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Protest Day on the Spui, June 30th 2007


Active member
milehigh i hope it all goes ok for you lot over there , nol as AFsaid keep fighting the good fight .We are the ones in the right, its them who are wrong and the crims not us .Af i have stayed in nol place and i can safely say apartment is sound as a pound m8 and u would really enjoy your stay .No victim no crime .
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keep up the good fight guys, hope this stupid rule is not implemented. i mean every one in the coffee shop is there because they want to be, god damn where is the freedom of choice in all this? with the ventilation systems the smoke is sucked out and cleaned anyway, this is just one more rule to keep the coffee shops under pressure, imo.


Traktor driver
cannabinol said:
until the fat lady sings!

I do not agree with the smoking ban put on my staff, nor will my staff.

My staff smokes joints, now, where do they go when they feel like one?

They will smoke in the sales area anyway, no minister can tell my staff not to smoke on the job, only I can.

I will check out legal stuff, my staff members should start a courtcase against Minister Klink, who seems to be discriminatiung them with this ban.

Colleagues, get your staff to court!

It's is time for a drinking ban in cafes, a fuck ban in the Red Light and a talking ban for dumbass ministers.

Nice one Nol, I'm glad you support your employes to that extent. :yes:


Un - Retired,
we all need to fight this unjust ban
it has wider implications than just the coffee shops
it will effect things like our 4:20 as the shop and venues will be under the smoking ban
we won't be able to sit in the shop and smoke the way we do now
even I won't be able to smoke in the shop legally once the ban is in effect


SativaBelieva said:
I might join the protesters!

Bring your friends and neighbors. We need a big turnout. It is starting to gather steam. We have 11 speakers lined up including;

MC D.C.Lama
August de Loor (Adviesbureau Drugs)
Freek Polak (Stichting Drugsbeleid)
Jacqueline W. (Encod / Cannabisactiviste)
Willemijn Los (MDHG)
100% Isis
Wernard Bruining (Groen Vrij)
Joep Oomen (Encod /Trekt uw Plant)
Nicole Maalste (Polderwiet)
Micha Klein
Gerben Hellinga (Uit Je Bol)
Mark Jacobsen BCD
Lorna (Cannabis College)

We have been told no music, but we have some acoustic acts coming and with a large crowd, who knows.

There is no action possible without your continuous help & support.
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The day went well. We had many people come by to show support. The only ones that didn't show up was the Amsterdam Cannabis community. Shame on them. When they ask "What happened?" I will say, "Where were you when we still had time?"



Wish I could have been there, it seems the spirit of protest has subsiuded in Dutch culture since the 60s and 70s, back then they would march and gather to protest about just about anything! lol

Lets hope folks wake up before its too late.


May 9th on the Museumsplein in Amsterdam this year (2009). Start making plans and ask how you can help. This will be the million man marijuana march date. So cities everywhere will be having cannabis protests.


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