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Question about pets


I recently bought two puppies. I would say what kind they are, but they are such a far fetched mix that I don't feel comfortable sharing. I also have pictures posted elsewhere. Since they are puppies, they routinely go for shots and check ups every now and then. Well, my question is pertaining to my puppies and if vets can see THC in their systems.

I DO NOT smoke around my puppies.

They are only puppies and I do not want to have something like that, that they have no control over happen to them. That would scar the relationship I have with them already. I do however, feed them my stems. Now if the vets were to be doing regular testing, are there any concerns I should have?


The vet isn't gonna look for THC. Our dog once ate some weed (not mine, it was on a walk) and was really tired etc after that, we went to the vet and he didn't figure it out, we only found out about 2 days later because a friend had the exact same thing with his dog and he knew it was weed cause his kids fed the dog weed spaghetti. So don't worry


Thats what I figured, was that they wouldn't test for it. Wasn't too concerned, but I thought it would be good to keep my bases covered.