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Questions about mobile homes


New member

I'm going to be moving to a med state from a red state in around 6 months. I'm a young IT contracter skipped school and am getting more certifications. Cannabis is medicine for me and I want a good stash for me. I can pull together 8k-10k and buy a mobile home in a park outright and afford several months living expenses. I called around and it looks like most places have you buy the home with lot fees instead of apartment-style rent.

Whats the mobile home game like, man? All I know is they range in price and it's on more of a lot-fee than rent situation. How common is FLIR in Michigan?

Renting is relatively expensive compared to buying a 3br/2b and renting a room to a good friend. Any stuff to look for when buying or renting? I was thinking I'd need to spend around 7-8k for heat-saving features, but once it's bought it's bought. Anyone got experience with mobile homes?



Mobile homes.... Close proximity to lots of nosy neighbors. Gotta think about the juice you can draw through a mobile as well... Not familiar with their electrical capacity.

I'd stay away, but just my .02. Good luck on the move



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Not even close to a good idea... if you can get 8-10k together then go find a nice house to rent with little no no neighbors....

mobile homes have people way to close, they have shity insulation couldnt imagine trying to grow in one... and on top of that they have shit electricity...

you have much better options then a mobile home.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I've looked at them in michigan and you can often find one out in the country that comes with the land with no neighbors close by for $20k.

Sometimes you can find them cheaper than that but they are in sad shape and need lots of work, and even the ones for $20k won't be very nice but they are workable.

About being in a trailer park, I wouldn't do it, there is no privacy and everyone sees everything you do outside your house. Plus, you have a landlord and I don't know what kind of rights they have over you concerning privacy.

I think its best to find one out in the country. I've seen some fairly nice ones for around $35k - $40k. Those were double wides in the 1500 - 1800 sq ft in very good shape with paved driveways and 2 car garages.


Active member
The only thing good to be found in a trailer park are the trashy hos.

By default, toothless biotches give pretty good head.......


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
alot of places up north you can find a acre a pole barn and a mobile home for little money or land contracts....

just dont grow in one... unless its a 600 and you just doing something small.


in the thick of it
Getting rid of that heat in the summer in a mobile home would be a nightmare. If you're growing with LED or florescent then sure it could work, but it all depends on how you want to live and how you want to grow. If a fire occurs, then you will loose everything in a matter of 20 minutes. Then they investigate and you loose even more. I wouldn't suggest running HID in a trailer. Just my .02. On a "living" aspect....while building my house, my wife and newborn babyand I lived in a camper (28') for a few months waiting to move in and it was not a good situation. Very uncomfortable in nearly every way. Don't get me wrong, we were blessed to have shelter and warmth, but it was not at all what we had envisioned. If it's just you, there's no doubt in my mind that you can't make it work, but if there is more than just you, you've got to keep that in mind as well. Many other issues can be overcome....heat, power, smell, supplies or soil, etc...whatever, but security would be a major issue for me...as it should be for all of us...I wouldn't do it in a trailer park because security would be close to impossible, but out in the woods somewhere is certainly do-able. Lots to consider bud...lots to consider.
best of luck to you.


You could wire your own circuit with breakers completely separate from the standard trailer power to your room. Have an electrician wire a box up on the pole.Later, you can run your own wire as needed. Tell them it is for something else like an ac powered 240 volt welder hook up with a 110v weatherproof box on the pole on a 20 amp breaker for your grinder and power tools to plug into.\. And you could install a window ac to handle the room heat in the summer. Have a carpenter take the window completely out (save it for when you move) and mount the new ac unit in the window hole and fill in the rest of the hole and insulate it. Put a cover on it during the winter and cover the grill with some form of insulation (blanket, etc) during the winter. Might have them put a 6" vent or two in the space not occupied with the ac in the window also for your enclosed reflector fan to vent the light heat outside also. Maybe even an intake filtered intake and filtered exhaust. I think most projects really need a helper since someone needs to be there 24/7 in case of fire or visitors/thieves. This runs into problems but it is nice to give someone a cut to babysit while you go to the store and whatnot.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
I have a few K grow going in a trailer somewhere :)

These guys don't know what they are saying, because they are NOT speaking from experience. They are "imagining" or "thinking" what it would be like to grow in a trailer.

They don't have to be located in a park either.
The wiring and insulation are fine if you get a newer model.

Central air or window AC would do you just fine. And you can exhaust right under the floor. Run your own line from the box already in there :yes:



^i agree with BB

Ive been rocking 4k + ac in a single wide for over a year now. im not in a park, however i am wedged right inbetween 2 2story houses with about 8ft on either side.

edit: my 4k runs off the 30amp/240v dryer outlet and a/c off the 20amp/120v washer outlet. do my clothes at the laundromat (faster that way anyways with their giant 4-5 load washer/dryers)


Don't forget to foil wrap the whole interior, no dope trailer is complete without it. You can use kitties from the park to keep the squirrels down.

This thread is ripe for TPB jokes but I digress.

In michigan, I just get this vision of a trailer sitting there in the winter with steam coming off it and the snow melted in a 3 ft radius around the thing.


New member
600kw and a mother rubbermaid mother CFL tub sounds ghetto enough for the location. With it being a medical state it would be within limits. Might have to save the big grow for some property later on, but it's a cool start.

Fred el Gato

BB and hashcat have it right,

Ive been running 3k in a single wide for over a year now, before that 800 in an apartment, red state. Similar situation as hashcat, small town in BFE, neighbors all mind their own business. I just do my laundry when lights are off, and keep 2 30gal res in the closet.
Grow on,Fred


I can pull together 8k-10k and buy a mobile home in a park outright and afford several months living expenses.


That's what got me... You got some land to toss a mobile home on, that's a different story.

I've lived in a mobile home park, never grew in it, but neighbors are close, and you can smell the cooking from a trailer half way down the park. Smell control would have to be unbelievably tight... Worrying about security would take years off my life alone. Little kids and old people are nosy

If you can make it work, more power to ya, just more trouble than its worth imo. Especially in MI where land is cheap and houses are cheaper

Go up north and you can land contract a house for 30k, 5k down... Just sayin'



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
All the parks that I have seen reserve the right to come into your place anytime they deem it necessary. My mom lives in a senior park and I have never seen a bigger collection of interfering, snoopy busybodies.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I own a mobile home. Here you pay fro space rent,PGE,Garbage,water. There is a pool,car wash area, Basketball. The neighbors are great no noise. Most parks will not let you rent out rooms without them approving them first. You can not rent your home without approval you must live in it. No one can inspect my home ever I own it. Im only renting a small land space from the park owner. The service to the house is 200a with central AC. They just sold a home in that park for 14k it was in bad shape. The owners where the last of the trouble makers in the park. Most of the residence there are elderly. I would have no problems doing what you what but with 10k you will get a very very run down Mobile. The one I bought was 30k before the real estate crash the home was 67k.


I live in a mobile home in a red state, I'm not running a lot right now, but I could run more! Ours isn't like a regular trailer park most of the neighbors are okay & they are spaced pretty far a part, most of the people mind their own business which is great for us!
A year after we started this rent to own a state trooper had to come inspect the trailer to get a title like a car, that made me nervous but no problem, I guess our smell was okay!:laughing:
You can get busted anywhere , in any kind of place, keep it on the down low, don't tell & don't get a reputation of a drug house!!!!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
here in Cali and Oregon I did not need to register the home. Where would anyone find a 1800sf home/apt for rent for under 600$ per month in Cali not going to happen. Oregon was under 400$ per month but that home was 1300sf. I have no complaints just the normal home improvement crap that pops up. The Manager at the park likes me a lot. I keep the place clean and it looks good.


maybe this will be your new neighbour ?
