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Purple plant Indications?


ICMag Donor
I was just kinda curious...how do you know, or can you know, if you are going to have a purple pheno?

Now besides the obivous ways of telling...where you KNOW by either genetics or it is a clone, or because you added some weird goop to your feeding schedule .... and besides flowering.


ICMag Donor
all these purple plants around here and NOT ONE PERSON knew it was going to be purple by indications given off while in vegative stage???!!!
Its easier to tell when they are budding. I grew out some c4 x BR and I had no idea that they were going to purple up when they were in veg. And I wasnt expecting them to. That strain purpled more due to lower temps than genetics. The bottom buds were almost black. I also grew out some Barneys Farm NL in the summer and it had purple calyxes, so that purple was due more to genetics than temperature. In short there is now way to tell what you are going to get, unless you have access to clones that are proven to grow purple.


Herbal relaxation...
all these purple plants around here and NOT ONE PERSON knew it was going to be purple by indications given off while in vegative stage???!!!


It´s quite difficult as you surely understand to indicate plants ripening colors after you have just popped an seed.. Sometimes you can get lucky and see some early purpling on the first set of leafs! <- This happened to me last time about a week ago when I popped couple beans of my previous summer cross Neville´s Haze x Purps, both of the little plantstart´s were showing light purpling on the edge of first leaf´s...

Also, strong odor of grapes etc.. could also indicate possible purpling in later stages :chin: Purple varieties many times have this under-/overtone of grape odors, but I dont want to generalize...

Better way to reveal purpling of your plants would be starting seeds and taking clones and flowering these clones while maintaining mummys. This would be the way to go if I have to find purplephenos among hundreds of seeds.. :2cents:


ICMag Donor
Herbalistic said:
Better way to reveal purpling of your plants would be starting seeds and taking clones and flowering these clones while maintaining mummys. This would be the way to go if I have to find purplephenos among hundreds of seeds.. :2cents:

HMMM...waiting for them to root, that was kinda my thoughts ....first time every attempting a clone(s) though,...lol

Just got 1 bagseed, has been under veg for a little a out 5 weeks....personally, I think I have gotten lucky and it is going to be a purple pheno. The main stem is strong and green, but all the leaves stems are a dark redish purple and secondary growth stems are kinda streaked 1/2 and 1/2 with purple. If I cut a stem, the center is dark purple and them browns out. Also, at the very center of the fan leaves, where they all meet at the stem, is DARK royal purple, with the center veins in the fan leaves being purple about 30-40% of the way to the tip, then it kinda greens out back to normal.

IMHO.....I think this is nothing more than the plants visibly taking in nutrients, but, let me know what ya think...


Herbal relaxation...
Cutted clones straight into flowering is a way to go in small spaces using sog technique and growing sativadom hybrids...

Here´s a couple sativa´s flowered straight from rooted clone!


Swazi Rooibart:



pretty tough to pick out a purple plant in veg, many plants ive grown have reddish fan stems, and alot of times when your seein purple/red colors along the main stem and such is due to a lack of N.

have a UV cut here, which is a purp plant no matter the conditions, and it shows some purp in the leaf viens, and underside of the fans in veg, as you describe.


ICMag Donor
man...a nitrogen def.....errggg...now I gotta go bug mynamestitch...lol, must go visit the authority......


yeah bro, have a arcata TW cut, done it to me and have seen many others claimin there arcata cut has purple stems, just give it a shot of N, and she greens back up. its kinda wierd how the stems show it before the fans?


Dr. Doolittle
pretty tough to pick out a purple plant in veg, many plants ive grown have reddish fan stems, and alot of times when your seein purple/red colors along the main stem and such is due to a lack of N.

That is not going to be a lack of nitrogen....... nitrogen affects the leaves not the stem, phosphorus affects stems/leaves.

he main stem is strong and green, but all the leaves stems are a dark redish purple and secondary growth stems are kinda streaked 1/2 and 1/2 with purple. If I cut a stem, the center is dark purple and them browns out. Also, at the very center of the fan leaves, where they all meet at the stem, is DARK royal purple, with the center veins in the fan leaves being purple about 30-40% of the way to the tip, then it kinda greens out back to normal.

Hey dank frank, you are no bother at all dude, feel free if you need help to give me a ring if you like.
That is what I am here for :yes:

You have a picture of this problem I quoted above?
As for how you tell, there is a few ways to do this, other ways was already mentioned in this thread, about taking cuts and flowering them out, that is the long way, but is one way of doing it.

Another way is to bring your temps down a bit; if the colors change you have a color changing pheno, not all strains will change colors unless certain conditions are met,some just change without the temp control.

but one way that gets a lot of strains to change colors is the temps

Bring them under 70 but no lower than 65.
it will also slow the growth down a bit, but will resume after temps are brought back under the right conditions.

How small/big is the plant you want to see that changes colors?


I apoligize frank for puttin this in your thread, but i have a plant that has a really purple stem. So i was wondering is this because a defiency? It gets watered w/ nutes every 3rd watering of bc bloom 1/3 strength. The leaves have dark green in the middle but the edges now are looking more light green.

Is this the same thing your talking about frank?

Well any ways if this is totally off topic just ignore my post.


ICMag Donor
not a prob dkmonk....that is what a forum is for...to discuss, welcome, interupt away...
but actually, no. My leaves look green to the tip, but the veins in the leaves look purple as do the stems. NOT THE MAIN STALK...it shows no purple and is solid green. The side shoots are kinda 1/2 and 1/2 ... almost varigated or spotty...not like a direct 50/50. But all fan leaf stems are dark reddish purple, and the center veins in the fan leaves are purple 30-40% of the vein.

MynameStitch: have kept the temps on this plant steady between 74-83...usually around 77-78. Does pretty good. I know the temp trick, but that I just a sensitivity...and it hasn't temps that low. Seems the older it is getting, the more the purplish influence is appearing. The one good example is a fan leaf with 11 blades on it...I will see what I can do about a pic...but ya better comment back...lol. use ro water so it shows some cal def every so often, but that is easy...just a bit of tap water always fixes that right up...I am just screwing around, no intent to flower, just letting it veg and bush up....it is about 6 weeks old I think, maybe older. Keeping it in a 1 gal and just letting it grow. About 18" tall, and tied down at 6 points just to help it bush out. By the way....i never did use the mesquito puck...it seems like they just went away...!!!???
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Dr. Doolittle
Another thing too; if you keep them rootbound too long they will grow slow and won't do much :)

Never heard of using hydroguard for pests...... interesting though :)
There is no real way of knowing if you got one unless you do those 2 tricks; unforniatly there is no quick way of knowing!
That is true; the older they are the more purple or other colors they have. More mature wise that is.
So when you take clones, they will more likely to purple quicker if it was taken from a color changer due to the plant being already on a mature plant with alternating nodes.

I would like to see the pic you are referring too :D You better come back with a pic or else!!!! j/k! :D

:D :D :D :D


Dr. Doolittle
I can't tell with the way the pics are :(

Are you talking about the leaf stem or the main stem being too purple?


ICMag Donor
errr...this technology shit is too much...I'll try again. The main stem is green, but the fan leaf stems and the 2ndary growth is kinda verigated purple/green or splotchy...hell, I don't know...I'll try the pic again.


Dr. Doolittle
I can't really tell from those pics due to the lighting being bright and dark..... from the looks of it; looks normal; but I need better pics cause I can't tell much :( that is just a guess I am giving :(

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