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PSA: A trick to help you quit smoking cigarettes!


if it smells like fish
if you also talk to yourself while smoking that invisible cigarette ,you will get some help....yeehaw


I'm just saying in my experience if a smoker wants a cigerette there is nothing going to stand in their way. Money, safe, or whatever. It's about overcoming and stopping the WANT.

If money or access could stop people they wouldn't be out there in ashtrays smoking random peoples butts. Just saying. Good luck with your experiment and I hope you manage to quit.
well i got that timer safe thing so far its doing its job especially throughout the day. Im finding that while waiting for it to open i just busy myself with what needs to be done. If i was somewhere remote without ciggies for a few hours though that safe would suffer a quick death so its not for everyone abd the build quality for a safe is a joke. Anyway Im seperating out my cigs from 2.5 -3 hours now and am down to around 6 a day from 10.

So far so good. Next time I call in its likely either the box will be farked or i'll have continued to cut down.
ok im back. well...

The box is still alive and operating. It does what it sais for the most part.

Using the timer is a bit frustrating though and there's a fair bit of lag waiting for it to respond each time to re set your time. Then there's quite a bit of lag as it sounds back the nominated the time set by you to confirm. You get 2 spare keys which you want just far away enough to noot be bothered going to retrieve them and after making mistakes setting the thing for days instead of hours ive had to do that.

Did it work for me?

It did not i'm afraid. The laborious repetition of setting and resetting this thing drove me a bit nuts and id often just forget to reset it. When smokin herb Id just say to myself fuck it I'll smoke when i wanna and leave it open. Also knowing that my cigs were in there and available at a certain point seemed to focus my mind more on it inducing a mild obsession of when the next cig was. So I ended up smoking more all in all. Go figure...

Anyway im back to leaving the cigs in the car out on the street again and ive cut back down to 5-6 a day. No longer have such a preoccupation with it all and laziness of having to go out and get one seems to keeping things on a level.

FWIW the box now lives in the fridge and guards junk food but that's another story....



Lover of Life
Been over a week without cigs now..like 11 days or so..feels great. I'm actually jogging again, too..it's taking my leg some time to get used to due to the cold weather, but I'll carry on not smoking cigs and jogging...every time I want a cig, I'll go jog, usually in the afternoon now.


I've never been 'physically' addicted to nicotine to the point where I NEED to smoke. I attribute that to smoking rolling tobacco always, it's also messed with but a lot less than with filter cigarettes. I remember back when I was 16 my mom was furious she found a pack of cigarettes, though she was fine with me smoking rolling tobacco. I crave a smoke when I get up and walk to work. I crave a smoke at noon before work. And I crave it when I drink alcohol, especially.
I crave the tobacco in joints. I would roll a new joint just so I can get that tobacco hit in my throat. I also like to save my joint for at least an hour, hitting it a few times every 10 minutes or so, which gets me less high but more tobacco fixes which is ridiculous offcourse.
So I got me a vaporizer a couple of days ago. So now down to the 2 cigs before and between work. Managed to pass one day with only one cigarette, even when drinking a gin tonic. Though beer is the real problem tbh.
Picked up a fitness membership, they have a sauna. I love sauna's, feels cleansing, and it's the only place where I feel comfortable breaking out in sweat. I've noticed before when I go on a health binge - sport and food - I tend to despise my smoking habit more and occasionaly even drop it for a while. So I'm going to go with that and see if I get disgusted enough to ditch the morning cig.
Maybe I should try jogging in the morning. Or just man the fuck up and not smoke anymore... Or wait til I run out. Yeah that...
i quit smoking in jan this year. I used to smoke quite a lot, plus many of us uk smokers put tabaco in joints too...double the badness.lol

I used this paul mckenna quit smoking cd i downloaded from piratebay. i listened to it, and it actually helped me quite a lot.
might not help all, but it definately helped me.

I also made sure every time i felt like smoking, i quickly occupied my mind with something else which usually involved some sort of exercise. im much fitter now, and not smoked since jan.
still do roll a few pure spliffs, but mostly toke on a vapourizer when i want some tasty meds.

Also have a friend who went to hypnotherapy and it worked for him. Was expensive, but it did work.

Stay positive, keep yourself busy, and you will be successful .
keep them hands busy, and make exercise a part of your routine/life.

Wishing all much success in getting off the nasty stuff.


Run a mile for each cig that you smoke before you smoke it. Then after a while you'll be like "I'm not running a mile.....because I'm not going to smoke....."


Or you have to make loud chicken noises before you're able to smoke one...once you realized what you're doing is embarrassing..you'll realize that you smoking something and knowingly has carcinogenic properties is also kind of embarrassing.
Stopped smoking cigarettes a few months ago. Did it with Blue E-Cigarettes and Volcano :D I don't think you can quit unless you want to quit but I was ready. Those Blu E-Cigs are pretty great. I recommend them.