on plastic coffee stirrers because she wants to smoke a cigarette so bad.

I've been thinking about quitting.
maybe I will.
After I put this one out, of course.


So many years of hand to mouth is hard to unlearn, but you have a man so maybe he has some ideas???

LOL that was sooooo bad! no disrespect I am comedy today =)


kk,I bet I have quit 100s of times... just keep quitting. One thing that helped me was to put the $$ for smokes each day in a jar,and man was I shocked to see how much $$ I was spending. Hell I can spend it on weed instead!


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
lmao I love your train of thinking mary.. I should do that.. put the 5 bucks in my stashaway per day thats freaking 150 a month, and thats smoking a pack a day.. im nowhere near that anymore.. ever since i found out 2 days ago, I've made myself go longer without a cigarette, and sometimes i dont even think about it.. other times I do think a bout it a lot, but I keep telling myself that my baby is more important
cigarettes that is....

I'm so severely addicted to it, but i'm afraid if I dont quit now, my lungs will never recooperate from the damage i've done over my 13 + years of smoking....

does anyone know any ways or tricks I can quit?
Yes, i'm pregnant, so I can't use nicotine gum or patches...
if you are a former smoker.. how did you quit? did you ween? go cold turkey?

I was a die hard cigarette smoker for 25 years, and believe me, if I can quit smoking, anyone can! I'm not gonna try to blow smoke up your ass by telling you that it is easy, because you already know that its not. But it can be done, and once you do your lungs will heal themselves faster than you think! I think my biggest problem when trying to quit was my attitude. For me it was always an "all or nothing" proposition. After a few days on the wagon I would break down and have a smoke, then start to beat myself up about it to the point where I would just give up and go back. The trick is to keep thinking positively and push forward. Its okay to fall off the wagon, just get back on. You didnt become a smoker overnight, and you won't become a non smoker overnight either. Just keep telling yourself its what you want and need to do, and push forward! When your cravings come, try to find things to do to keep your mind occupied, and the cravings will pass! Before you know it, the craving starts to become less frequent and intense and gets progressively easier to deal with.
Just keep pushing forward Kaotic, you can do it!! :D


Active member
werd; just cuz you break down and have a smoke doesn't mean you're not still in the process of quitting... baby steps ;)

when i quit cigs i just smoked a bowl of herb every time i wanted a cig... short term memory for the win; i also came to enjoy the high without cigs more than the high with cigs which i'm sure made it easier

It's so hard! Lord help me it's so hard to quit smoking cigarettes. I too smoke 2 packs a day, Marlboro light Menthol 100's -


You probably read in Marlo's 'quitting smoking log' that I went back to cigarettes after 17 days of giving it up (sorry if I'm not helping you so far) but I had to realize that the only way I could quit was by giving it up for something more important than me. I knew that Lent was only temporary then I could smoke again, so I think that with being pregnant that is the best mindset. Tell yourself "I'm going to quit for the life of the child" and then when baby arrives you can go back to smoking.

If it is part of your daily routine; after eating, while you drink alcohol, when you drive, when you're waiting for someone, etc... then when you STOP it's like your losing a friend. Plus it's just so damn boring when you can't have a cigarette!

I wish I could help you, but since I went back to smoking again after quitting nothing I can tell you can be taken seriously from me. I wish I could offer some suggestions but I love smoking just as much as you do!

On that note..................... time for a cigarette! :dance:


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
yea but if I can go an entire pregnancy without smoking, then when I have the baby I am going to be adamant about not going for a smoke like I did when I had my son... went so long without smoking & just caved after I felt like I wasnt going to hurt my son... does this make sense? but this time i want to quit for ME and my baby & son.. it's going to be hard to get IW to quit tho, might as well attach a nicotine iv to him with his chain smoking


sunshine in a bag

Here is a good resource for those of you who are in the process of quitting and might be worried about weight gain.

Those of you who are staying disciplined and making progress, keep up the good work!

There's also some good links at the bottom of the page that relate to quitting in general, give it a once over and see if anything there helps or motivates you to make more health conscious decisions.

Your body and your mind are married in more ways than we might immediately come up with
werd; just cuz you break down and have a smoke doesn't mean you're not still in the process of quitting... baby steps ;)

when i quit cigs i just smoked a bowl of herb every time i wanted a cig... short term memory for the win; i also came to enjoy the high without cigs more than the high with cigs which i'm sure made it easier

True. I wasnt as "addicted" as say a Marlboro smoker. When I smoked I smoked Nat Sherman Ovals and Bali Shag. Even at my peak, I could still go a week without having mad cravings.

I think pushed me, was the stupid TAX on cigs. The packs I usually got went from 4.75 to 7, now they are nice and settled at 9 dollars a pack. All those hikes happened within two years.

Rolling up joints of sativa helped me ween off tobacco. Cravings are gone, but I do find myself blazing up more. Also gone, are those cravings I got while stoned...to smoke a cig.

the first three days are the hardest.

congratulations and many blessings.


Active member
i&i smoke em pure now,don't mix anymore,&am down to 7 cigs aday,handrolled ones,from 20 a day

i&i know quitting tobacco is harder than quitting tha herb!!!!!

keep it up sistren!!!

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