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Question about cloning in just water..


Active member
Got to make it snappy, but I attempted to make clones today in brita filtered water with a drop of superthrive. I cut three clones at 45 degrees and put them in typical red plastic cups.....

I have half the stem suspended in water as I have read to do, now here are my two questions.... Can I have the bottom of the clone(where it was cut) actually touching the bottom of the cup? or does it have to be completely surrounded by water?
My next question, I guess is a follow up question to my previous one... Buut none of my clones are actually touching the bottom of the cup but the bottoms of the clones are touching the side of the cup, is that okay?

Sorry I am just trying to make sure I am not messing up on my first attempt at cloning, thanks for your time.


yea man its allgood it wont matter that its touching, make sure no light gets to the stems or it wont root and change the water every other day


Autos are for pussies!
1. Cheap air pump
2. cheap airstone
3. small container
4. put your clones in
5. lol


water clone is easy. i used the same red cups but i cut a piece of styrofoam and slipped the cuttings in there. the styrofoam would float on top of the water and make some roots in a couple of days/weeks.

just follow BT5..

a cheap aero cloner would make roots really really fast.

good luck.


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ICMag Donor
The water will be low on oxygen content in a couple or three days, and could start breeding bacteria at that point. Changing every day or three will keep that from happening.

Using a container and an airstone, you can go longer than 3 days maybe up to 7 or so, but it is always best to use a product like Hydroguard (Aquashield) that will help to go a couple more days.

If you do use a bubbler, you can have the stems just above the water line and the popping bubbles will keep the stem hydrated so they can root. Although if they are submerged they will also root in a day or so longer than it would if they were suspended above the bubbles.

Some plants are much harder to get roots that others. Hard to root plants are even a criteria for selection culling.
i clone this way and light gets to my roots and still get roots? changing water every otherday isnt nessasary either i dont change my water till new clones go in so 2 week per clone run same water :p really giving advise on cloning isnt really a good idea since ALOT of things work for some but not others. Personally i think it has alot to do with your water. My water runs at 100ppm and i get great cloning results, I tried distilled and dehumidifier water and found my clones not rooting after 2 week so changed back to my tap water.

I ramble a bit ^^ just keep it basic and find what works in your grow room


Landrace Lover
Got to make it snappy, but I attempted to make clones today in brita filtered water with a drop of superthrive. I cut three clones at 45 degrees and put them in typical red plastic cups.....

I have half the stem suspended in water as I have read to do, now here are my two questions.... Can I have the bottom of the clone(where it was cut) actually touching the bottom of the cup? or does it have to be completely surrounded by water?
My next question, I guess is a follow up question to my previous one... Buut none of my clones are actually touching the bottom of the cup but the bottoms of the clones are touching the side of the cup, is that okay?

Sorry I am just trying to make sure I am not messing up on my first attempt at cloning, thanks for your time.

shouldn't be a real issue mate. i'd personally have them suspended


Active member
One last question, if I used hydrogren peroxide would that help O2 content in the water? or would that kill the plant?


Active member
ICMag Donor
30ml per gallon of 3% H2o2 will increase the oxygen content of the water and will not harm the plants. You will still need to change the water every few days as the H2o2 will dissipate and bacteria can once again take over.


I have clones that are growing but no roots, how is that even possible :D Anyway I had them in an empty jar where light was bathing the whole stem, are the major factors light and water temperature?


Landrace Lover
how are they growing with no roots? they must have some form of root system if they're growing cause that's the only way they can take up nutrients and water. lol. i've got a similar thing happening i had a clone that wasn't looking too good in a jiffy pellet so took it out but it had the beginnings of a root system forming so put it in water and it spruced right up but still hasn't grown much. i try and keep the water it's in warm as it speeds up root growth and keep it out of direct light (the root's that is). so yeah try and cover it if you can but it shouldn't make a huge diff. good luck mate
how are they growing with no roots? they must have some form of root system if they're growing cause that's the only way they can take up nutrients and water. lol. i've got a similar thing happening i had a clone that wasn't looking too good in a jiffy pellet so took it out but it had the beginnings of a root system forming so put it in water and it spruced right up but still hasn't grown much. i try and keep the water it's in warm as it speeds up root growth and keep it out of direct light (the root's that is). so yeah try and cover it if you can but it shouldn't make a huge diff. good luck mate

if your light is too much it can keep the plant growing (using internal food) instead of forming roots