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Questions about a sealed room.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
last question. if i only had to option of using a portable air conditioner, would there be any point of using c02 or not? if it does not stay cool enough with the lights being vented themselves, my only other option would be to add an exhaust to the room, which would no longer allow me to do c02 anyway.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
My temperatures stay around 80 with just the house central air in the hottest parts pf summer. Usually outside gets in the later 90's, but not all the time. I too am in a basement, but not air sealed. I do vertical with no bulb cooling with the exception of fans.



I'm running a sealed room with 3200 watts in lights and used to have a huge temp problem.
I installed a 11000BTU portable A/C but it only dropped the temp slightly. So I ditched it for a 240volt 25000BTU window mounted unit. Now I run a CO2 burner (way cheaper and easier than bottles) and dehumidifier as long as i need and the temp never goes above 78


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
running a window ac is pretty much out of the question for right now, my space just does not permit it. the only wall that i could put it in is right next to my boiler and hot water heater, and i dont believe there is enough room to install it without interfering with them. currently the lights are not even set up in the room as it is still under construction. i am hoping that aircooling the lights will be enough to keep the room cool. also if i am running c02 i can run the room a little hotter correct? what is the maximum that i can keep the temperature at? thank you so much to everyone who has added to the thread, it is greatly appreciated.

edit* i also do not have central air so that would not be an option.


i was wondring about that window ac are bigger too the bigest portable ive seen is 13k btu
the 16k btu's they quit making but theres 15kbtu window units everywhere.But thre wide as heck too.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
ahh i kind of built this whole room out of excitement and didnt really think everything out first. i think the portable ac is sucking a lot of c02 out even though it is a dual hose one. im looking into trying to do a split ac this summer. does anyone out there know if they have spilt acs with some sort of sound proofing box that you can add during the winter so no one can notice that its on? that would b awsome


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah, sit down and plan out everything first, learn how each system affects others. You don't want to try CO@ on a new grow, its usually a waste of money. DO a couple runs and get everything dialled in perfectly, buy your split AC or whatever (Excel air rocks!) and once you have everything perfect, THEN you can add CO2 and crank temps up to 85*F. See my sig for a thread with more details on sealed rooms and CO2.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
ok yea i have many closet grows under my belt, and i was expecting a room to go just as easy. guess not. i guess ill just add an intake on the room for now, find some moms after this first grow, get the room dialed in and do the c02 after. at least now i will have everything at my disposal when i need them thanks lazyman, sometimes i have a tendency to bite off a lot more than i can chew.


I am running a sealed room with AC/Dehumidifier. I have a Co2 burner, but I don't have a CO2 monitor/controller yet because I want to have a solid handle on my general grow parameters first so I can gather some benchmark data for an "optimized" yield without real CO2 supplementation. This will allow me to really dial in the CO2 grow because I'll have an idea of the non-CO2 performance that I am trying to beat.

In the meantime though, I run the CO2 generator for 3 minutes each daytime hour - no where near enough to get my 10x10 room up to 15000 ppm, but plenty for the girls to breathe. At this rate of supplementation, they perform about the same as a non-sealed setup with plenty of fresh airflow.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
ok cool, thanks for the input godless, that is something to think about.


Godless what are you waiting on bro?You are right you are growing normally without enrichment and you're only a step away


Godless what are you waiting on bro?You are right you are growing normally without enrichment and you're only a step away

Well, I don't want to kick in the CO2 in a major way until I have some solid benchmark yields to compare against. Right now, I am focused on becoming a good grower. I have plenty of cured buds stashed for the future and since it is all for me alone, I am unconcerned with maximizing yield for any reason besides my own skill development.

If I were selling what I grew, I'd drop the $600 in a heartbeat because it clearly offers a great ROI for a decent sized grow.

I went with a sealed room not necessarily to maximize my CO2, but rather to minimize airborne nasties and to deal with crazy humidity/temp swings.


New member
i am working with a sealed 10' x7.5' flower room. i just finished installing a dehimidifyer and an a/c unit. i am having trouble venting the ac unit. i have currently vented it to another room. as i cannot vent outside becuase the side walk is right there. when i zip my room, the poly walls , concave slightly, so i need to leave it cracked. are there any suggestions on how to completely seal it, as in zip it up and leave it. thanks


I dont understand is it a portable AC?I just use a window unit 12,500BTU works great