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purp from humbult pics


New member
I got the purp clones from northern humbult a few years ago with sensi star and the supa wich is blueberry northernlights. I also just started lavender sage and sour blueberry blackberry and a new sensi star mom. if any one wants to share strains or pic hit me with a prvt email or if you are just down to shoot the shit about headys with some one that love the headys. purp on every one keep it heady humanbean420 heres the purp pics



Active member
That looks exactly like our friend Capt Crip's Blueberry #8, i will have to point him in the direction of this thread. VERY BEAUTIFUL!!! What strain is it?


New member
its the purp from humbult

its the purp from humbult

yeah buddy thanks. i have sensi star in my mom zone. and the pics are of mostly the purp




New member
my bad dude my computer fucked up and i didnt mean to make 2 post and im still learning my cam dont hate spread love. we all love the herbs im sorry if your so mad over my fuck up. heres a purp cross 3 weeks till chop


Hey Humanbean... very nice purple nugs.

Sooooooo... Other than being purple... what's so special about them? Can you tell me a bit about the high... the smoke... taste... and how you are growing them?

I hope they are as dangerous as they look... *laffin*




Good job with the strain. I love the purple power, they always look so good. Hows the smell on it?


New member
well the purp has the sweat smell of purple candy and has even more flavor then smell not saying it doesnt stink because its really stinky close to the end. my freind did a big out door with a lot of them and you could smell it from a half mile away. I think the one thing about the purp is you need to give it a good and long veg with a little leaffing to keep the heads happy. I veg for a few weeks in both the 24 zone and the 18. Im growing it almost all the way og but i use a little advanced carb load and bud blood plus ph down. the nugs come out rock hard so you have to look out for bud rot if they get to big. over all its a 10 on the heady scale heres a seni pic
The "purps" is interesting in that a mother will throw off up to 4 pheno's no matter her pheno (only thing that has kept me from growing it yet). Some is almost pure purple, some half and half and some green. All killer but the one you show in the nug shot is my fav. The swirled purp/green, rock hard and extreme skunky grape flavor. Got a qp for the head while out in Arcata a year ago or so. Best bud Ive smoked to date. (15+ years).....
Beauty of a plant. Thats the pheno I like the best. Rock hard nuggets. Stinky grape skunk.

I assume you grow it, what has your experiance been in the pheno variations? The pheno in your pic is the best smoke on the planet imo.



New member
man skunkafryed your crazzy bro talking about purp having diffrent phenos from one mom that cant happen, but they dont turn that dark in color if its not cold so it could trick some one if they dont know that much about dank. the purp will turn much darker in color growing outside because its cold. I have seen strains turn color out side that never turn color indoors so stop selling snake oil on my post


New member
nspecta gt has the winner i cant fuck with that its such a darker shade more blackess blue i love it everyone set that pic as your desktop and try to grow some thing like that. thats purple power im stoked to see others putting it down right. Yeah! OK! Lets Go! What! Ok! Yeah!


Hey Nspecta. Do you know the lineage of your purps. Just an observation, but I see PNW OPT as well as some Deep Chunk (aka Monkey Ballz ) in her. Just my opinion. Here is a shot of some CBG Sandstorm at 30 days, if y'all don't mind.


Elkslayer said:
as well as some Deep Chunk (aka Monkey Ballz ) in her.

aint that sumtin:D after growin out DC, CC i see alot of resemblence in a few strains. most notably in the bubba kush and some of the diff purps.

have my cripple crk clone and a bubba right along side each other, the bud is almost exact, real diff is in leaf shape is all, both have purplin in the bud and leaf, purp viens, and the same size, and shape bud. hard tight little nugs.

i think some of Toms genetics have made it into a few of the purps out there. i did a black domina X deep chunk cross and finished bud looks so much like a lot of the finished purps.

didnt know Monkey ballz was actually deep chunk, knowin you Elk, Im sure that info came from Tom himself/



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