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Quick Batch of butter


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Going to be making some Brownies so I whipped up a batch of butter.

1oz (Karma's The White v2)
1lb butter
simmered for 2hrs
In the fridge to cool :)






Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
all done very potent. I need to find out how much butter to use for 1 box of brownies.



you didnt wash it....

oh for the brownies follow the receipe...if it says 2/3 cup butter ....use 2/3 cup canna

Follow any receipe...just replace the same amount of butter they say to use with canna


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im not so sure I want to do that. It very Potent. I used top shelf buds to make it No trim....I'm Going to read up on it and see what others use..

AS far as washing yes it was washed ?? I rinsed it after it was removed from the bowl is that what your referring to???

If you mean washing before I simmer no I dont do that. No Need


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
that's the standard ratio 1oz to 1lb butter... I just checked the brownie mix it does not ask for butter. So im going to put in what I think should be good. It says to use VEG OIL? Anyway Im following the recipe but adding butter to it..


They may not set up as well if you use more fat than the recipe calls for... you can replace the oil with your butter with no problem.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
to late I added both. The Veg Oil was 1/3 cup the butter I just guessed. about 1/4 of what I have. After the butter melted I mixed in the batter. Into the over she goes@325 for 45 min.. Following the instructions lol



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that's the standard ratio 1oz to 1lb butter... I just checked the brownie mix it does not ask for butter. So im going to put in what I think should be good. It says to use VEG OIL? Anyway Im following the recipe but adding butter to it..

When I make brownies.....i add 1/2 cup to 2/3 of canna in place of the veg oil....bake at a lower temp for a longer time....325*F

hahaha I use 1 oz to 2 sticks (1 cup - 1/2 lb) or 1 cup vape duff to 2 sticks...I bake for dispensaries..... my carmels are the bomb



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
2 sticks is 1/2 lb. I guess you can use what ever you want to. The standard ratio as I said is 1oz per 1lb. you can put a 16oz to 1lb if that's what you prefer. I dont use trimmings. I use all buds from some of my best...


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
everyone makes it the way they make it it lol.

sometimes I use more and othertimes I use less as I don't see any exact measurement ever unless you use the same exact strain and was grown the same exact way everytime and even then who knows because its NATURE and it does what it does

lovin the pot brownies for sure however I always worry about making "weak" brownies by doing too many of them BUT they always end up strong as hell.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I dont want to have them way to strong. I need to be careful on how strong they are. I would rather error on the weak side. I can tweak the recipe to my liking as I go. ..


you guys dont wash it...you need to wash it.. usually 4 times...this will subdue the weed/green smell and taste :)

once you have made your cannabutter and it has solidified.....take your cold cannabutter put it in a jar or glass.

Get a small pan on the stove with 2-3inches of water in it and place the glass/jar of the butter in the water turn the stove on and remelt the cannabutter.

At this point add hot water to the remelted cannbutter and mix/stir the combo for 20-30 seconds.....then place the jar/glass into the fridge until the cannabuter is solid again......repeat this process until your water is clear usually 4-5 times

This is called a liquid-liquid extraction, and takes advantage of the different solubilities of polar (salts) vs nonpolar (hydrocarbons) compounds in polar (water) vs nonpolar (oil) solvents.

This is all contamination leaving the butter. Chlorophyll, plant matter, even excess fertilizer salts are washed away, leaving pure butter with the psychoactive compounds....no loss of potency

this is after one time washing..... waters brown nasty...... this is after 3 times(cannabutters still hot)



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
there is no green taste or green color in my butter..Its a tan color. I only use buds that are cured at least 4 months. All my grows are Organic so no ferts in my buds. After such a long cure the buds are not grn anymore or are less grn.. I use a bubble bag 73um to strain the butter. No plant matter gets through that I can tell.

The way I look at it is the same a water curing your buds. What happens when you do this. The buds lose there
terpenoids when soaked in water. They dont dissolve but they are carried away that's not what I want. It's very noticeable when you have water cured weed.
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the is no green taste or green color in my butter..Its a tan color. I only use buds that are cure at least 4 months. After such a long cure the buds are not grn anymore or are less grn.. I use a bubble bag 73um to strain the butter. No plant matter gets through that I can tell.

You probably have some cannabuter still from this batch.....Try cleaning some of your leftover butter one time.

youll be surprised whats still in the butter....your water will not be clear :)

.......................Let us know.... i like your bubblebag method :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I dont want to have them way to strong. I need to be careful on how strong they are. I would rather error on the weak side. I can tweak the recipe to my liking as I go. ..

I agree! A serious OD, while not life threatening, competes with a bad puking, shitting alcohol hangover for diminished life quality.

I know someone who had such an experience his first time ingesting, and forty plus years later, still won't touch cannabis in any form. During that time I watched him suffer through numerous serious alcohol hangovers, without giving up, at least until reaching his dotage.

Locally, Sweet Mary's Duncan Heinz's brownie formula was oil or butter extract from an ounce of bud to a box of mix, cut into 9 squares. That ends up being 3.14 grams per brownie.

Oil and butter are limited in how much they will extract, so even if we consider the oil content to be about 25%, the oil or butter probably extracts closer to 10% at best, at the ratios used for extraction, so that is probably around 300 milligrams per brownie.

Everyone judges effects differently, but most consider head and couch lock effects. Ingesting produces less head effect than smoking or vaporizing, and more body effects.

For me a relaxed general sense of well being, coupled with the pain relief, but no euphoria. At OD, it is seriously couch locking and my short term memory is but a memory.

Most of our current oral pain meds are based on less than 50 mg as an ultra low tolerance dose, 100 mg as a low tolerance dose, 200 mg as an average tolerance dose, and 300 mg as a high tolerance dose.

As far as OD, an ultra low tolerance person is barely able to function at 50 mg and if you give a low tolerance person 150 mg (150% dose), it may do the same.

Interestingly, you can usually give a high tolerance person a 300% dose without doing more than putting them to sleep.

We've actually backed off on medibles, except for ourselves, because if they taste too good, the probability of an OD increases.

Eloquentsolution makes premier quality cherry and wild huckleberry truffles, that she originally formulated for medicated use. The doses were precisely controlled at 100 mgs, by injecting an oil mix directly into the center, but alas she had to stop making them medicated, after multiple OD's.

When something tastes just too, too good, many people just can't resist one or two more.


that's the standard ratio 1oz to 1lb butter... I just checked the brownie mix it does not ask for butter. So im going to put in what I think should be good. It says to use VEG OIL? Anyway Im following the recipe but adding butter to it..

for future reference just replace the oil amount it asks for with the same amount in butter form.


how did they turn out?

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