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quick nutrient question.


hello i had a quick question when mixing nutrients
my plants are in 5 gallon pots
and im mixing my nutrients in a one gallon water bottle
do i go by the size of my water bottle or by my pot size?


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia

You want to water until slight run off and then let pot dry out completely before watering again. It varies on temps, type of strain, and what phase of growth you are in but most generally with 5 gallon pots every 2-3 days should be enough. During early to mid flower they will drink quite a bit more.


yeah within 3-4 days the soil drys out..

i also had 2 more questions
first do i switch between feedings
with water and nutrients like nutrients then water then back to nutrients?

my 2nd question is since im in soil do i still cut my nutrients in 1/2?

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