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Pure Blend Pro w/ Promix


I use floralicious grow, then GH 3/2/1 + silica/PBP in veg in promix. These are 100gal smarties outside. Then in bloom i switch it up to licious bloom, still 3/2/1, but the other way, and still pbp/silica and sometimes i'll add open sesame or chaching just to have some fun.


they suggest on the containers of pure blend grow and bloom to use cal mag i think..about everybody uses the grow/bloom/lk/and calmag together..

Calmag added this run, we'll see how she goes.

Curious how far you guys run the Grow? do you swap off for the bloom right when you flip 12/12, or do you overlap them.

The reason I ask is my last run, I used both all the way through, and results were excellent. But looking at the schedule, I think I was supposed to knock off the grow once flowering.

Good mistake?


New member
Th is is my 3rd attempt at growing with my 400watt hps an i use pbp grow/bloom/liq.k/cal-mag with pro-mix bx. I swear by this shit. i have never checked my ph. I have had great results.


Power Armor rules
PBP Grow
PBP Bloom (soil version)

Have used them for years with many different soil mixes and have never had a problem.



New member
Quick question. Does everyone use pbp grow for a couple of weeks into flower? if so how much. A couple of my fan leaves turn light green towards yellowing in week two of flower. they also get brown spots. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


i use grow for first 2 weeks flowering

manny I guess that's your answer!

Like the op, I have seen many different opinions and can't make up my mind.

my quick question is:
Does anyone here have any experience with both PBP and/or the maxibloom K.I.S.S. method in amended pro-mix? Would you care to comment or direct me to a thread I could read up on??


I had all kinds of problems with PBP grow, and bloom. Same thing with the Calmag. I have all three bottles sitting 3/4 full b/c they always hurt my plants and are no doubt expired by now.
I don't know if they were old bottles or what but whenever I'd add it I'd get crazy lockouts at like 5ml/gal for pretty large plants. I heard great stuff, too, but never had any luck with it myself.

I used GH flora series for the last 2 cycles. Best experience I've had so far with chems. Using just Micro/bloom.
Switched to Maxibloom this round so I don't have to mess with the bottles, but I haven't used it yet.

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