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Prowlers Paradise: Vertical coconuts!


Pheew it has been a while.

Thank you Killerweed! :tiphat:
...and it tasted pretty good too. Some micro left in the bud so maybe i should take H3ads word and start using 0/9 at week 4. But it's okay. I managed to get some of that soil taste in it because those Lemon Skunk #1-#3 has 33% soil in the mix and i still treated it like hydro. I recommend it to anyone.

Did some flushing today in the morning and was too lazy to take pictures (or too sweaty) but everything is going almost smoothly. There is some roadwork going on right outside of my flat and they're going to do some plumbing too so i am a bit worried for now. Let's hope for the best. It would be quite devastating to loose this battle in the green war. Don't have enough money for new setup at the moment. So feel free to cheer me up a bit.

Another good news is that Kali Mists are on the Rainforest2 and starting to root. :jump:
So things are getting pretty serious. I put another Santa in flowering this monday and the previous one is looking damn fine. I'm going to snap some pictures later today when lights go off. Maybe i'm going to share veggers too because it is looking absolutely magnificient when the rainforest2 is in.

Swazi is doing okay. Not the healthiest one i've grown. Needs some more attention and it wasn't overdosing. I was underfeeding.


Older leaves started yellowing from bottom upwards and stems were getting purplish color. So i added a little bit more bloom and some TopMax. It is already looking a bit better and the yellowing has stopped. Let's hope for the best.

So pictures later. Maybe tomorrow or tonight.

Edit: And my condolence for all californian ppl for prop 19 not passing.


...the pictures i promised.

Random shots from the Veg tent:

Kali Mist youngsters. I really don't like so small cuttings but I should be rather thankful for these. So

:thank you:

You Know who you are.

Lemon Skunk #4 and her big ass leaf.

Santa Maria #2

Bloom tent over view

Swazi. Maybe you can spot the yellow leaves. Hope i'll get her healthy.

Lemon Skunk #3

Lemon Skunk #2

Santa Maria #3

When i got the Rainforest2 up and running i had to shake the dust off from my Hannah pH/ec pen. So just for fun i tested the pH of my nutrients which i feed to coco and it shows 0,2-0,3 less than what liquid test kit shows. I do know that pH calibration is still right on clock because i've run previously hydro and the difference was the same. So this time i trusted on the pen more. We'll see what happens. I do think that there is something little bit wrong with my coco receipe so i hope it is due to too low pH.

Otherwise everything is going smoothly.

It Was a good day!
Looks superb. I like the variance you have. Enjoy also your harvest! That LSK looks jolly good. :)


Nice set-up and great looking ladies man! :tiphat: I am growing out a Lemon Skunk, hope she ends up lookin like yours! Got this thread tagged. :lurk:


Hello and thanks Herbal & Sirus!

It's time for an update. :dance013:

Sad news is that Santa Maria isn't so stretchy as i thought it to be. It would have been better in horizontal assembly but i can't complain. Beautiful bitches in all their glory. So here we go:

Santa Maria #3

Other Santa Marias (to be honest i mixed up 1&2)

Lemon Skunk #4

Swazi Starting to look like a lady indeed!

And some veggers.

Kali Mists have finally started to grow leaves. A little bit too warm water (23 c) but i think i'll manage somehow...

Some roopr0n (Yeah i am professional photographer! Check the focus on this one.)

Then the small ones. In this first one there is one swazi, three tkuG13 and one overdosed lemon skunk

Nice! I'm all excited about these strains. I also modified my formula a bit. I'm now feeding them 12/18 / 10L and all the bloomers get an extra dose of PK 13/14, Bloom and Top Max. I also upped the Liquid Silicon amount in my nutes. Now approx. 0,75ml/L.



Looking great, 600 w rokkaa ja kookos komppaa :)

Is that just swazi or swazi skunk? Not too much african genetics around, or maybe haven't looked into right places..Can you tell something about it?


It is most definitely plain Swazi. I don't really know about the origin because i got it as a cutting. It roots quickly and is a mighty grower! This particular pheno, compared to the other strains i've got, beats them in veg stage what it looses on bloom time. And as you can see it is turning out to be a decent yielder too! Very proud to own this strain.

Smell is cat piss + lemon = fresh but stinky. And it is a bit troublemaker too when it comes to fertilizing it. Likes it strong as a vegger but hates it in bloom. Less N and more P would be the key i guess.

Some old skool professional has decided to keep this pheno so i really can't help you to figure out what it takes to get such a good individual.


Tarus Bulbar

Things are lookn excellent Prowler!!!
Im keepn a close eye on that Swazi
its a beautiful plant!!
Cheers bro


Active member
very impressive results there bro!

maybe tweak the schedule for that swazi a bit? she looks like she's like some more N there!

otherwise your rocking it! :D


:thank you:

Swazi is actually doing a bit better nowadays. I'm still a bit confused about its feeding. Maybe i'll do better with it the second round. It seems to me that i burned it's tips and right after that came yellowing of the bottom leaves.


I'll just have to be more careful with the next one to catch up what i am doing wrong.

Either way it is doing fine now with 12/18 per 10l (today i slammed them a bit with 14/21) + some pk13/14 and top max. I'm going to start cutting N after this week. I thought that it would like still to have it a little because there is so little leaf material in it... We'll see. Anyway it is turning out to be real nice!



A couple of a pictures snapped in a hurry. Sorry bout the quality. I'll take some better ones next weekend.

Lemon Skunk #3 - Finished!

Swazi (oh boy she is truly a bitch! Demanding and beautiful)

Santa Maria #3 - Needs more fuel but still looking gorgeous. And has started to smell really fruity. All that "cat piss" smell has gone away.

TKUG13 Youngster. I'm really sorry about the quality of this picture but this is one beautiful bastard. I'll have to take better pictures of her. I really like this one.

Anyone got any information from TKUG13? I know nothing more than that it is obviously from Turku and is indeed an old strain and very potent(?). Couch lock?

Really hate it when i am in a hurry. Maybe i need to quit my job!



Yeah man, dump the fucking job :D

But seriously your garden looks amazing :yes: keep up the good work. How's the aroma of Lemon Skunk?

I'll be lurking around till the end :wave:


My Lemon Skunk is actually quite faceless. It lacks of uniqueness. Smell is really light but fresh - like lemons. High is okay. Makes you want to do things but at the same time it feels like you should chill out. I guess you can categorize it as basic home smoke. I personally would skip the lemon and order some super.

Edit: Super easy to grow. And thank you for your kind words!


Ok, that sure sounds like one to skip. beauty she is anyway but there's no point growing weak plants.

Tarus Bulbar

Dont quit ur job just yet bro!!
After u smoke all that Lemon ur bound to
get a little bored!! LOL
Beauty lookn ladies!!


Whoaaa! Long time without updates but - no worries - here it comes!


So this is what my veggers look at the moment:

Santa Maria #4 is actually biggest plant i've ever grown at the moment. Very good looking fellow indeed. I most definately have to grow some trees someday but i need a better space for that project so...

Then some overview pictures...

Swazi - growing very at very good rate! Really like this pheno!:

TKUG13 at the back. A bit small but nevertheless it's a strain keeper individual. Going to flip the tent at the end of this week or...well have to see how them cali mists (kali mists, Cali missys, don't know how you should call them...) are growing.

One of the mists (OR WHAT EVA!) had a bit overdose and has fallen behind. Today i'm going to change reservoir and up the nutes a bit so if it does not recover it is going to be ditched. I think that Santa Maria is going to appreciate the space.

BLOOMERS! They are developing nicely indeed.

Swazi - looks a bit wounded in the battle but...

Santa Maria #3 - Very good looking buds! A huge difference compared to those lemon skunks.

Dropping micro now from this fellow. Going to have a nice xmas harvest.

Santa Maria #1 & 2 - Mixed again :)

...and a Lemon Skunk

Notice the purple stems in all of bloomers and a couple of purple leaves on swazi? Asked for some help from nukkumatti (thank you! Always good advises from you!) - but i noticed finally myself what is wrong. They've had too cold nights. :dance013:

So i put heaters on today :jump:

Finnish winter has come! -15c outside right now and snow on the ground. Got to love the weather! I only wish i had a couple of 1000w on my regime. Could chill those easily in this weather.



Santa marias and swazi looking chunky, especially diggin swazis structure and big nugs all the way down, shame about lemon skunk being bland, beatiful plant thou.

What's your veg bulb? 250-400w mh?


600w mh - easy to change to 600w hps when the time comes. ;)

About the Swazi: Heard from a friend that it does not bother from heat and it makes sense. I really want to do a sog of somekind with swazi in future.

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