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question for 2010 grow


just a quick question guys for my 2010 grow and thank you everyone on here i have learned so much from you all and also enjoyed reading everyones posts. my question is if you had an outdoor grow space say 20 ft x 10 ft would you fill that space with as many plants as possible or would you put less plants in there and space them out after all the great advice you guys have given me this is all i would need to know and promise to send photos in on next years grow. thanks in advance fellas for any replys and thanks for being so helpfull


Well-known member
Thought about this awhile and i think there are 3 answers depending on your climate. (All answers assume Guerrilla grow)

Option #1. As already mentioned spread plants out (3x3 spacing) and put them into ground after last spring frost. Go for larger yielding strain.

Option #2 Wait until late July clear all native vegetation and put in a 40 or more late season minis. Harvest Sept 15th - Oct 1st. Less work, less stress, better security because of size and very similar yield results to Option #1. Only con are amount of plants needed vs. Option#1

Option #3 (warm climate no frost until Nov 15th or later)
Space out a Sept 15th finisher 3x3 ft per plant. Harvest and clear out all native vegetation and put in a plot of 40 or more of late season minis possible to pull two harvests from one plot. Possible yes but very stressful working same area through hunting season.


Active member
another option, if this is backyard stuff, u could do a big SCrog too. iv seen it done and it worked pretty damn well.


thank you jackel very much for replying to my post i am from the uk when you say backyard over here it means your garden when you say scrog do that mean a load of plants tight together if you dont mind me asking. where all the forcus is on the top bud


Active member
I like hamstrings 2nd suggestion for a couple of reasons. I am not a newb nor a pro but this is what happened to me this past year and why option 2 is such a good one. I put my plants out early in the south and by the time mid july roles around the work of carrying loads of water is rough. I planted mid april and the plants needed so much care that would not have been the case if I had cloned and planted minis. To start early like I did is 7 months of keeping a plant healthy. I lost 2/3's to termites (frequent watering draws them in) and the size and watering needs of a 3 month old plant in july can be alot to tend to. I would start early with feminized seed and clone the hell out of them to keep it manageable. Much less can go wrong in 2-3 months with a small plant than 7 months of a big one. Do some of both and see for yourself.