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Pure Kush and Flo


CC, yummy lookin stuff! I'm envious of your Flo cut. Hopefully I'l be gettin some beans soon. I've planned on gettin with the flo for some time but other projects keep stealin my bean bread. Nice Pics as always. Grunt


Active member
re veg. ?

re veg. ?

Hey there CC , beautiful as usual. I remember reading a while back about Flo and its ability to take to re veg and harvest again , or more so than other strains. Did you happen to try with this one , or just cut her down ? Anyway photos are great and Im sure the smoke will be too !
sorry not re veg. just continues to flower after initial harvest.
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Active member
Nice shots CC!

Holywood Pure is a clone sold by a dispensary.. in uhh.. holyweed? :)

Different that Puss Kush. It's more traditional, spicy, incense and kush. More like bubba.

Lune, your cut came from my way and can be sourced back to m.steelers Clone Only Mayhem thread here on IC, if you want more info on it.

The Puss is a sweeter candy like smell and taste, and is absolutely fan-fuckin-tastic. Not as potent as Bubba, but very pleasurable. Lights up the room. I dont know how you or your other growers didn't get more odor out of her, it's borderline lick-able. I was even sniffin the jars after she was gone.. mmm.


lol...stretch......licking the jars after it was gone.....that was priceless.....Ah so the puss kush is totally different than the hollywood kush thanks for clearing that up.....great thread CC.....


Pull my finger
Hell yeah! I am loving those pics! I got the FLo cut and Pure kush rooting right now. I was wondering how long I would have to wait to see budshots of the Flo cut.

Way to go. I cant wait for the smoke report.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Hey CC, top notch as usual. :respect: I'll be real interested in how the Flo stacks up against Apollo w/ you. Got some F-13 running, may have to do an intermingling of pollen. :muahaha: Peace & good vibes :rasta:


Nice CC

Nice CC

Definitely wanting to here the smoke report on this Flo cut. :smoke:
glad you are enjoying these CC!!!

hope you have as much fun with them as i did.

how did you rate the potency on the flo??

i thought it was rather weak


prob cause its a sativa -real clean, clear headed, motivational high, dont expect it to put u on ur ass - how was the flavor btw??

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
No dry shots, sorry. I totally forgot. Life's thrown a few curveballs at me over the past few weeks, and priorities moved away from taking pictures. I appologize.

As for the smoke... The Pure Kush tasted, as someone else here said, like "Bubba Kush lite". Not bad, not spectacular. Good head, nothing to write home about though.

The Flo was tasty, but the head was, again, nothing to write home about.

The Blueberry was very potent, but tasted nothing like blueberries... which has been my experience with the blueberry line for years... so nothing new there. I was hoping, since this was DJ's own clone, that it would taste like blueberries, but it does not... unless you have an overactive imagination. I've smelled NLs that were closer to the smell of blueberries. Good pot though. cc

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I have more BB flowering right now, so I'll get to try it again, maybe I'll think differently the second time, but I doubt it. :) cc


Active member
A pity!!
DJ´s own BB? It´s very famous for the taste!?!?

Thx for share CC. Awesome pics and best info...
Buenas vibras