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Quebec to require vaccine proof for cannabis and liquor


Well-known member
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ICMag Donor
It's a really bold move. Hit the unvaccinated where it will really hurt . . .

Quebec to require vaccine proof for cannabis and liquor shoppers

"Retail liquor and cannabis shops in Canada's Quebec province will require shoppers to show proof of vaccination amid a rising surge of new Covid cases.

The new measure goes into effect on Tuesday, 18 January. Health officials say they hope the order will encourage more people to get vaccinated.

New cases are spiking in Quebec despite the region having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world."​

And the immediate result . . .

First-dose vaccinations quadruple in Quebec ahead of restrictions at liquor and cannabis stores

"The number of appointments for the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine has risen sharply this week in Quebec, according to Health Minister Christian Dubé.

In a brief message posted to social media Friday morning, Dubé notes that in the last few days, appointments for first doses have increased from 1,500 per day to more than 6,000."​


Active member
Lmao the black market is rushing to fill that void im sure, last time I turned cbc news on zhd girls talked drinks for an hour straight lol should be interesting!


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
It's a really bold move. Hit the unvaccinated where it will really hurt . . .

Quebec to require vaccine proof for cannabis and liquor shoppers

"Retail liquor and cannabis shops in Canada's Quebec province will require shoppers to show proof of vaccination amid a rising surge of new Covid cases.

The new measure goes into effect on Tuesday, 18 January. Health officials say they hope the order will encourage more people to get vaccinated.

New cases are spiking in Quebec despite the region having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world."​

And the immediate result . . .

First-dose vaccinations quadruple in Quebec ahead of restrictions at liquor and cannabis stores

"The number of appointments for the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine has risen sharply this week in Quebec, according to Health Minister Christian Dubé.

In a brief message posted to social media Friday morning, Dubé notes that in the last few days, appointments for first doses have increased from 1,500 per day to more than 6,000."​

I would guess the result would be people either stocking up on booze, or quitting. As for the dope, buy a pound or two to get you through the first grow, and start a grow set-up and buy a bunch of beans.

Do not comply.
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What a joke. People are week and give up rights easy for some booze and weed. SMH The cannabis community has sure changed from the freedom fighting days. Based on jabbed vs unjabbed in Ontario, looks like the jabbed way out number the un jabbed in the hospitals right now, this is a fact. Booze causes cancer and all kinds of death, if our leaders cared they would ban alcohol and tobacco not tell you to get jabbed in order to buy,SMH.............


I would guess the result would be people either stocking up on booze, or quitting. As for the dope, buy a pound or two to get you through the first grow, and start a grow set-up and buy a bunch of beans.

Do not comply.

Dude google smugglers notch.......
u can't keep vermonters or French Canadians from their booze......either moonshine,dandelion wine etc etc try us trudeau....we got our Canadian brothers and sisters backs in vermont


The Tri Guy
Mr doobie, or however you pronounce his name, is restricting weed sales in order to get them on experimental drugs? I guess it really has become a gateway drug.


Well-known member
Is this a human rights violation? Saying you can't buy certain luxury goods without taking some unrelated drugs.

There have been other posts recently, regarding Quebec thinking they are a separate country. This is cleaning house. Pushing people out over the non existent boarder.
I imagine the unvaccinated are still free to travel on public transport. Restricting that might of looked more reasonable. Only that also restricts tax income.


Well-known member
Forced medication in the UK isn't allowed, but the coercion applied has been unacceptable. Private businesses told how they must run. No unvaccinated nurses just about anywhere. Yet we see water fluoridation as a grey area.
This is what happens when old bastards rule over the plebs. They don't tow the line, but make sure everyone serves them.
I see italy has forced it upon over 49s and Australia is going for over 14s. That's their breeding stock. That could play out very badly for them, and their is no supporting evidence that it won't.