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Purple Kush or Mendo Purps?


Well-known member
I was thinkin' about trying one of these; either purple kush or mendo purps-- anyone have any input? Is there any difference? Which one is more colorful and more potent?...


Registered Pothead
Yeah PK would be packed in my bowl before the mendo purps. I personally think it is mediocre weed and more production then headie. Just my opinion though.


I would take the kush as well i have smoked it its some smoke every toker should try only if its real though fuck the fake shit. My understanding of mendo purps is its more of a Big bud/critical mass(commercial strains) but with a nice bag appeal and good potency just not purple kush. I mean your doin a home grow. Grow yourself an elite strain like PK its one of the top strains i have smoked if your gonna grow do it right. Fuck commercial mendo purps. Its obvious its just some commercial mendo county outdoor which goes purple.
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where is the best place to get pk or a pk cross from? i havent seen any in any of the seed sites i go to.

and to word that is a very sexy lady!!!


my 2 cents. I had a bit of both and found the purps to be around a 4 or 5 and pk a 7 or 8 but i'm sure others think purps to be better


Well-known member
good info bros. I'll go with the the purple kush. Hope reeferman's cross is nice--


I cant wait to finish my pk I got from a friend.
its the skunkwerks pk so it should be good, at least by neptune's thread.
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Active member
mendo purps is more sativa, purple kush is more indica. They both suck to grow. They both have good taste but shitty short non interesting or inspiring highs.


Well-known member
purple kush is one my fav buds of all time flavor high sick grapey candy earthy kushy i could smoke it forever.stoney strong shit might put you on ur ass type shit.ive smoked purple urkel but only about adub it was gifted by a cali dude.purple erkel is supposedly a cut of mendo purp. the erkel was more a happy euforic bud it cut through the high of watever i smoked all afternoon not intense but long lasting lov to get my hands on more.but the flavor was grapey purfumey maybe anise lavender earthy lovely.both very high quality but my pefrence is a knockout stone so i must say purple kush.


Well-known member
does anyone know the lineage of the Purple Kush cut? Is it a landrace kush that goes purple or is it a hybrid?
JESUS dude , let me tell you my OP, after you get over the novelty effect of the purple coloration and look deeply into the postive attributes of these strains you will realize that they both SUCK. 1ST; the high falls SHORT of what a true Head wants in a daily smoke, the tolerence effect puts these strains in the catagory of max 1-2 days before you look around and askyourself "did I even get high off this Kush bullshit for longer than 30 minutes" ... by the way I'd give you a grand if you grew out both these cuts and they were actually different. 2ND: If all your going for is a strain that has a wide {yet confused} market then have at it, otherwise grow some sativa and stay away from these ridiculous PURPLE strains. 3RD; Better get mold sprays out and some delightful sulphur burners cause thats standard for many of the disgusting commercial purp grows that dominate the EM TRIANGLE... gotta get dat purp fo Oaktown type shit.. I'm so sick of seeing such a pathetic strain dominate the grow scene and ol Bean can quote me again "like growing mushrooms in a mold pit" PURPLE KUSH and all her inbred cousins SUCK


Active member
phoag. exactly what are you looking for in a plant? high...smell..height..flowering time.. Does the color matter that much? Most of the time the green phenos are much more potent.. The only purple Ive ever smoked that is even worth mentioning is purple haze. She gets the purple I belive from the columbian genes. good luck

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
PK often doesn't seem to have a "ceiling" to its high... now maybe its a high that you don't like, but it is potent. Its a crappy yielder... and like said, purple is just a novelty.

Personally, I would much rather grow many other strains.


this discussion is hard to have with any real merit, cause no doubt we have all smoked different cuts/genetics of the same name... There are so many different cuts floating around under the same name, and then multiple phenos of the same strain with variations in names... so on and so forth
Some Mendo Purps people have had has been commercial bunk, while others have had AMAZING mendo purps (I have had some wonderful purps)
As for the PK, ive had both awesome purple kush and terrible purple kush... Ive seen so many different buds labeled as PK its hard to know which one has been the real deal...
So thats basically my point... Who knows which of us have smoked the real cut, and who knows if you got cuts labeled as them, if they end up being the real thing as well...

I think purples are the most confusing of all strains when it comes to the namegame and phenos/clones all that jazz

anywaze im way stoned and totally rambled that into nonsense

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