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Quit Alcohol - Support Thread

Classic Seeds

one thing that drags you back to drinking is hanging out with your drinking buddys or stopping by the bar after work .if you really want to quit you have to remove all the temptations and quit making excuses for bad behavior .you got to love yourself and care about yourself or no one else will make you quit drinking its a personal choice you have to stick with even when you fail at it start again till you get it right its worth the effort .aloha cls

supreme bean

its hard.Everywhere you go in the UK.Booze is on offer.Even in Petrol garages.(gas station).when i were living in nz.You had to go to a bottle shop to get your booze.

In some ways, it would be easier to give up heroin.far easier to remove yourself from that culture.



69 days at 9.45pm ic/gmt

^how,you talk you get shot :-/

hero-in plsss..
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Active member
Alcohol is bad for some folks that can't manage it. This almost sounds like prohibitionist nonsense from the far right. Frankly, it inspires my writing, pharma and pills are the real enemy. I also never drink more than once or every couple weeks. People prone to anger certainly can't drink. Have some self control is all, and if you can't stop get help.

Mrs. Bubble

Congrats to all those who have over come their demons. It's a tough road, but it's worth it. I'm not against having a beer or two, but I know plenty who should stray away from beer since it ruins their lives, and the lives around them. Good for those who have decided to stand up and make a change.


lol the REAL enemy is others that believe they know your circumstances and shout there mouth off with a deluded answer
Pills? :nono: ive had them regulariy since early 1990's Pathetic as they are they are NO enemy on the Contrary
Dont be so quick to put moir in the stereo typical banner you so stupidly believe

Prescription pills. P = Candyfloss!
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medical reasons here mrs b
Was a drinker of Spirits only neat at one time.Doc has told me "i need" 6 months to a year of abstaining :(
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Well-known member
everyone that I ever saw actually quit just stopped....cold. it takes a lot of will power to do that, & friends that are supportive. if you hang out with folks that drink & give you shit about it, guess what? they are NOT your friends, or piss-poor ones at best. at present I am not smoking either, due to job hunt. all of my friends get high, but none of them try to get me to partake. they occasionally hold it out to me out of habit, but it is not malicious or anything. (over forty years of getting high with the same folks creates some habits, LOL!) if you want to do it, you are just going to have to DO IT. there are no short-cuts to the things you want in life...stay strong, & good luck!:comfort:
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Hi ho here we go
I think that about sums it up....

I think that about sums it up....

everyone that I ever saw actually quit just stopped....cold. it takes a lot of will power to do that, & friends that are supportive. if you hang out with folks that drink & give you shit about it, guess what? they are NOT your friends, or piss-poor ones at best. at present I am not smoking either, due to job hunt. all of my friends get high, but none of them try to get me to partake. they occasionally hold it out to me out of habit, but it is not malicious or anything. (over forty years of getting high with the same folks creates some habits, LOL!) if you want to do it, you are just going to have to DO IT. there are no short-cuts to the things you want in life...stay strong, & good luck!:comfort:

It's all about taking control of your life.

There is really no way out :tiphat:

Nothing is certain but death and taxes.


Hi ho here we go
Go to your user page, control panel..

Go to your user page, control panel..

Ok, stupid question. How do I make a little signature saying at the end of my messages? hahah I feel like a retard asking!

Select edit signature.

That should get you going.

Peace :tiphat: