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Question for growers who have been raided


Patient Grower
ZackMorris, I have a PayPal account in a phony name with all phony info except a link to a real Citibank deposit account because that's the only way to get the money out. I actually set it up to collect Bing cash back rewards not any kind of illicit motives. Well I guess getting Bing to pay me more than their $2500 per year limit is kind of illicit, but not the illicit activities that usually comes to mind on this forum.
ZackMorris, I have a PayPal account in a phony name with all phony info except a link to a real Citibank deposit account because that's the only way to get the money out. I actually set it up to collect Bing cash back rewards not any kind of illicit motives. Well I guess getting Bing to pay me more than their $2500 per year limit is kind of illicit, but not the illicit activities that usually comes to mind on this forum.

and you werent ever asked for a ss# for either of those accounts?


Good thread. Anyone know of good methods for hiding cash besides burying jars at the park or giving it to other people to hold? Im assuming if they want they can clean out your bank account which is why i ask. I wonder if you can open a savings account using a fake name and not having to show id? Doubt it.

Best way to hide money is a safe house. Get someone to buy (or take out a lease) on a house that you hide your money in. Don't bring anyone there, don't throw a party there. If you don't have a certain amount of money that needs to be hidden, then don't visit the house.

Banks leave trails... Even with the paypal account under a fake name, they'll be able to track the paypal account by tracing where the money is getting into your bank account from. And fake bank accounts is a federal crime (i believe...) and it doesn't make too much sense to even try it when hiding money is easier and less risky.

Remember to put some money aside for a lawyer in the case that you do f* up and get busted.


ZackMorris, I have a PayPal account in a phony name with all phony info except a link to a real Citibank deposit account because that's the only way to get the money out. I actually set it up to collect Bing cash back rewards not any kind of illicit motives. Well I guess getting Bing to pay me more than their $2500 per year limit is kind of illicit, but not the illicit activities that usually comes to mind on this forum.

that is not secure at all.

there are such things as anonymous bank accounts overseas. google will provide much information on the subject.
i would think another way to store money safely is by using a safety deposit box. maybe get a friend to put it in his name but you keep the key. prepaid credit cards are nice too for paying bills and purchasing stuff online.
If you have a tall tree, stick the money in painted jars as high as you can climb. I used a flat black paint with a light green and tan "camo" over the one I hid up in the oak tree and they never even walked near it the entire time. A mason jar that can hold an ounce of dank can hold around $25k.


what if they destroy your home and find nothing incriminating...do they get in trouble and can you go after them for lots of $$?? also from listening to a few of your stories man its quite obvious the DEA is a business!!


Warrants are supposed to be specific, describing in detail the things to be seized and or the places to be searched. If they tear into walls and destroy property without good reason, such as info that it is there, or indications by a dog, they can be sued for damgaes.

Of course it could cost more to file a claim and pursue it than the property is worth...thats how the scumbags get their rocks off...the pigs have tiny peckers and love violence to get off...sick fucks.

But there are rules about speificity on warants, even tho it is hard to pursue.

Bro, this is TERRIBLY wrong! all they have to do is describe what they are looking for, and where it could "possibly" be (i.e. drugs in house, car, etc.)...THATS IT!!! They are allowed to look ANYWHERE those items may fit. For instance...if they have a warrant to look for a gun in your house...that pretty much gives them free run of your crib, b/c a gun could theoretically fit anywhere within your living dwelling. So they can, and will tear into your walls, into your pipes, ducting, where ever they "feel" that gun could be hidden!

Before you start spout your "legal knowledge" learn about it first! You could possibly be spreading false info...as you have done here.



gets some
Bro, this is TERRIBLY wrong! all they have to do is describe what they are looking for, and where it could "possibly" be (i.e. drugs in house, car, etc.)...THATS IT!!! They are allowed to look ANYWHERE those items may fit. For instance...if they have a warrant to look for a gun in your house...that pretty much gives them free run of your crib, b/c a gun could theoretically fit anywhere within your living dwelling. So they can, and will tear into your walls, into your pipes, ducting, where ever they "feel" that gun could be hidden!

Before you start spout your "legal knowledge" learn about it first! You could possibly be spreading false info...as you have done here.


You're both right. He pointed out what the law says a warrant is supposed to specify. You pointed out that cops generally ignore the law and do whatever they want.


Patient Grower
Warrant specifications only need to include a reason for any size space they want to search. Including a search for drugs or indicia of drug possession/dealing gives them access to any size space in the house, at least that would reasonably hide something as small as a hit of acid...that means everywhere. If they're searching for a stolen grand piano and open a desk drawer and find a pound of heroin it's inadmissible because a stolen piano couldn't be hidden in a desk drawer. But if they're searching for a hit of acid and stumble upon that same pound of heroin it's good evidence because it's reasonable to search the drawer for the acid. Just because it isn't included in the warrant doesn't mean it's going to get tossed.


depends on the jurisdiction and who is doing the raiding. Local police will usually be more thorough because they want the 'profile' where as if your small time and it's the state or feds they'll pick and choose what they find.
Don't give them a reason to raid you. Live a normal life and don't try to live a 'flashy' lifestyle outside your means. That is the biggest tip off there is. You 'work' a job making x-amount of money per year, but have fancy cars, keep weird hours,etc. LOW PROFILE and invest your $$$$$. In the long run you'll be grateful.


this is why i could never break the law and grow. it would kill me to see strangers going through my things.

If it's a small, personal grow (250hps and under) and you never sell (really) then the likelihood of a bust is pretty much zero. Assuming all the basic precautions are met, smell etc.

Most, if not all of these guys are talking about commercial operation.
What Treefrog sez....

I know guys who have been busted cuz of falling out with partner/neighbors etc,
all it takes is a call to the cops to get your house/apt searched.

Always remember you are breaking the law and there's lots of people who would like to see your ass busted,
even if they are apparently nice to your face -
sadly it's usually some uptight bitch moaning at her husband to do something about that weird guy across the way
that she can't quite put her finger on - they glorify in "See, I was right" and they'll push and push all the while.
Most men might turn a blind eye, especially if it doesn't directly affect them,
but it's easier to give in to the old lady as they have to live with her and not you - although sometimes I guess some might wonder...

I cut my old ladies grass for them, wash my bins and clear my street gutter of fag-ends and sweet wrappers
and still I can lip-read/hear them bitchin' about me, but all I do is keep my head down and not react.

People are just mean, that's just the way it is - but you can't afford a conviction, so the balance is always against you.

Keep it cool, keep it tight, keep it friendly and you'll keep your grow and stash.

Rant over....
:thank you:


I had a fire at my house about 5 years back, the fortunate lucky thing about this for me was it JUST SO HAPPEND the day before I dont know what made me feel this way it was definitely god protecting my ass, but i got incredibly paranoid about having all my plants because at the time i was located in an area where it wasnt legal and i didnt have my card at this time so long story short i threw away everything! all my plants everything i was just freaking out the next day i couldnt figure out why i destroyed everything and through it all out like someone else controlled my actions...i go up stairs to take a shower but i smoked my blunt before hand i but the blunt out on the side of the sink...now on the floor there was a towel, that just so happened to be soaked in cologne (cologne bottle musta fell from the window being open, i go in to take my shower the whole bathroom is hazy but im still really high and smell smoke anyways from just smoking the blunt, i get out of the shower and still mistake the smoldering smoke from the towel (didnt look directly at it just noticed smoke in the air) for shower steam etc. i dry off and walk out. i go in the kitchen and my sister goes do you smell something burning? immediately i run up to the bathroom which was 4 stories away. I just knew so i was screaming fire on my way to the bathroom, get this. there just happened to be a 20 gallon gatorade cooler full of rain water outside and my bro was shooting hoops he could see the smoke from outside he grabs the cooler running towards the house and my bro is a skinny dude that cooler was atleast 100 pounds and he made it upstairs so quick there was no doubt adrenaline was pumping through his veins. he puts out the fire and now here comes the interesting part, first off i wanna say i HAD about 20 plants the day earlier and about 1/2lb also NO ONE knew what i did NO ONE, my friends would just get some weed from me time to time because ya know they are my friends (the plants were gone but the half pound was still on me on my desk) I was 16 at the time. fire trucks started to come, but the curious thing about the whole situation was there was about 5 cop cars to every fire truck and there was about 4 fire trucks i shit you not. I walk out to the front lawn not once did the cops go to inspect the fire they were searching through my basement, my room, my grow room (LUCKILY TEARED DOWN THE DAY BEFORE!!) now i realize i have an advantage here because im a kid...so i told myself ok man lets act like a stupid kid so they think i just need to grow up and hopefully the just tell me "let this be a lesson drugs are bad blah blah blah" the cheif of police comes down from my bathroom on the 4th floor with the roach to my blunt that was on the toilet seat he says whats this and i put my head down in (fake) shame. I told the officer well my parents are getting divorced and kids at school are doing this and they told me it makes you feel better so i bought a lot of it (because i knew they would find the 1/2lb) they come down with the half pound like they are playing games with me purposely waiting to see what i have to say before they bring out article B lol. Stupid cops didnt realize they were dealing with the smartest 16 year old in the world that day, they ask me whats all the pot for i told them thats how much the guys i met at the mall told me i needed to get high but it seems they were wrong because i only needed like 1/1000th of that. the cheif chuckled and said "boy you got gipped" HAHAHA at this point i knew everything was going in my direction. the cops pressed no charges and left. that was the closest call i EVER had. That experience made me flawless from then on from inducing accidents etc. but the thing i still cant figure out is what was with all the cops...did someone talk?? and why did they go through my whole house and not even look in the bathroom....