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Question for you H&G guys

I've been wondering this for a while and although it seems pretty self explanatory by just reading the bottle I still haven't found a clear-cut answer to this question:

When feeding with your base nutrients (I'm talking about Coco A & B but I assume Aqua Flakes is the same deal), do you PH after the A & B or do you PH after adding your additives?

On the bottles it says to PH after you put the A & B in, but I find that if I do that and then add my additives (Rhizotonic, CalMag, Cannazyme) my PH is always off and needs to be adjusted after.

I'm wondering if the fact that I'm adjusting it at this point is actually the wrong thing to be doing and I should be leaving the PH at whatever it gets to simply because the bottle says to do it that way.

Any input from you experienced H&G guys?

Thanks for reading and good growing!


Can't speak for others but me personally i add A,B all my additives leave for 24 hours then normally need 1ml of ph up

But i don't use H&G base nutes but will be after this grow


i just got the HandG feeding chart from my hydro shop and it says on there.... fill water container Put in part A mix and let sit...
then do part b
then PH
it also says any changes to the pH from the additives is temporary and will go back to normal


Active member
what everyone else said; u mix a... make sure to let it sit for a bit, 5-10min, then add b... let sit again and then ph.... i use ro water don't measure ph and don't have any probs though :)

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