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Question about fungus gnats and watering

Hi guys,

I have numerous successful coco grows under my belt. However this time I have fungus gnats really bad. I’ve tried a number of different treatments and they are still flying around the top layer of coco and out the drain holes. I’ve tried Dr Zymes, microbe lift, azamax, and peroxide. I also have a metric ton of yellow sticky traps catching the flyers. I’ve noticed quite a bit of foliage fading and spotting which I’m attributing to them. I’m now in week 4 of flower and they don’t seem to be slowing down. So with coco I’m watering 5 times per lights on cycle at short intervals to keep my EC in check. I’ve had good luck with this watering schedule but am I getting these fungus gnats because I’m overwatering? If I don’t water this much my EC spikes. Any advice guys I’m determined to kill off these little bastards!



I use mosquito dunks that contain bt.
Grind up a quarter of a donut in a pot. There's mosquito bits that are already ground up but I can't find them local.
I also can't find yellow sticky traps local but I use cheap fly paper strips, they work perfect.
Yeah I’ve sprinkled like 2 whole ground up dunks on each pot. Also I’m on about day 5 of microbe lift @3 drops per gallon. It says the bti takes 7-10 days to work so maybe it will


You need a quick kill solution if you want to get anywhere pyrethrin spray the top of the coco will instantly kill all the flyers, spinosad drench for the nymphs weekly, problem solved


Seed Whore
Yellow stickies with some fly tape at each corner of your grow area when you start a new garden cuts down their population a lot.
Using an vegetable food safe pesticide early on all the pots helps. I have one for tomato and vegetables. The idea is to get them
the minute you see them before they make a new generation. It takes time to get them all. You may get the adults. But the larvae
in the grow medium may still be alive. Just keep on them and eventually you'll get it under control.


Active member
I stopped a wicked infestation, with mosquito bits and yellow sticky traps. I sprinkled some bits in every pot, and added some to the nutrient water. Took about a week, and they were under control....Also, make sure pots are not sitting in runoff water and getting soggy. I use paper plate holders to raise the pots above the saucers....


Active member
Filter your air intake as the first line of defense, I had a bad problem and put ultra fine mesh over my intakes and havent seen any since.


Active member
Soil mite
stratiolaelaps scimitus
on amazon Grub Grenade only in canada
steinernema feltia
also on amazon
pot potter

Use these from the start and u will never see those bastard again :good::good::good::good::good:

if already infected add some yellow strip and in 2 week the job is done.


Active member
How to use nematodes in coco coir with a DTW, drain to waste, hand watering system ? is this gonna work ? I can buy them in a shop in my area, but cant find BTi products, only BTK or BTsomethingelse... which don't work on gnats larva... to bad...

I got this "plants and animals shop" which sell nematodes, they are stored in a small fridge in the plants area of the shop, just see them because I was curious about the "white box"... the small fridge...

so, do I have to put them right on top of coco ? mix with watering ? once for all or weekly monthly ?


Well-known member
You can find people selling Gnatrol in smaller sizes than the huge bucket. It works great. Two or three applications with your normal watering/feeding will eradicate them Big Time. The adults live up to 10 days, but normally they're all gone after a week. i get mine from the site that sounds like "Sea Bay"


Active member
sorry can't buy online right now... but I found some infos
mix them with watering water
water them in the morning or the evening (UV light protection)
keep the medium wet
maybe put more 7/10 days later
nematodes seems sensible to UV light so avoid direct light to the top of the medium while they are injected (maybe 1 or 2 days the time they get inside preys)
temp must be above 12°C


Active member
I like this idea to inject a kind of small army (the Gold Souls Legionary) of tiny monsters in my medium for make them kill all of those other tiny monsters (the Bad Skulls From Hell), I wish I have some kind of RC tiny vehicle with a 8K camera for stream that on metube


Well-known member
Mosquito dunks work for me, tried mosquito bits but wasn't nearly as effective as the dunks.

I take 2 dunks and rub them together over my coco. I also use 1/4 dunk and let that float in my rez all season long. Fungus gnats no more!