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question about bubblers


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
7ml/l is over 1tbs/gallon which would be a highly aggressive rate for a mature plant. Your plant is the opposite of mature. You want a gentle feed rate.

It's important to remember that the feed rates on bottles have NOTHING to do with plant health. Their sole purpose is to make you GROSSLY overfeed. Just barely shy of burning your plants to a crisp. Thus you use the products much faster than needed forcing you to replace them more often than necessary.


Hi , im using ionic hydro grow ' bloom and boost , its 530 am here so will take another look at them in a while but last time i checked yesterday they looked fine ' maybe my ec pen needs calibrating ??


Active member
They looking good! Thought they would be burnt to a crisp sitting in ec1.7.
Why dont you get some calibration solution for your ec pen and test it.


I took out 15 litres this morning and replaced with 15 litrs of bottled water ' the ec dropped to 1.4 and the ph went up to 7.1 . Am i correct in assuming that with the ph so high will the plants not be able to take in the nutrients ? and not be frazzled ? can i leave it like that overnight ?
I plan on replacing another 20 litres tommorow to get the ec down even further and then get the nutrient level spot on before setting the ph level to around 5.6 . Im doing this because on closer inspection of the foliage i noticed a couple of leaves are pale ' a bit lime green ' i suspect nute burn ? i have got some calibration fluid on its way but in the meantime i thought it best to err on the side of caution.
Do you not think there a little skinny still coco nuts ?