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Question about Fox Farms feeding schedule


How do you use the feeding schedule if you are watering every 5-7 days if you're supposed to use the nutrients every other watering? The chart shows using nutrients every week. But if you're watering like every 5 days, or even 7, and you use the nutrients every other watering, you can't use nutrients every week. So what are you supposed to do? If you are in your first week of 12/12 (week 5), and you used what they say to use in week 4, and you're going to use water in week 5, what do you do in week 6? Do you just use what they say to use and skip the weeks that you used plain water in or what? Thanks for the help.


Active member
I followed their chart when I used foxfarm nutes, but like you, I was only watering about every 5 days. I used nutes in every watering, but just at half the dose they recommended, and had no problems. You'll be able to tell when they need it...

In general, Big Bloom is OK all the time, you really can't overdo it, although if you do it will get expensive quick.

Use grow big during veg and through about the first half of flowering.

Ease them into the tiger bloom after 2 or 3 weeks flowering, and towards the end, that should be about all you're using (along with some big bloom).

Give 'em a week or two to flush before you harvest and you're good to go!

peace brotha


Ha i think you way over complicated it, that feeding chart can be applied to whatever timeline you have in mind. Its a general application rate. if you look at the back of at least the grow big liquid it says in the directions 1 teaspoon per gallon for every watering or 2-3 teaspoons per gallon if your using it every other watering. just apply there chart to your timeline, when you switch from your veg to your bloom they "recommend" using open sesame to transition, so when ever you decide your plants have vegged enough youll add some open sesame to your last veg feeding then use it through out the next two bloom feedings along side minimal parts grow big(for N) then continue with tiger bloom til you think there getting ready to be done and start to flush! I feed almost 2 teasoons every watering otherwise my plant start to yellow a lil before there next feeding, so i assume i could away with more. im not tryin to push it though, why mess up a good thing....
I followed their chart when I used foxfarm nutes, but like you, I was only watering about every 5 days. I used nutes in every watering, but just at half the dose they recommended, and had no problems. You'll be able to tell when they need it...

In general, Big Bloom is OK all the time, you really can't overdo it, although if you do it will get expensive quick.

Use grow big during veg and through about the first half of flowering.

Ease them into the tiger bloom after 2 or 3 weeks flowering, and towards the end, that should be about all you're using (along with some big bloom).

Give 'em a week or two to flush before you harvest and you're good to go!

peace brotha
Great advice. I do it very similarly.


Ha i think you way over complicated it, that feeding chart can be applied to whatever timeline you have in mind. Its a general application rate. if you look at the back of at least the grow big liquid it says in the directions 1 teaspoon per gallon for every watering or 2-3 teaspoons per gallon if your using it every other watering. just apply there chart to your timeline, when you switch from your veg to your bloom they "recommend" using open sesame to transition, so when ever you decide your plants have vegged enough youll add some open sesame to your last veg feeding then use it through out the next two bloom feedings along side minimal parts grow big(for N) then continue with tiger bloom til you think there getting ready to be done and start to flush! I feed almost 2 teasoons every watering otherwise my plant start to yellow a lil before there next feeding, so i assume i could away with more. im not tryin to push it though, why mess up a good thing....

i pretty much do same as above but i add cal-mag+ every other wartering or every third depending on how the girls are looking


Thanks for all of the help. I've seen Cal Mag (+) mentioned quite a bit too. I might try getting some of it, but right now money is pretty tight. :wallbash:


Smokes, lets go
i use nothing during veg i just transplant from 1 to 2 then to 5, i never had to use any nutes in veg except for maybe grow big 1 or 2 times total in veg....

then in flower i use 1/2 tea spoon per gallon of open sesame....
then i use later on in flower the beasty bloomz then cha chinnggggg


You want to check the PPM's of your tapwater if thats what you're using before adding cal-mag plus.I live in Fla and the tap is 350-400PPM's mostly calcium I could tell from my glass dogbowl.I drink out of a regular glass,my dog uses the bowl..Anyway too much calcium locks out magnesium and phsphorous among other things,and a teaspoon of calmag is around 400 PPM's.You probably shouldn't use it unless you have an RO system.I have one and use it every other watering


How do you use the feeding schedule if you are watering every 5-7 days if you're supposed to use the nutrients every other watering?

If you want to be more flexible, you need to water less each watering and/or get smaller pots (I'm assuming you are indoors using pots).
7 days between waterings means your roots aren't getting much oxygen.


Thats a good point if a plant is in the proper sized container for its size it souldn't normally go longer than every 4th day,then every third as the plant grows.When I find myself having to water every other day or close to it I know its time to transplant up


How would they not be getting a lot of oxygen if you water every 5-7 days? I thought that was how they got oxygen? From letting them dry out like that? Now you have me confused. I was watering about every 5 days with them in 6"x6"x6.5" square pots and they are about a month old. They are over 20" tall, one is 24" tall. But they don't need to be watered that often. I've always watered according to the Marijuana Growers Guide Deluxe's advice, or at least I think it was that book, I haven't read those since about 1990 though so it could have been another book that I had back then, but anyway they said to count the days it takes to start wilting then water the day before that from then on. So I usually try to water a day before I think they'll start wilting.

I'm using distilled water. I have some free Power Skunk seeds going and so far I have one female out of the 5. I am pretty sure the other 4 are males. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::mad: But oh well they were free... I have 2 other females though so that's cool (different strains, feminized seeds). I have been using an aquarium pump with 2 stones in the gallons of water to add oxygen to it and it seems to definitely help. The first time I watered them doing that they fucking loved it.


I haven't been letting these get so dry that they are wilting or anything either just so you know. I have one of those moisture meters that I have checked them with some too just to make sure about where they're at as far as watering goes and they are at 1-2 on that meter when I've been watering. I've mainly been doing the pot weight thing. When they feel light I water. But it's usually taken them about 5 days to get light. Now I have these in 3 gallon pots, that why I mentioned 7 days, I figured maybe it would be that long in the bigger pots now.

Should I just water every 4 days no matter what then? Is that what you guys are saying? :1help:


Try using a lesser amount water when you water.
Then you can water more frequently.
That way the roots aren't waterlogged and they get more oxygen.


I have done the same thing.
Good soil will hold a ton of water.
In the past I have transplanted into larger pots and given them a good watering.
I didn't have to water again for 2 weeks!
Less work, but definitely not ideal for the plants.
Good luck!

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