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Question on mist spraying plants


I know that water works as a magnifier. So is it a bad practice to spray your foliage while lights are on? Can that damage the plants?
Sorry for the simpleton question but the only way to know is ask....


Dr. Doolittle
Sup Jiggy jiggy!!! How is that kick ass crop of yours doing?

Personally I would spray when the lights come on, because spraying so before lights off can raise moisture levels when lights are out and constant doing so and depending on how high your humidity levels are contrubute to powdery mildew, bud rot and mildew problems on your plants.

I honestly don't think water droplets can act as a magnifier; I tried this a long time ago and did not get what I was looking for; I to thought the same thing, but water droplets don't magnify them and burn leaves and such...... google it and you will find out that droplets on leaves magnifying and such is false.


Active member

I’ve never been into misting my plants and they have grown just fine. I have always been nervous about doing so cuz of the mold thing. What are the supposed benefits of misting?

Raistlin Majere

i always spray right when the light comes on
i was told HID lights create a dry heat and misting provides a rain to help them stay hydrated and wash dust particals off
never noticed problems yet and i like to spend time misting them every other day or so

:edit: i stop spraying when the buds start to thicken up around halfway through flowering :edit:

keep it green
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So I was floating around IC and came across this thread so I guess I'll just double post my response. ;)

The best time to mist your plants is while the lights are turning on when the photosynthesis process begins. At this time the temperatures are cooler leaving the beads that form from the misting longer to be absorbed by the plant, as it will take longer for the beads to evaporate. Although yes those beads act as little magnifying glasses on the plant this should not "burn" your plant unless you have like a 1000w on your veg, or your lights are too close to begin with. I personally mist my plants only during the vegetative cycle. Three times a day... and my times are according to their "day" and have never once found burn spots, I have however encountered residues from when it evaporates too fast and I am misting with kelp in the water, but that is washed away with the regular water mistings and if not I wipe down the leaves periodically anyway. Back to the times, they are as follows- Crack of dawn, early afternoon, and early evening. There is no point in misting during night time(or lights out) as there is no photosynthesis occuring with the plant, the plant is merely using the energy it has gathered during the day time(lights on) forming new growth, be it new nodes or new flowers(buds). That's why when the lights come on the plant looks magicly bigger or the buds suddenly got way fatter. Not only that but trying to mist while the lights out could lead to spraying something electrical you might have in there and when the circuit is being used again may spark an electrical fire. And more then likely you will cause some form of hermephedism(or however you spell it). Hope that sheds some light on it for yah


Sorry, I'm new here. I've been misting with spray n grow about every other day and have been noticing little brown spots on my leaves. Not really on the newest leaves, but on the nodes 2 or 3 from the top. I turned to the infirmary for answers and thats when i stumbled upon this thread. I was thinking that the spots might be burns from the droplets magnifying the light, but am hearing here that this is not the case??? could it be nute burn then? its not out of control at this point, and my nutrient levels are low if anything, my leaves are a light green as opposed to a dark green, which is why I say the nutes are on the lower side. I've been gradually increasing them. If not burn from the light (400 watt MH) which I started moving to the top of the cab until the droplets dry because of my suspicions, what else could it be? Does mold or fungus look like this? or could it be nute burn from too much nutes? PH Fluctuation? Its always dropping as I heard it should, and i'm always bumping it back up, or could it be that i'm adding the nutrients too fast? Any input would be much appriciated.

Incase more information is needed, its about week 3, 6" tall, ~800 ppms, light 8" from growth tips, sorry, I dont have a camera right now so no pics, but the spots are small at this point and I doubt if i could capture them on camera anyway.


Thank you all that replied. I wasn’t sure if misting could cause burning. So that being said what is a good spray policy? Is it bad to spray buds at any point during flowering if you have a good grasp on humidity?

Stitch I was hoping that I would see a response from you. Your guild to sick plants has been a saver in many instances. I guess mist burn may not be my problem. I will be putting up another thread on the problem I am having. My older leaves seem to have very tiny spotting and I have yet to come across any pics similar. I will have the thread up soon hopefully I will get you and some of the others that replied above to give a diagnosis. I will have pic’s and details to post

Jiggy Thanks for the post

Raistlin Just out of curiosity why is it that you stop? Do you think it is non-beneficial or harmful?

Shutter Hey there. I saw your post on your thread thanks for reposting here. Is there a reason why you only spray during veg? I got a good chuckle out of misting during lights out….. Blind misting… it adds excitement to gardening…. I have been spraying about 15 min give or take into lights on about every other day and misting during flowering with no mildew or anything but oblivious to any other problems I may be causing by doing so. Am I? BTW that LOCxHPxG13 and Godberry look superb. I wish my screen was scratch and sniff or pick and smoke…. :laughing:

Illadelph This is where you find the answers. I hope this string helps you out
Well mostly it becomes a hassle to hose down giant plants, well giant compared to when they are we babes. And why most people do not mist during the latter half of flower is that even with humidity in check the water can and most likely will penetrate the bud structures where there is a lower chance of evaporation thus creating higher humidity levels in the buds raising the likely hood of mold and mildew, especially so in plants susceptible to mold such as Hashberry with it's above average density in it's flowers. Thanks for the props, I too wish for a scratch and sniff screen.


Active member
funny, ive actualy burnt new tips from having a fat water drop sit on the top of the plant.
im thinking the drop size matters, but only if its really big. use a plant penatrator or dish soap to make the water sheen across the leafs.

Raistlin Majere

Raistlin Just out of curiosity why is it that you stop? Do you think it is non-beneficial or harmful?

and the answer :muahaha:

-ShutterBug- said:
And why most people do not mist during the latter half of flower is that even with humidity in check the water can and most likely will penetrate the bud structures where there is a lower chance of evaporation thus creating higher humidity levels in the buds raising the likely hood of mold and mildew, especially so in plants susceptible to mold such as Hashberry with it's above average density in it's flowers.


haha you people wrap your plants up in cotton wool too much cannabis is a tough plant so a bit of misting wont hurt it. I mist my plants if they are in direct sunlight and I havent had any problems...