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QP of kush Oil

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That stuff looks top notch. It isn't dark because of contaminates. it is dark because of strain, and process. I make BHO out of some of my pk shake too and it comes out that color, when I long purge indoors.

If it had contaminates it would be liquid still. When it gets all glassy like it is that means pure.


... as well as the maturity of the buds, the duration and storage conditions.

as well as coloring of the pistils (which bleeds out) imo.

I wasn't being rude or anything, looks glassy for sure. Just a little dark is all.

Sometimes my Kush oil comes out dark like that, but that is when I use a lot of shake/trim instead of bud.


Well-known member
It's dark mostly because the pieces are so much thicker than the little film and smidgens that are usually photographed.

Wow, thats a lot of fun waitin to happen there....


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Ive noticed that the trick to getting the red is from letting the ISO or butane evaporate and sit in sun for a day or 2


Active member
Thanks for all the feedback guys i appreciate hearing what'cha think about my endeavors LOL :)

foaf, Aeroguerilla: Exaaactly! Been following you guys around on forums for years now much respect for both of you guys thanks for stopping in!

tester: I used 36 cans for 2lbs so that's 1.125 can/Oz.

From now on I'm gonna use this thread as a diary for my oily adventures. Today I ran roughly a half lb of small bud/popcorn. It was around 50/50 fluffy blueberry buds/kush popcorn. Was over a half but i didn't have enough material to stuff the last tube so maybe 2 oz didn't get run.

Here are a couple pics after most of the liquid butane boiled off. Looks lighter than last time. I'm thinking maybe 25-30g there. I've got it wrapped in black plastic purging in the sun again but its looking like the weather may not hold up i might have to bring it inside and purge over a water bath....well see! Fully purged pics and weight in a couple of days!




Active member
ithruxix: Yup i blew this last one all into one pan. It took awhile to purge i kept it at 30-50C for a day in the sun then hot water bath just below boiling for 3 hrs or so. Its nice and hard now but ill probably leave it out for a few days at room temp just for good measure. Also cuz i've run out of oil dishes and don't wanna ruin anymore of the good kitchenware :)

cocktail frank: Thanks bro still diggin' that mango haze? I imagine it makes some BOMB oil..