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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread



Yo Doob'
yo Doobsta.. :D 40 DAYS 40 NIGHTS MANNnnnn! :whhhooooo :woohoo:
... :D gotta do that!



Thx Bud.. Really driven this time!
..gotta be! only way ill get the Car/bike licence back bro...

LONG WAY TO GO! (6 months - Year!!)

(yea giving up both cigs & booze could be [IS!,lol] .... a bit much!
What about the weed Sm?..
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Active member
My last smoke was Doomsay 2012.I said fuck when the world didn't end lol.I stopped drinking several years before.These things especially the smoking were just not within my grasp it seemed and the thought of neither smoking or drinkin??Man it can be done and you can do it.I've been a decades long drinker smoker junkie believe me man you can do this.Coming up on two years not smoking real soon.EDIT if you feel good,healthy and happy then forget it you're not going to change
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Well-known member
My last smoke was Doomsay 2012.I said fuck when the world didn't end lol.I stopped drinking several years before.These things especially the smoking were just not within my grasp it seemed and the thought of neither smoking or drinkin??Man it can be done and you can do it.I've been a decades long drinker smoker junkie believe me man you can do this.Coming up on two years not smoking real soon.EDIT if you feel good,healthy and happy then forget it you're not going to change

Great inspirational share.:tiphat:

supreme bean

day 3 no booze , day 1 no cigs

i would do one at a time.if you have a real drink habit.physical withdrawl can last two weeks.by day 10 i was in agony.by day 3 withdrawl hadnt even started.giving up tabacco at the same time will
make it worse im sure.


Hey guys, i haven't been in this thread for a while but it looks like it's still going strongly. I made the decision to stop drinking around 12 months ago now (a brief drinking history of mine is posted earlier in this thread). I will still have a couple beers with specific friends every couple of months but well and truly gone are the days of sitting around drinking myself into oblivion every evening.

What's amusing to me now is how if i do try to drink now, i literally can't. My body just rejects it every time and it's generally just not even pleasant anymore. I never even think of alcohol anymore and when i pass it in the supermarket it doesnt even call to me.

And to think, just 12 months ago, i was probably 2 steps shy of full blown alcoholic.

If i can do it, anyone can

Stay strong

P.S Where the fkkkk is JIBMAN if anyone needed this thread it would be him


^Yes "banned" Person/guy Appetite def' increases imoe...sure everybodys will too..

47 DAYS TODAY @ 9.45am this morning.


keep from (^^)PROPAGANDA! Really,there tryin to trick ya ya'know (in a nice way that is! ..NICe??..:bigeye:) ....

[For doc's "..Road Licence Obtaining" Requirements...]
erm ..yea..! lol ....."Until Physically pleasing"..
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Active member
PH-Patrol : you talk about the benefits of your alcohol quitting but, care to elaborate about the difficulty involved in stopping and maybe the method ?

was it an, I drank so much, and after a while it got boring, or something happened ?

I know people who drink everyday, and to think they would quit just like that, makes me think something would have to happen or they would be ready to endure agony for a couple days or weeks before reaching their goal
a sort of, power move because from what I understand and know, alcohol has a way to brainwash your mind/body

where it becomes a cycle, and you enjoy it more the more you drink


Well-known member
Wow LEF you are asking a huge question. I'm glald you asked its just Its a long complex answer.
I can say nothing monumental happened to make me stop. No drinking and driving , divorce ,death, family problems and know one told me I had a problem ether. It was more like my little voice was telling me that I was way better than this drinking shit. It was a personal choice and I was not going to lie to my self any more.

I remember quitting and holding my head down until the feeling passed. But I was not going back. I did say before that I found my drinking ugly but sitting hear thinking I remember feeling FEAR. Fear that drinking and smoking were going to kill me too.

Theirs more to it and I never really speak about it in my real life. Lol

If any one is on here even just looking ,they are starting to listen to there inner voice. Its a start for change:good:


Active member
I asked because often it seems that there needs to be a catalyst (sometimes disaster) for change to happen.


Active member
Just wanted to make a quick drop in to offer my support and encouragement to anyone considering dropping alcohol entirely in favor of cannabis. I watched many family members lose their jobs, families, and ultimately lives over booze. I know I'm genetically prone to the same addictive nature, so I made a decision a long time ago to avoid alcohol and to limit myself to liberal enjoyment of cannabis. Many near and dear family members would still be with me today if they'd made the same decision...
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Active member
My good friend was able to replace her whiskey addiction with daily medical cannabis use. She wouldn't mix the two just one or the other until it was only herbs everyday. Took her about a year to kick it. I predict a huge drop in alcohol addiction in the usa due to steady state by state cannabis legalization. Good luck to all of you who are making the switch. Stay strong, you can do it! Live long and irie! :smokeit: