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Question regarding intake air from the outside... help!

Team Microbe

Active member
Hey guys, I'm wondering how to filter the air from outside before it comes into my room.

I'm AFRAID the answer will be another carbon filter, but I figure it's worth a shot incase theres a more inexpensive option here. I've been getting powdery mildew on a few plants and understand it's from spores outside coming inside and landing on my girls.

ANY advice is much appreciated :)

the gnome

Active member
use a hepa rated filter on the intake,
spores are usually in the air and can come in with u.
if your getting PM its the conditions in your gro promoting the spores to hatch.
you need good air movement and exchange.
an oscillating fan does a good job

also monitor what your Rh is doing.
stagnant air w/hi RH = PM


Well-known member
If you bought just a carbon filter sleeve and used it like an extractor fan bug screen, Would that work? And save you money

Team Microbe

Active member
use a hepa rated filter on the intake,
spores are usually in the air and can come in with u.
if your getting PM its the conditions in your gro promoting the spores to hatch.
you need good air movement and exchange.
an oscillating fan does a good job

also monitor what your Rh is doing.
stagnant air w/hi RH = PM

This is what confuses me, I have 2 big oscillating fans in there. A 435 cfm Hurrican fan pulling everything through a phresh filter on full blast, and a clean room.

My RH stays between 20-40%

Temps linger between 52 (on cold nights where it dips down to 0F) and 75 during lights on.

Would low temps in the 50s be a factor at all you think? I figured that mimics outdoors so I didn't think twice about it.... much thanks!

Team Microbe

Active member
If you bought just a carbon filter sleeve and used it like an extractor fan bug screen, Would that work? And save you money

no, the sleeves act as a pre-filter for bigger particles like dust and hair. It doesn't do anything to the odor/spores unfortunately. :/