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Quick compost tea question !!! help


I used the following recipe the first application on my plants about a month ago and they loved it.. about to do a 2nd feeding and i screwed up on the recipe... Can i still use it?

The recipe that i used for the first feeding that the plants loved was:

1 lb worm castings or verminblend ( in sock)
2 TBS molasses
1 TBS soy ful
1TBS humic acid
1 TBS fish hydrolysate
2 TBS organic soluble seaweed
2 TBS earth juice cata
2 TBS primal harvest solution guano
2 TBS mycorrizhiaze (add at end)
5 gal of water.

So as to the screw up.. I just accidently confused the soluble seaweeed and the fish hydrolysate .. I added 2 TBS of fish hydrolysate instead of 1 TBS... is that a problem , could it burn the plants assuming i'm doing a 24-36 HR brew?

Everything else on the recipe is the same , just that little screw up..

advice appreciated..



Thx bro. Kali mist are already in 5 gallon .. females are nearly 4 feet tall bushes.. bout to flip to 12 12 should be fun !


You won't have any problems with that. As I learned from Clackamas you may want to add kelp meal instead of soluble seaweed powder due to it being made with potassium hydroxide.
The less chemicals the better.