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Question on CO outdoor MMJ grow laws

So this question is regarding a small personal outdoor grow.

I have my red card and was wondering whether the regulations for growing medical cannabis outdoors differ from those for growing bud recreationally outdoors. I've heard that if growing outdoors without a red card, you are limited to 3 plants (since you can't control when they flower) and that they must be caged essentially, enclosed on all sides including the top. Do those regulations apply to medical grows? I'm well below my allotted plant count but have more than 3 growing outside now, and also wondered about the enclosing part of the law.

I just want to make sure I'm doing everything legally, it's a large part of why I recently moved here. Thanks in advance


Colorado Amendment 20 reads:


(a) No patient shall:
(I) Engage in the medical use of marijuana in a way that endangers the health or well-being of any person; or

(II) Engage in the medical use of marijuana in plain view of, or in a place open to, the general public."

So outdoor plants for red card holders need only to be out of public view. Outdoor plants under amendment 64 must be grown in an enclosed and locked space.


Well-known member
Hey barnyard: Do you have a feel for "enclosed and locked space" outdoors (in back yard)? I have a 6 foot cedar privacy fence with a couple locks on it. That won't stop any rippers, but I hope it is enough for the law. Anyway in flower it smells nice back there near the plants.


good question Bom.

I would think that behind a locked gate would meet the "out of public view" requirement of amendment 20 so you are within the law. But who knows. The Denver cops, city council and mayor's office all have their panties in a bunch in spite of regulation having few real problems.

mmm, Mary Jane smells so lovely hope you get to taste her... BTW hops looks a lot like cannabis for and makes a good camouflage... good luck with that bro!
Thanks for the helpful response barnyard.

Can't wait to learn some of the ropes this summer in my first growing season!

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