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Question regarding strain hardiness


So I'm going to be living in a situation where the likelyhood of being able to rock the indoor stylee will be questionable at best. The other problem is that the rainy season and first frost are a bit early for our puposes. The plus side is a shitload of forests and pretty much no concern of fly-bys. So I completed my first grow a few weeks ago and now I'm hooked. I mean I've grown a lot of different plants and some fungi over the years. Nothing besides maybe snowboarding has given me as much pleasure as simply growing herb.

So on to my question: Given the above discription, do you think that I have a prayer's chance of finishing out some decient smoke from Orient Express or Nepalese Jam? I figured Dubi or some of you other fine folks might voice your opinion on the matter. I was talking to an elderly woman who said that while the USDA's claim of early Oct was fairly accurate for first frost, usually it's isolated and it warms up again. We are talking about the area 2 hours from the coast in southern WA, so when I say rainy season I mean it. One person I was talking to seemed to think that elevating the plant a short distance from the ground would help. Any comments? Also I know that my dad would put plastic over the blueberry bushes to keep the frost from doing too much harm. I was thinking that this might help, but also as wet as it is, maybe it might just encourage mold. So how frost hardy can either of these plants possibly be? If we are talking about big happy plants with lots of microhoriza, how much damage will a light frost do? Anyways all thoughts are welcome.


So I read through the Wikipedia article on the Yunnan province. Apperently most of the agriculture takes place in the highlands. Also the majority of the rain falls between july and august. So that side of the genetics may be predisposed to dealing with cold and wet. The other thing that I thought was cool is that they have over 800 different edible mushrooms.


Throbbing Member
I am not too far from you. Over the last 6 years, I have not seen a frost hit us before Oct 31st. Now rain can start heavy in mid Sept, but usually waits until mid Oct. I am at 45N BTW.


Yeah that would be fairly close. I found a fairly crude map and "not too far" may be a bit of an understatement according to google maps. So do you/have you ever grow/grown outdoors? What strains? Did you let it ride out till it was done or pull it in Sept before the rain hit? I've been looking at some of the autoflowering strains also. I just know that C.ruderalis doesn't exactly bring any extra potency to the table... I really hope that I can pull off an outdoor grow with some rightous genetics. That old question of "If you had a million dollars what would you do?", well fuck, I'd grow herb. Like I said the likelyhood of pulling off anything beyond maybe a microgrow indoors is slim. I'm sitting on some Bluebonic, Sunshine #2, Satori, Kalichakra, WL White Rhino, Critically Smashed, BB femmed Cheese (they didn't have the standard in stock), in addition to the previously listed ACE genetics. How can one not grow? Any advice would be very welcome. I'm not actually there yet. I will be in under a week though. It's easier to hit the ground running than watch the season for a year and then experiment. So any other tid bit would be very welcome. Also other than Beacon Rock, do you know of other climbing routes in the area?


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome treewizard,

Nepalese Jam and Bangi Haze would be great choices, they finish early, between late sept and early oct and they are very mold and cold resistant plants. If autumn comes cold you can protect them last flowering weeks with a greenhouse/plastic structure, always with good air flow.

Best wishes for outdoor season. - ACE Seeds -