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Purple Haze Meao Thai and Golden Tiger Offspring Test Grow


Well-known member


Just wanted to update with a picture of my first choice of Purple Haze Thai x Sage seedling:


The backdrop is a 40 gallon water heater. This plant is so lanky and oversized that the terms gigantor and skeletor come to mind. It is very much bamboo-like in structure as the Thai weed I have grown in the past. The leaflets are much fatter though. If this were March, and it was outside, I'd think it would have a chance to grow 20 feet tall. I hope it throws a pistil before I have to re-pot it. Like I said before, the father smelled like lime with a touch of cat piss on the fresh growth. This one is smelling like cat piss and lemon. Mmmm... good. Ha! I don't care about aroma, only the effects on my head.


The other Golden Tiger x Sage seedlings are looking like they are both female. I'm going to wait a few more days to see if a pistil emerges before I cull my second choice and plant my first choice in a bigger pot. My favorite GT seeding is smelling very much like the father, peppery. I'll post a picture after I re-pot in a larger container.




ACE Seeds Breeder
I'm really excited about the looks of this PHT x Sage seedling. It is by far the most sativa looking plant of all the seedlings I looked at. I see almost no indica traits. It is very lanky and has that sativa green glow. It must have picked up genes from the sativa side of the Sage mother. I think it is even showing some Thai-like characteristics. I can't stop watching it grow. If it turns out to be male, I may even keep it for another offspring test grow. I'm wondering if Dubi thinks it reminds him of Meao Thai, or perhaps the Haze parent of Sage was a Thai leaning individual. This would certainly explain why I like the Sage mother so much.



Hi ThaiBliss,

It's a beautiful individual ThaiBliss, beautiful, strong, thick and vigorous. Doesn't looks much like Purple Haze Thai, looks more like a modern sativa hybrid, Kali Mist i grew from seed years ago comes to my mind.


Well-known member
Hi ThaiBliss,

It's a beautiful individual ThaiBliss, beautiful, strong, thick and vigorous. Doesn't looks much like Purple Haze Thai, looks more like a modern sativa hybrid, Kali Mist i grew from seed years ago comes to my mind.

Thanks Dubi. I can only hope that it turns out good enough to match the reputation that Kali Mist has.

B.T.W. - My favorite from the Golden Tiger father is stinking up the place with peppery/spicy smell. Smells like harvest, and it hasn't even started flowering. That one is going to be something!




Well-known member
My two favorite selections are confirmed female, and are now replanted in bigger pots. Here are some pics of the Purple Haze Thai x SAGE:

Low Angle:

A Little Higher:

Top View:

This one is smelling fantastic. It is not as divinely aromatic as the SAGE mother, but it has a powerful stink with a very sharp sour piss spicy citrus smell. The oldest portions of the stem are starting to get a bit of the blackberry/red wine barrel smell like the PHT has.

I used a strong magnifying glass to check for pre-flower structure, and it has a significant amount of resin glands on the stipules and around the stems near the flowering sites. I'm very excited about this one.




Well-known member
Here is the Golden Tiger x Sage female:


When I see how branchy this is, I think Medusa. If I smoke it, I'll turned to stoned. Looks like it is going to be a big producer like the other GT. I'm anxious to see how the SAGE mother affects the high in this baby.

This is really looking like the Malawi leaning aunt that I grew. The short internode length and heavy branching inherited from the Malawi is really a nice trait. This has the spicy/muddy smell of some of the relatives after a cure, but it is also smelling a bit like coffee. Yum!



Well endowed member
Those are some really nice healthy plants ThaiBliss! You should be harvesting some killer buds in a couple of months. So much genetic input, it will be interesting to see what comes out of this. Great job.


Well-known member
Those are some really nice healthy plants ThaiBliss! You should be harvesting some killer buds in a couple of months.

Thanks RandyCalifornia. I'm looking forward to getting them into the flowering cabinet. It has been empty for a while since I abandoned my last cycle due to a very unhealthy specimen. I would like the plants to get a little more mature if I can muster up the patience to wait some more.

So much genetic input, it will be interesting to see what comes out of this. Great job.

Yes, especially the GT x SAGE. But each parent has some Thai in it, what else. :biggrin: The PHT x SAGE has quite a bit of Thai in it. It also has quite a bit of Haze since the SAGE might be 50% Haze. The Thai in Haze is probably the second highest ingredient considering it was one of the later strains bred to it. If I understand it correctly, Haze is Colombian, Mexican, Thai, then South Indian.

I've only smoked two strains that had a high that felt like the Thai high. One was Sumatran, and the other was Haze. So, when you think about it, I'm staying pretty close to home when it comes to the genetic lineage of the high that I like.

Happy Growing,



Well-known member

Despite the fact that the seeds from the Purple Haze Thai father sprouted almost two weeks later than the seeds from the Golden Tiger father, it has caught up and even surpassed in height. I am finally seeing signs of maturity, so I'm rushing them into flower. I don't believe I have ever started flowering plants so big. They are both over two feet tall, and growing vigorously.

Here are some pictures, just before putting them into flower.

PHT x SAGE Mature Looking Leaf:

Main stem top showing the start of alternate branching. The branches at the second node have branching over an inch in length. Gigantic:

Here is a low angle shot of the stem. It is almost as thick at the top as it is at the bottom. The branches are relatively thick compared to the main stem also:

A week ago I finally got rid of my old T-8 florescent fixtures. I bought a couple of 125 watt compact florescent. I don't have reflectors that direct light downwards, so this may account somewhat for the thick stems at the top, but the GT plant is more normal looking. So far, I'm impressed with these bulbs.



Well-known member
The plants from the Golden Tiger continue to impress with the bushiness. If everything continues on track, my small 3 x 3 foot cabinet is going to be overstuffed with huge buds. I hope that those fat GT buds don't completely choke out the PHT buds. I may have to do an extra amount of cutting back in this grow.

Here is a GT leaf shot:

Here is her bushiness, with huge new leaves coming on also:

I'm going to have to cut back on the fertilizer.


Lovely plants my friend!All of your plants have that lovely healthy sheen to them.Looking forward to seeing how your projects finish up.Well done,great job and great descriptions of what you are doing and looking at so we can all have some context to what is going on in your room.Keep up the great work,take care, be well, and most of all be safe,Charles.


Well-known member
Lovely plants my friend!All of your plants have that lovely healthy sheen to them.Looking forward to seeing how your projects finish up.Well done,great job and great descriptions of what you are doing and looking at so we can all have some context to what is going on in your room.Keep up the great work,take care, be well, and most of all be safe,Charles.

Thanks so much for your kind words Charles.

In the short time since I have put the plants in flowering, the Purple Haze Meao Thai x Sage has stretched nearly a foot! This one is going to be very difficult to control in my little cabinet, especially since I'm so reluctant to prune it.

I'm posting a picture as I start bending the plants because the leaves on the PHT x Sage plant are changing and looking even more different compared to when they started out. It started out looking to me like a fat leaved Thai, and now I think they are looking a bit like Mexican or Charlie Garcia's Destroyer. What a changeling this plant is.

I used Photoshop on this picture a bit to get rid of the yellow washed out light from the high pressure sodium. I use a combination of HPS and metal halide daylight lamps to get the most balanced spectrum I can. Someday, I plan on adding a plasma bulb to the mixture. I believe you can't have too much light and ventilation.


Here is a picture of the top:




Well-known member
Great shot! Being high on Haze, at first glance I saw it like a portrait of Mrs Purple Sage, with her dreadlocks, face and shoulders :)

By the way, I'm not sure what plasma lamp you mean, but you can consider adding a small UV lamp to your arsenal. It really makes the plants feel more like under the strong sun.


Active member
These crosses catched my attention at first sight ThaiB...both look stellar, nonetheless the PHTxSage cross is certainly spectacular!!

Best of luck til the end. Thanks a lot for sharing mate!!

PS: I´ve grown GT some years ago and i must underline the strong and potent high which this weed gives me. I described it in the thread i did, some of the females had that sort of "cosmic" high, with strong physical and mental feelings...


Well-known member

I took some pictures this week, but they didn't turn out that well. They only show some finger nail size buds just getting started. I did want to document this stage, if only for my own benefit. I'll post more pictures when the impressiveness that I see translates in the pictures.

They are starting to bud in earnest. The GT daughter started first, but the PHT daughter has passed it up in size. It appears to have inherited it's dense and clean structure from the SAGE mother. I was expecting it to be very resinous, since the stalks are glistening with resin, but so far the GT daughter has it easily beaten.

The aroma of the GT daughter is pretty much the same as it always has been. The PHT daughter is once again expressing its complex and ever changing nature. The smells of the flowers have become extremely fruity. Not the dark berry red wine barrel smells of the older parts of the stems, but more of a tropical fruit punch smell. It is a mixture of pineapple, banana, strawberry, mango, and floral extravaganza. This plant in so many ways is a changeling. Probably more than any other plant I have ever grown.

Happy Growing,



My ideal weed would be significantly more potent. It would be solidly trippy, euphoric, and mildly electric. Not electric so much that it is excessively edgy or induces paranoia, but enough that it gives me an exciting ride, or a bit of a thrill factor. This is the goal of all my testing, breeding, and modifications of growing conditions.

Hello ThaiBliss, after reading this you are now my go-to guy to follow. :tiphat: You have perfectly described the plant I'm looking for.

In the late '80s where I grew up there were a lot of old hippies growing sativa's outdoors (before the helicopter menace which basically drove everyone indoors and resulted in everyone smoking indica dominant strains today).

I took a decades long hiatus before taking up toking again and was very disappointed to find that nothing I smoked came close to the energetic floating on air, crazy laughing till your stomach hurt trippy euphoric stuff I used to smoke 'back in the day' so I've been attempting to grow it myself for a few years now.

The Ace strains are the closest I've found. I've tried NepJam, Orient Express, Panama, Congo and most recently I have a BangiHaze which is nearing maturity and have test smoked it from week 6 of 12/12 onwards. I also have a Vietnam Black x Thai from Ace that is 4 weeks into 12/12.

The Panama and the Bangi are so far the closest thing to what I'm looking for but I suspect a Thai dominant strain might be more in line with what I'm after.

What have you found that comes closest to what you describe so far?


Well-known member
... the energetic floating on air, crazy laughing till your stomach hurt trippy euphoric stuff I used to smoke 'back in the day' so I've been attempting to grow it myself for a few years now...

Good description.

The Ace strains are the closest I've found. I've tried NepJam, Orient Express, Panama, Congo and most recently I have a BangiHaze which is nearing maturity and have test smoked it from week 6 of 12/12 onwards. I also have a Vietnam Black x Thai from Ace that is 4 weeks into 12/12.

The Panama and the Bangi are so far the closest thing to what I'm looking for but I suspect a Thai dominant strain might be more in line with what I'm after.

What have you found that comes closest to what you describe so far?

I'm also a Bangi Haze fan like you. I've only tried one, and I'm going to get back to test the rest sometime soon. I tried Golden Tiger, but the two I have tried so far weren't what I am looking for. As you can see, I have a relative the Purple Haze Thai that I have high hopes for. But what I'm most excited about are the Zamaldelica seeds that just popped their heads above the soil today. These sound like they may be too energetic and paranoia inducing to be my ideal, like Thai. Ha! Sometimes, instead of going on a picnic, I would like to go sky-diving, if you know what I mean. If I find a good one, I can always cross it with Bangi Haze to tone it down and make it quicker for my climate without losing quality.

I'm keenly interested in your results from the Vietnam Black x Thai, and you're making me reconsider panama. I have heard that some phenotypes might be what I'm looking for. If you have a thread for your VB x Thai grow, please post it here so I can sign up for updates. Better yet, since we seem to be on the same quest, please feel free to post pictures and observations on this thread. This thread could use some serious livening up. What this thread needs is some bud shots.
This invitation goes for anyone else who thinks they have or might have an ACE strain that comes close to fitting Del145's description above.

Keep in touch.

Happy Growing,



Well-known member

I'm posting my first bud shots of this grow.

First, the Golden Tiger x Sage daughter. So far, I'm a little concerned about the size of the flowers. I was not expecting this since the SAGE cutting is a decent yielder, and one of the Golden Tiger sisters had massive buds and a good producer. The other Golden Tiger sister of this plant's father looked more sativa like, but was not bad in the yield department. This one looks like it could possibly be weak for productivity. It is early, and is probably premature to be panicking, but compared to the Purple Haze Thai daughter, which I expect to take longer to ripen, the difference is stunning. The good news, it looks to be very resinous, and the resin is all over the place including flowers, leaves, and stem. If it turns out to be the most potent and good quality, I would be happy:


Next is the Purple Haze x Thai daughter. I'm so pleased with the bud structure. It looks very sativa like, with small and airy buds, but they are very well formed with resin concentrated on the calyxes, and good flower to leaf ratio. The buds look bigger and more dense than they really are due to the large, long, and concentrated pistils protruding from the calyxes.

What intrigues me most with this plant are the aromas. It shows no traits from the SAGE mother. It lost that absolutely divine aroma and the extreme pungency. It did gain complexity in a big way. Every time I smell this plant lately, I finding brand new aromas. Today it smelled like bubble gum, yesterday it smelled like a tropical fruit salad, a few weeks ago it smelled like sour cat piss and lime. The stems are more consistent with the blackberry and red wine barrel smell, although this changes a bit also with some chocolate aromas detected the other day. Here she is:


I should get going and cut that firewood that I'm going to need this winter. So...

All the Best,



Great thread indeed!

I've always appreciated your posts and describtions ThaiBliss, wanted to PM that before but my post count is too low... Really envy your writing skills.
I love all the info on the strains and everything, please do "blather on" haha!

The final results of the cross will certainly be very interesting.
If you don't mind me asking, did you think of making them available on the seedbay or something similar?
I'm pretty sure many people, myself included, would be interested.

Keep us updated!


Well-known member
Great thread indeed!

I've always appreciated your posts and describtions ThaiBliss, wanted to PM that before but my post count is too low... Really envy your writing skills.
I love all the info on the strains and everything, please do "blather on" haha!

The final results of the cross will certainly be very interesting.
If you don't mind me asking, did you think of making them available on the seedbay or something similar?
I'm pretty sure many people, myself included, would be interested.

Keep us updated!

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad someone is interested. I would probably blather on anyway. It is therapeutic. I've spent a lot of years keeping tight lipped. I've let so many other people stick out their necks towards the cause of legalization, and now that it seems so close, I feel I must contribute in some way, before full legalization happens and then I feel regret that I did not do anything at all. Besides, I'm very concerned about the loss of great sativa strains through hybridization with indicas, and I want to attempt to help rebuild a sativa high grade culture.

I've actually thought of donating some seeds to the server fund of this website. I have a lot of these seeds. I have to take the time to look into it. I feel I'd also have to run it by Dubi, since I really did not do any inbreeding to make it my own. I have mixed feelings about this since I don't believe anyone owns these genetics. All the modern breeders have generations of shamans to thank for providing the basis of what they are working with today. On the other hand, I feel much appreciation to Dubi, and he needs to make a living. He is doing a great job of focusing on strains that are not the most popular anymore. I think I owe him at least the chance to object.

Thanks for the interest,


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