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Question about SCRoG and Lighting


New member
Hey ICMAG! I'm planning my first grow. I've been reading about everything that pertains to growing for over a year now. I've been lurking in many grow journals watching different methods. Now it's finally time for me to dive in!

I'm planning a small stealth grow in a grow cab. I want to do 12/12 from seed for my first run because A) I'm trying out bagseed and I don't know the strain B) I want to see how it goes without spending months and months vegging and flowering the plants C) I have limited space.

Now I also want to try the Screen of Green method of growing. I've seen trained plants yield an ounce or two in a small amount of space.

Now my question lies in combining the 12/12 from seed with SCRoG. I know that 12/12 from seed will make the plant much shorter, less branches, and the buds will concentrate on the main cola. Now SCRoG requires multiple colas and branches to work with. Is the 12/12 and SCRoG a difficult combination to work with? Is it even possible?

What if I kept topping the plant within the first few weeks of growing before it shows signs of flowering. Would that make a 12/12 SCoG grow potentially work?

Thanks and +reps if you can answer my questions or bring good advice!


Active member
I hate to tell you this, but 12/12 from seed won't give you the branching that you need for one, and just to add a kicker to it, you wont know the sex of you plants(just so you know, it is a PITA to pull a male out of a screen). Your best bet would be to either A)do a sog type grow, or b)veg it just long enough to take a clone, sex it, then go ahead with the scrog. Just my 2 cents man


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
what toastie said mate... you really dont want to be trying untangle males from a well filled screen. even getting under there to trim can be a bit of a bugger.

your best bet is to grow out your current run "au naturel" and find the branchiest, fastest growing female to run in the scrog next time and clone her. or do what I did and buy clones straight off (if thats an option) :smile:

edit ..lol toastie said that too :smile:

p.s (after the edit) some strains do better in the scrog than others (some like to grow a fat cola while some have more side branching) it's worth seeing the structure of your plants before putting them under a screen. for example. in my screen is a K2 that got in by mistake and for sure the K2 that I have thats not under the screen looks much better. that said the PP in my screen love it there, I can't tell which top belongs to which plant anymore, nor which the original "main" tops were :smile:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
When to flip depends on strains. Sativa's do very well this way. Here's some ScrOGs started at 12/12.
My Thunk ...

My Destroyer ...

Indica's require veg time to fill 1/2 to 1/3 the screen before the switch. Here's a Mandala 8 Mile flipped at the beginning.

(OK, you'll have to wait for the pic cause it's night in the cab. Till then imagine your jaw hitting the floor from the production loss.)

Look to flowering times for your clue. 8-10-12 week periods will need some veg. 14-17-21 week periods, flip asap.


Active member
Scrogging is my hands down favorite :)

Check out the links in my sig for the best CFL lamps for scrogging. I'm running a 220w setup right now and it just kicks ass.

Here's a shot of the first run at day 42. The second run will be with a screen and a much higher yield.

Edit: They still have about 20 days left :)

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