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Quick question on h202 (hydrogen peroxide)


What is a common dosage of h202 in dwc? Right now i am recovering from some root rot problems. I just finished scrubbing and throughly cleaning my buckets with bleach and hydro shield. I soaked each of my plants root balls in a mix of 2 tsp h202 per gallon of water for 5 minutes each plant as recommended by "MYnamestitch" Filled up my buckets with half strength nutes and a little under 1oz "Hydroshield" per gallon. In addition I added some sm-90 at 2ml per gallon.
I was also told to add h202 to my nute solution too to help fight off this root rot. I am having trouble finding a common dosage of h202 though.
Ill be using generic off the shelf hydrogen peroxide in the brown bottle. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Also if you need any more details on my current situation feel free to check out the latest page of posts in my chicken shack thread below!

Also my readings right now after adding 1/2 strength 3:2:1 flora+ hydroshield+ sm90+ ph down to 5.5 (1.5 ounces gets me from 7.2 to 5.5 in 32~ gallons of water)
494 US (microsiemens)
5.5 PH
65.2 degrees F water temp

I plan on ramping up the nutes next week when i have to do a res change.... I can also add some in without cycling out the water if need be...

Edit: I just went in to check on my plants. 1 hour after soaking the roots and 20 minutes after re filling my buckets and putting the plants back in the room they are looking kinda droopy like underwatering droopy,
I am getting worried.....


Bump. Also this is what the plants look like right now.
Lights JUST turned off. The yellow singing of the leaves was heat stress but that has been remedied. More gritty details in the latest page of my thread.


plants should never look like that in dwc if enough oxygen is in their water.

can i ask what caused your problems in the 1st place was it res temps being to high or lack of oxygen in the water??

also what nutes are you using do you have any root stimulators etc etc??


No root accelerators. Only put into my buckets what I stated above
G.H. flora series 3:2:1 ratio(G,M,B), flora shield, sm90, 160ppm (microsiemens) sediment filtered rural well water.
My plants innitally yellowed and "crisped" due to super high ambient air temps
110+ This has since been fixed and they are now never hotter than 80F (air temps)
From day one i have had a chiller and have kept the nute solution at 15*c since the very beginning. Air pump has never died. The girls have always been getting plenty of air. One "ecoplus 3" for 6 plants.
Theres tons of more info in my thread. Last page or two.
Also sorry if I didn't mention earlier but I am actually running a 6 bucket diy "undercurrent" rdwc system. (details in thread, broken record ect.)


#1 (permalink) Oct-04-2005, 23:22
Stormcooker Join Date: Feb-10-2005
Posts: 314

ATTENTION GH's "FloraShield" users.....


If you use Florashield by GH as prescribed in their charts like their "phase feeding cart" or "weekly feeding chart", it says to use 37.5 ml. per U.S. gallon of reservoir at every reservoir change.

What they don't tell ya' is what the stuff does exactly, and what exactly it contains.

THey don't tell ya' that 37.5 ml./gal is NOT for every gallon of every resevoir change, and that it is only intended for specific needs like a root rot problem, or bacterial infection.

They make it look and seem that it is a normal "everyday" additive like the nutrients themselves and should be used at all phases and days of a plant's life.

WELL THANK GOD I wrote the company and cleared up this fact because I also learned that this product is not compatible with some other supplements or additives that I have used and use today.

Florasheild is similar to h202 (hydrogen peroxide) in that it will KILL beneficial bacteria, inhibit algae, and inhibit most functions of a organic supplements.
The latest GH supplement is Floraliscous Plus, which contains a liquid suspension of live bacteria which is goot for roots and reservoirs. If you added Florasheild to it, it would negate the principals of the FL Plus.

Long story short........Dont use FLorasheild in the mix unless you have a problem that needs fixing with it, and don't mix it with organics. And to all those H202 users, remember don't mix with bacterial/microbial supplements. You'll have a reservoir full of dead bacteria, and quick rising pH.


I just bought the bottle today. (along with the sm90) My system holds just under 35 gallons of water (7, 5 gallon buckets) They call for 1fl-oz of shield per gallon of water. I bought a quart sized bottle (32 ounces) and basically dumped the whole damn thing in there. I will probbably run a more diluted mix later on and throughout my grow. I DO have root rot problems right now. Provided they are minor, I am not taking any chances.

Some excerpts from my thread that I posted today.
Well right now i am hand cleaning all the buckets as they sit in my closet. I took all the plants and put them outside to soak in some h202 water. ----edit: Shit after doing all this work i read that you should replace your water after each plant soak. Fuck.... I diddnt do this. I soaked them all in the same bucket with the same water.---- Drained all the old nute water out and refilled with plain water. Then i added a quarter bottle of hydro shield. God knows how much bleach but alot. And damn near a whole bottle of h202. Then I went to work scrubbing all the shit by hand with a rag. This whole time the pumps have been running, circulating my death mix. Do I really need to take the whole thing apart and meticulously scrub EVERYTHING? or is this enough?

Alright i pulled the buckets out of the closet and rinsed them really good with the hose to get any residue of the bleach out. I blasted water through all the fittings between the buckets. I cant really clean inside those fittings. The only way to take the buckets apart would be to physically unscrew all the caps and pull it apart. This is really hard to do and very cumbersome. Unless I absolutely HAVE to do this I think im gonna skip it. The bleach and high levels of h202 should take care of any baddies I got left in there right? I mean I poured almost half a gallon of bleached into that fucker.

Also where the plants are currently i cant exactly run my chiller. however, there is a freezer not 15 feet from the closet. I emptied all the shit out of it (mostly trash) and filled it chock full of milk jugs. Ill just cycle out frozen milk jugs for a while till i can move back into a space where i can run the chiller again.

I will respond almost instantly to any posts in this thread. I have email notifications set up and a buzzer that alerts me whenever there is a new post in this thread.

What dosage of h202 should i be running in my buckets? 2 tsp per gallon?

I do have some clones right now that are really healthy. All have roots. I have 10 clones total. 5 of each of my strains trainwreck and white widow.
They are in 3" rockwools so they are set for a while. Before i put them in the 3" cubes (today) the roots were just barely poking out of the 1" rockwools.
So... If this crop fails, (god forbid) all is definitely not lost. I know they are crouded to shit in that closet but hopefully its only temporary. If I cant move out of this closet any time soon I am going to thin these bitches out like crazy and bud them where they sit.


did you read my post up above ^^^^

what benefiacial bacteria you been adding to your res to keep the roots happy??


I read every word of every post in my threads. Trust me I am paying attention.
I am not adding any bennies. The shield is just going to kill them anyways.
Can you shed any light on some of the problems I'm having? Liiike my droopy plants ;__;
What I gathered from your post above my last.
1. Don't use flora shield all the time at the dosages they recommend.
2. Flora shield kills bennis baddies and everything in between except hopefully your plants lol

I don't add bennies so I don't really have anything to worry about in that regard.
I have outlined in great detail EXACTLY what goes into my buckets.

G.H. flora series 3:2:1 ratio(G,M,B), flora shield, sm90, 160ppm (microsiemens) sediment filtered rural well water.
I guess "gh flora series" can be alittle misleading since it seems every damn product Gen hydro makes starts with flora :/
To clear that up, Just their three part "Grow" "Micro" and "bloom" No other additives are used unless stated above.
Also my current water readings.
494 US (microsiemens)
5.5 PH
65.2 degrees F water temp


yeah droopy plants can be caused by loads of things in dwc under oxygentaed water the plants are suffocating and not getting enough air or root rot the plants are dying and cant get what they need from the badly decaying roots nutrient uptake is sufferning so the plants are slowly dying. res temps could be outta whack causing roots to lock out nutrient uptake showing in plants overall vigour,

ive already solved your problem mate you need to look into your nutrient setup for dwc cause the nutes your using just aint cutting it and keeping your roots healthy, which is probably the most important thing in dwc is a healthy root zone id look into getting some root stims or healthy bacteria for your future grows mate


Well lets be clear about some things here.
My res temps aren't to blame. They are always where they should be.
My air pump is running 24/7 with no issues. ALL buckets are getting PLENTY of bubbles.
There is very little root rot. (Yeah they are CLEARLY tinted brown but that doesnt automatically mean root rot. I did experiment with a very small bottle of cannazyme a while ago and before adding this stuff my roots looked pearly white. I think the cannazyme is to blame for the brown tinted roots. The root structure and consistency seems healthy to me. there are only a few very small spots on some plants that is actually dying This is what I am referring to when I say "root rot" Please correct me if this is wrong)

This is what MOST of my roots look like. There is one plant that has it just slightly worse in one small spot where the roots are now turning to mush but HOPEFULLY I TOOK ALL THE CORRECT MEASURES TO CORRECT THIS. I mean right?

Agreed. I need to re think how i am feeding my plants.... I am really quite a noob in this area but I have spelled out word for word exactly what I am adding to my res. I am open to suggestions as to what nute profile I should be using. I am ALL ears. And frankly I think I need the advice. I took a quick look at your blue chedda thread and your plants look AMAZING. What are you using?

So. After my plants are done being chemo'd where should I be moving towards in terms of nutes? I really need to just read and find out myself methinks.
Please correct me if any of my assumptions or knowledge is WRONG. Also if you need more pix of anything I can get them in a Jiffy. Anything I can do to help you help me goes without saying.


mate you cant mix canzyme and h202 or any other h202 products

seriously mate you need to get clued up fast any hydro nute range will work in dwc as long as your using the right mixes

ive seen the some brilliant results with gh nutes but you have to use more than just g,m,b to keep them happy

lets take canna for instance canna aqua veg and canna aqua flores are just base nutes you then need to add rhizotonic for healthy roots and then your bloom boosters (canna boost pk 13/14 )

you have the basics on lock down you just need to add root stim bacteria and if your using gh nutes you wanna be looking at floralicious



Active member
ICMag Donor
If you are going to use 3% h2o2, a dosage of 30ml (1ounce) of h202 per gallon of feed water added to the res, will not harm the plants and will attack the root rot.


mate you cant mix canzyme and h202 or any other h202 products

seriously mate you need to get clued up fast any hydro nute range will work in dwc as long as your using the right mixes

ive seen the some brilliant results with gh nutes but you have to use more than just g,m,b to keep them happy

lets take canna for instance canna aqua veg and canna aqua flores are just base nutes you then need to add rhizotonic for healthy roots and then your bloom boosters (canna boost pk 13/14 )

you have the basics on lock down you just need to add root stim bacteria and if your using gh nutes you wanna be looking at floralicious

Dude.... I am not a COMPLETE idiot here. I know you cant use cannazyme with h202. If you recall I said I bought the bottle TODAY. and that I have experimented with cannazyme in the PAST
Since the beginning it goes like this:

Seeds: Water nothing more nothing less
Sprouts: still just water
Seedlings: 1/4 strength veg G,M,B flora
alittle later: 1/2 strength " " " "
alittle later still: Tried some cannazyme, Not impressed
After that: Back to just full strength veg flora GMB
Now: well.. I am not going to explain it a 3rd goddamn time.

Plenty of people have had successful grows with just the base flora nutes g,m,b. I have a rough understanding of what you can and cant do with nutes. Im learning as I go okay? You weren't an expert when you first started.
I am here looking for help and providing A+++ information about every possible aspect of my grow. I need help sorting out some things. All i want here is help. I would do the same for any ic magger's I come across.
Skotty I think before you try to help me any more (if you still even want to) I think it would be a good idea for you to skim through my thread. This will give you a whole new grasp on what I am all about, and I think it will help you, help me, help us all. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=173602


you have to be carefull what you mix that h202 with it doesnt mix well with all nutrients the amonut of threads ive seen where users have added h2o2 to their res and its caused frothing and bad smells etc etc and you can not mix it with canazyme

canazyme breaks down roots and makes way for new 1s but if your roots are healthy you dont have to use it i use the canna range in dwc and never once used canazyme

what is it with the people on here getting stressed out when you try and offer some friendly advice

i appreciate your not a complete idiot but your the 1 with the fuked up plants here not me


cannazyme (and lots of other stuff)
The fucking guy at the hydro shop recommended canna to me. Never again.... will I listen to the dweebs in hydro stores.
H202 has added just a tiny tiny but of frothing, It actually looks like the bubbles are just smaller and take a half second longer to pop. Nothing to be concerned about... yet...
Also I think i made it obvious when I capitalized COMPLETE in this sentence: "Dude.... I am not a COMPLETE idiot here." I am only human. Mistakes are made, lessons are learned. Everything humanity has ever learned was because of a mistake. Shit happens, I'm just trying to crawl out of it with the least amount of pain.
I am not trying to come off as a dick here. I am definitely not stressed about the advice you are giving me. I appreciate it very much. Its just that i explain whats going on and you go back around to problems i have already dismissed. Cannazyme is not the problem here. I am not even using it any more. I bought one 15 oz bottle or something and never bought the stuff again.
On another note, Its time for me to hit the sack. Ill update the thread tomorrow with some pix of the plants. Hopefully they wont be dead :/


Its now almost 12 hours later. The plants still look kinda droopy.
They definitely haven't gotten any worse than last night. In fact it doesn't look like anythings changed.