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quick question about seeds?

sorry...im not allowed to post in the breeder's laboratory for some odd reason. So I was hoping I could get my question answered here.

I recently pollinated a set of plants of mine. When trying to germinate them, none of them crack. They're big, full seeds. They have tiger stripes and look pretty damn healthy! The other seeds I germ'd (not mine) germ'd 8/10. And it looks like another one is just about to crack.

So, I have a question. Is there a time period that I have to wait once taking them out of the buds? Freshly cute? Or am I maybe picking them too early??
This was my first attempt at breeding, so any help would be lovely <3

***and sorry for the miss-placed thread. if an admin see's this and wants to switch it over and enable me to post there id love it <3***
In my experience , I've seen seeds sprout right from inside the calyx of the plant late fall . But there does seem to be a point of diminishing return right after harvest where you'll have a higher percentage of seeds not germ . I can't explain why , but just what I've seen . Your best bet is to dry and cure the bud like you normally would , and like space ghost said , wait a month or so and you'll be fine .


ICMag Donor
Try to lower the nute dose to 2/3rd of your normal regime ... , a plant grown with high doses of nutes tends to build up to much mg in seedshell ... , i had this one more than often , you can soak the seed for 12-24 hours and precrack is very carefully on the seeds sharp end ..., and plant as normal ...

hope that helps



These babies are my first grown from seed I made. I pollinated the mother plant on April 2. I harvested a small bud on May 2. I planted 18 seeds directly in soil without soaking or anything on May 2nd. These 7 came up between May 8-11.

It may be better to wait, but I don't know. These appear very vigorous to me so far. I've got 20 lifetimes of these SSH 2nd Generation seeds so I could afford to mess around with them.


The mother of these is still in flower.

SSH 2nd generation


Oh gosh thanks people. I took one of my dental picks to the (no not a dentist, auto mechanic tool from sears) pointy end and cracked the shell of 4 of my paper-towel-soakers. Sure enough, the seed was very hard and a baby plant lived within. I removed one entire half of the seed shell. I then planted them 1/4 inch deep in damp soil mix and put it in a pyrex dish and covered it with Glad Press n Seal. We shall see if that worked. I will just crack the others and put them pack in the incubator.


as well as letting them dry for about a month after harvesting the seeds, put them in the refrigerator for a week or more before trying to sprout them. this replicates nature's autumn/winter cycle, before the naturally germinating seeds sprout in spring, and should ensure higher germ rates.


I germed 12 out of 12 and all but one are healthy. Diesel Ryder lives on and was crossed with Satori. The F1 Satori Stat will not autoflower so they will be easy to sort.


In fact the seeds do not need to be dried and can be planted immediately. If you want to store the seeds they do need to be dried before storage.



Crazy X Seeds Breeder
I've noticed that seeds planted straight away take longer to germinate then seeds which have been dried for a few weeks.I send a load of white russian x chronic seeds out a few months ago which hadn't dried and i got people complaining about germination rates so i sent aload more out from the same batch which had been dryed for more then 2 weeks and every seed germinated ,so that leads me to believe that they do need drying for a while to get high germination rates ,but this is only what i've observed .


no wuckin furries!
i like to let them cure ...after trying to germ seeds days after harvest and get 0% germ rate...then trying again weeks later and get 100%.....hey? it may be my ferts? but they do crack fine in the end ?.HH. =]-~


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Sam_Skunkman said:
In fact the seeds do not need to be dried and can be planted immediately. If you want to store the seeds they do need to be dried before storage.

when is the best time to pick the seeds do you treat it the same as if u were pulling a non pollinated female?


I can see the seeds growing in mine, I just pull a test seed when I think it is getting close.

If it is ready I let it go two more days and then choppy choppy.

On a side note, anyone ever eating an immature seed that is still fresh? I did the other day and it tasted like watermelon rind. Just thought I would throw that out there.


haha nice mexilandrace, ive eaten my fair share of cannabis plant material (bud, stem, leaf) and just recently ate my first seed. i was very blazed. it was a good viable one and did not taste good haha. thats funny that you say it tasted like watermelon rind, i can see that!


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
My seeds was ready 4-5 weeks after pollination....
let them dry on the bud for a week...

and test or two......

seems to work for me


ICMag Donor
A cold spell (stratification) may also help in strains descending from cooler climates.

We also find seeds react to barometric conditions. esp. those with heavy landrace origin when sown out of season indoors.

Maybe place them in a water tight container in the fridge for a few months and try sowing them again in spring.

Hope this helps

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