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Question On Harvesting with Clear Trichs


Basic question, I'm not gonna go into the why of it, but if I harvest a few weeks early when all the trichs are clear will the strength be weak or just heady as hell?

both. and short-lived. not enjoyable IMO. Stick it out unless you're battling some serious bud rot outdoors. It's worth the wait!


heady as hell. for about 5 minutes
unless theres mold then chill bro a couple of weeks is nothing compared to the difference it makes.


It's not mold or anything just some nasty nutrient issues and my leafs are getting burnt and crunchy and I don't wanna smoke that shit.

Alright, appreciate your feedback fellas.
I'm assuming you're growing organically? post some pics and info! better that we sort out your issue than give up and harvest early!


Harvest those b-otches. For me I cant always wait, for harvest so I found out it gives me more of an energetic lighter high, picking earlier. But u can always wait, and hope that it gets better... good luck..

Life is like a bunch of chocolates, hopefully there special ones.


I'm assuming you're growing organically? post some pics and info! better that we sort out your issue than give up and harvest early!

Yes, it's pretty much organic. At one point I used some fertilizer but stopped using it when I found out its inorganic.

There's already a post floating around here where I indicated this problem but I never asked if its a good idea to harvest early, but basically it's this shit. This picture is old so it's gotten a lot worse.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
they look slightly odd for sure but its only the big fan leaves atm - the buds and bud leaves look ok. i would leave them growing for longer. having the leaves die back is a natural part of the plant ripening anyway and losing the green colour actually increases smoking quality.

if the soil is wet (which might be part of your problem) then let it dry out a bit and try to water sparingly until harvest. clear trics can be a bit headache inducing but once they've mostly gone cloudy you can strat to think about harvesting.



It's just now getting to the outer leafs of the buds with 32 days in. So I'll hold as long as I can. I tried a small sample that I took three days ago and it wasn't cured and smooth by any means but the strength was there and I was stoned for the better part of the day. Even if I sacrifice some of the buds for quality it doesn't seem like it'll be a huge disappointment.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor

Thats what I thought. I would leave that be you have done enough and concentrate on getting some healthy plants to fill the space up. I would leave that thing there until the new small plants were ready for the space or until it is done. 32 days there is no way I would ever smoke it, straight to trash.


Hey DMT,
Looks like just a little lock-out/imbalance. I would just flush heavy with lots and lots of water, and then let the plant dry to almost the point of wilting. Next water resume feeding with a reduced feed schedule. A small mistake worth noting but nothing to sweet. The big fan leaves can die off without the final product being hurt or wasted. Even if this only buys you a week or two more of growth I think you will be happy with it.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I've enjoyed some splendid clear trichome cannabis in days gone by. It does look like you had some sort of soluble nutrient overload there. As others have suggested, were it me, I'd remove those ugly useless fan leaves and then I'd mix a slurry of vermicompost (EWC) if you have access to some (the fresher, the better) and water with it, then just water thereafter with plain water as required. Those flowers will grow some yet.

EDIT: You can even trim the leaves, just leaving the green parts.


Hey Microbeman, yup, I was planning on doing the EWC slurry.

Question though, my EWC is 1-0-0, is that going to interfere with the flowering cycle?


Active member
yeah, id wait, just water them.

no more nutes (well, id personally add a few drop of urine to the soil, then water only with maybe a light feeding very later on, depending on the plant)

but, that doesnt really look to be that big of a problem.. and the buds nowhere near ready.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Hey Microbeman, yup, I was planning on doing the EWC slurry.

Question though, my EWC is 1-0-0, is that going to interfere with the flowering cycle?

Unless you have some kind of 'special' EWC, the analysis is of not much consequence, as most EWC nutrients are sequestered so will not be uptaken by the plant unless needed. FYI, not all EWC is really great but it is difficult to find some which is harmful. That's one reason I always like the fresher stuff. Get a worm bin everybody! In hard times, it is all you really need.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Yawell vermicompost slurry is not really nutes. It is like the great balancer. Why?...I'm not exactly sure.

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