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Quick survey/question about temps


Active member
I have been trying to get a better handle on what the actual temps are at different points in my cab and I have a few questions to see if I fall in the norm...

The temp about an inch or so from the light is between 85-88 and as high as 90 but the temp on the floor of the cab only gets as high as 80 at the most and stays closer to around 75-78.

As for the setup it is a 3'X2'X3' box with 1 dayton 265 blower and 1 stanley blower for exahust and 1 stanley blower for intake as well as about a 1' by 1' passive intake hole and another 4" square hole that holds a fan that is at most times off(too loud). there are 11 42watt CFL's for a total of 462 watts. the lights are two vanities that are drilled to the ceiling that hold 6 bulbs and there is a 4 inch computer fan hanging in the middle of each row to help move air towards the exahust.

So it goes...

<-------------------------3 Feet-------------------------->


I am pretty high, does that make sense :rasta:

Check out the image below, there are some changes since that pic was taken(4inch fans, passive intake hole added) but it will help give u an idea.

I am really just trying to figure out if the temps being 90 degrees an inch from the light is an issue. I can grab the light and it is barely warm as air is rushing by it at all times so I am wondering why it is staying so hot in there.

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Active member
Ambient is 72.3 in the house(this might not be 100% accurate, i moved a therm. closer to the box to get a better reading of the ambient in the same room) with it being 85.6 an inch from the light and 79.3 at the bottom ~2.5 feet from the light. Will report back with a more accurate ambient in temp later tonight.


Active member
Nice looking grow you got there...Now for temps, maybe the hot exhaust air is recirculating back into the cab through the intakes? I had this problem on my cab, as my intakes and exhaust are both located in the back of the cab and its pushed up against a wall. At first, I was seeing temps in the high 90s. Then I made a sort of cardboard "redirector" that I put over the exhaust outlet to send the air up and away from the intakes. Now my temps are 70-75 degrees right up in the lights.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
You want to take your temp readings at the top of your plants, to answer your question.

Remember, for all the crap we can invent to try to monitor everything, the only one that matters is the plant. If your girls are looking good and not heat stressed, then you're golden :yes:
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If you want to drop your temps remove those black trays from under your plants.......I had one of those in my box saw something on the discovery channel about the black and attracting heat, removed mine and my temp dropped 3 degrees........


Active member
I think i may have just been too stoned the other night and had my heat running too high because now the temps have stablized a bunch. I def need to get some kind of redirectors to get that hot air out of their which I am certain is part of the problem.

also good call on the black trays, I wonder if it will matter once they are full of plants, the idea is that six go in every week and six go out, so in about 2 months the whole thing will be full and u will barely be able to see the black trays, might have to take out the two empty ones. The plants dont seem to be bothered too much but there are a few that are showing just the slightest amount of heat stress. The pics are old and from a time when temps were not a problem so u wont see it in that pic.

Thanks for all the nice comments and just wait, come Feb expect a good show!

Peace out!


Your air setup sounds really off to me.
dayton 265 blower and 1 stanley blower for exahust and 1 stanley blower for intake as well as about a 1' by 1' passive intake hole and another 4" square hole that holds a fan that is at most times off
You have 1 Dayton blower and 1 Stanley blower for exhaust.

You have 1 Stanley blower for intake.

You also have a passive intake.

You also have another hole with a fan.

That's a whole lotta fans. You're not achieving good airflow in that space with that kind of setup. You're just blowing a bunch of air around. In fact, you're blowing a lot of air around and that's probably the only reason why your temps have stabilized.

I would strongly consider you look at some other cabinets and check out how 1 good blower can ventilate your entire cabinet and provide the ability to control smell with a passive intake. As it is, you have 2 exhaust fans, 1 intake fan, another sometimes on fan and a passive intake that is probably acting as nothing more than a hole in your cabinet.

As I said: it probably works because you've got so much air moving around with that many fans, but if you are looking for a redesign or having problems with temps again: I would look towards a single blower with passive intake setup.


Good luck in your travels!

-Q :rasta:
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Active member
The passive intake is most def working, it sucks a piece of paper to it like a champ so i know air is being drawn in through it. The fan that sits above that hole is used to bring in fresh colder air from a window right above it but is only used when needed and acts as another passive intake when its not on. Both the exahust fans were used to try and maintain a stream of airflow across all the bulbs/ballasts at the top. The idea was to blow the intake air down the line of bulbs and out the other sides exahust as that should be the path of least resistance and to use the passive intake to keep air coming in at a lower point to make sure the air on the bottom of the cab stays fresh.

I agree there are much better setups but this was a nice first project, I am certain there will be a whole new project within the next year or so

thanks for the input everyone


Smoke it if ya got it!!
your 265 should be enough to run your entire cab by its self with passive intakes. I have 4 42w cfls and one 400w hps with two grow chambers and my temps are A ok. I would use your one fan and make sure you have a couple 4inch holes on the bottom of the cab for your intake on the opposite side of the cab that the fan is on.

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