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Question on vaccines.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Well, i've been doing some reading. The more I read about vaccines, the more worried I get. Thimerasol(mercury) being one of the main reasons why. Autism, brain inflamation, central nervous system problems are some of the side effects. I've read that even some people think they contain live cancer viruses.

And now with this manmade swine flu. The government is now pushing mass vaccination. This is a vaccine I plan not to take.

I've even read about the vaccine company owners bragging about eugenics.

Its just really fucked up.

I've tried looking for mercury free vaccines. They are nowhere to be found.

I know vaccines protect from serious diseases. How necessary are they? But what are the odds of my children getting sick if I just don't vaccinate.

Maybe this thread doesn't belong here but I must ask here since this is where I first started questioning the established "system"

I am just really concerned. Anyone else thought the same?


Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Really, was this your decision or your parents?

Do you get sick more than other peeps? Or do you get sick at all?

Please inform


They took mercury out of vaccines long ago. All infants should get all the normal vaccines, but I'm not a fan of flu vaccines myself (haven't had one since I was young and just remember getting a weak flu from them). And for some reason this swine flu vaccine has me a bit paranoid, but I'm not sure why. Probably just because I've been all sorts of paranoid recently, with having to tear down cause of snitches and such. I've gotten past looking out my windows everytime a car drives by, though, so I'm getting better :p


I get sick once a year if i'm unlucky. Generally it's the seasonal variation of the flu. I firmly believe that todays society is too clean. We need exposure to some things to help build an immune system, that's how the immune system works. Living in too clean an environ and taking vaccines deprives the immune system of a chance to adapt and improve. As for choice, it was my parents until i was old enough to make decisions and then i choose to continue the path. I feel i have a strong constitution and dont get ill as often as some people.


They took mercury out of vaccines long ago. All infants should get all the normal vaccines, but I'm not a fan of flu vaccines myself (haven't had one since I was young and just remember getting a weak flu from them). And for some reason this swine flu vaccine has me a bit paranoid, but I'm not sure why. Probably just because I've been all sorts of paranoid recently, with having to tear down cause of snitches and such. I've gotten past looking out my windows everytime a car drives by, though, so I'm getting better :p

this is simply not true, they have not taken mercury out of vaccines, you are mistaken at best and a disinformation specialist at worse, they have taken mercury out of a couple of vaccines, but ALL flu shots and other childhood vaccines still use thimerisol(mercury) as the preservative. just 6 months ago i was talking to a client whos child got autism immediately after receiving the MMR vaccine. perfectly normal prior to the shot, and fried brain after. she listened to me and had chelation therapy treatments on the chlid, and he is almost back to normal, he is still taking chelation therapy treatments 6 months later and still has some mercury in his system, but his condition IS improving. dont speak about things you "HEARD" about, because it causes people to make bad decisions.
now in response to the original poster, i have numerous friends who homeschool their kids, and had their children with a midwife in a doctors clinic, not at the hospital, and their kids NEVER have had a shot of any kind, and not only are they normal and healthy, they rarely if at all get sick. childhood diseases like measels and chicken pox are a normal part of our immune systems maturing to be able to fight off serious things when we get older. people who receive these vaccines have on average 20 points reduced from their IQ because of brain damage from the initial high doses of mercury. i havent had a flu vaccine in close to 27 years, and i have only had the flu maybe 3 times in that time, once about 12 years ago when the texas flu was going around, it was bad, once last year, and about a month ago i had swine flu, they claim its the only strain going around right now down here, so i guess it was what i had, it wasnt as bad as the regular flu. i usually never get sick. so whoever posted that they took mercury out of the vaccines better do some research, its simply not true. they havent and they never will.


Active member
yeah... I have a friend who's parents didn't let them take vaccines

and they are some of the most smartest people I have met

other families say their dad raised them like a cult


this is simply not true, they have not taken mercury out of vaccines, you are mistaken at best and a disinformation specialist at worse, they have taken mercury out of a couple of vaccines, but ALL flu shots and other childhood vaccines still use thimerisol(mercury) as the preservative. just 6 months ago i was talking to a client whos child got autism immediately after receiving the MMR vaccine. perfectly normal prior to the shot, and fried brain after. she listened to me and had chelation therapy treatments on the chlid, and he is almost back to normal, he is still taking chelation therapy treatments 6 months later and still has some mercury in his system, but his condition IS improving. dont speak about things you "HEARD" about, because it causes people to make bad decisions.
now in response to the original poster, i have numerous friends who homeschool their kids, and had their children with a midwife in a doctors clinic, not at the hospital, and their kids NEVER have had a shot of any kind, and not only are they normal and healthy, they rarely if at all get sick. childhood diseases like measels and chicken pox are a normal part of our immune systems maturing to be able to fight off serious things when we get older. people who receive these vaccines have on average 20 points reduced from their IQ because of brain damage from the initial high doses of mercury. i havent had a flu vaccine in close to 27 years, and i have only had the flu maybe 3 times in that time, once about 12 years ago when the texas flu was going around, it was bad, once last year, and about a month ago i had swine flu, they claim its the only strain going around right now down here, so i guess it was what i had, it wasnt as bad as the regular flu. i usually never get sick. so whoever posted that they took mercury out of the vaccines better do some research, its simply not true. they havent and they never will.

Sorry about that, didn't mean to misinform anybody. I guess I've just been misinformed. Thanks for hittin me with some knowledge.

Edit: Just did a bit of quick research and it looks like they gradually took it out of most vaccines by 2001. There's only a few with it now. I'll try to find a list.

Edit #2: It looks like it is still in most flu vaccines and a couple others. A complete list can be found here: http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/SafetyAvailability/VaccineSafety/UCM096228 Sorry again for misinforming people in my original post. The last thing I want to do is hurt somebody.


Also, I'd like to say that I usually test 138-145 depending on the IQ test and got all my vaccines until I was old enough that my mom didn't take me to the doctor anymore :p

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Killroy, most vaccines contain mercury.

Dogboy, good to hear that not everyones vaccinated. getting sick once a year ain't that bad. I'm seriously thinking about not vaccinating. Its crazy how people will willingly take a shot when their gov tells them to, without asking questions. Thanks for the input.

Blazned, its good to know people are doing great with not vaccinating. Damn, imagine where I could've been with 20+ IQ points. lol. I feel like I was robbed. Dude!, you got swine flu? How'd that go for you? How'd you get it?

Whiterabbit, I didn't get the part where you said their dad raised them like a cult...

From what I've read on vaccines, there is a lot of info that you don't get told by a doctor when you get shots, info that EVERYONE should now. I feel alone on this one cause all my friends are going to take shots, they even talk shit cause i'm not vaccinating my kids. But I want to make an informed decision and not just raise my sleeve.

Anyone else with vaccine info...please help.



Who says most vaccines have mercury, never heard thsat before. link pls?


Concerns based on extrapolations from methylmercury caused thiomersal to be removed from U.S. childhood vaccines, starting in 1999. Since then, it has been found that ethylmercury is cleared from the body and the brain significantly faster than methylmercury, so the late-1990s risk assessments turned out to be overly conservative.[9] A 2008 study found that the half-life of blood mercury after vaccination averages 3.7 days for newborns and infants, much shorter than the 44 days for methylmercury.[11]



I'm curious.... do you guys think the 1000's of doctors that went to MEDICAL school... which includes 6 years of regular schooling ontop of medical school. They don't know wtf they are talking about? Seriously?

I dont get flu vaccines and i wont get teh swine flu vaccine, however worried that these vaccines are going to cause problems is fucking retarded... seriously. You paranoid stoners. People that dont get their kids vaccinated because of this should be taken out back and shot... or at the very least sterilized.


Well-known member
They don't know wtf they are talking about? Seriously?

normally i'd agree with you, except for Prilosec/Nexium -- if you have a cough, and go see a doctor, they will prescribe these two stomach acid inhibitors regardless of the actual cause or condition.

Is that a conspiracy going on? They ALL do it. Sounds like pharm-encouraged longitudinal testing for fucking free.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I'm curious.... do you guys think the 1000's of doctors that went to MEDICAL school... which includes 6 years of regular schooling ontop of medical school. They don't know wtf they are talking about? Seriously?

I dont get flu vaccines and i wont get teh swine flu vaccine, however worried that these vaccines are going to cause problems is fucking retarded... seriously. You paranoid stoners. People that dont get their kids vaccinated because of this should be taken out back and shot... or at the very least sterilized.

Yes, I believe in the possibility that they are wrong. Or that they were lied to. Every vaccine that is shot into someone isn't checked in a lab before it is injected, its virtually impossible cause there are millions of shots. So you don't really know what your getting.

Anyone trying to forcibly vaccinate me or my kids. Will be taken out back and shot, hmmm, or maybe out front you never now. Period.

I'm thinking of buying a whole bunch of vaccines and taking them to a chemist...just to see what the hell is in those vaccines...

Know of any "organic" safe vaccines?
Bring back some useful information please.

Here's a video I just found, barely watching it now:



The issue of thimerosal in vaccines and autism is controversial. There have been conflicting studies.

My g/f has an autistic grandson so I hear about all the latest research.

IMO there may a link in susceptible individuals but it's definitely a hot issue.


I'm curious.... do you guys think the 1000's of doctors that went to MEDICAL school... which includes 6 years of regular schooling ontop of medical school. They don't know wtf they are talking about? Seriously?

I dont get flu vaccines and i wont get teh swine flu vaccine, however worried that these vaccines are going to cause problems is fucking retarded... seriously. You paranoid stoners. People that dont get their kids vaccinated because of this should be taken out back and shot... or at the very least sterilized.

Nothing personal, but you're quite ignorant/uninformed. There has been many studies that show a correlation between vaccines and autism, compromised immune systems, Alzheimer's, etc.

Is it a possibility Dr.'s don't know what they're talking about? Absolutely. Its no secret big pharma already gives perks to Dr'.s that use their products in quantity. Pharma execs have already made their way into medical school curriculum. These are facts, not stoner paranoia.

Modern health care in terms of treating chronic illness is really pathetic IMO. If you break your arm, need an organ transplant, or any other type of emergency care, then please, take me to modern american health care.

If you have fatigue, depression, and other chronic unexplained health problems, MOST of the time a Dr. will talk to you for 5 min and give you a prescription to just treat the symptoms. They will not talk about your diet and how it could be affecting you, hormone and nutritional deficiency, sources of toxicity, etc.

I've personally gone through this hell of inadequate and improper health care and wasted way too much of my life being sick and nonfunctional. This is why I'm going into health care to really get to the root of people's illness.