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Pure blend pro


Fogget about how you feel, how do the plants look?..

Finally got around to taking some pics and uploading them. Started a diary too, come check it out.



Registered Non-Conformist
Yes, all nutes drop the pH. In fact, I use nutes sometimes as my pH Down, as many others do.
That's not the point..

Several people in The Triangle that I know, have forsaken the PBP Bloom product, when they use Reverse Osmosis Water.

Pay attention to your RO water if you are using PBP Soil Bloom product. A drop to 3.5-4.5 necessitates an over use of pH Up... Potentially bad for the plants. Wasting my breath, trying to help..? Apparently.

With Tap and Well Water, the effect on pH is the same as other Base nutrients.

Ok, I'm out.

Good luck.

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