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Prostate Health Saw Palmetto Update


New member
Saw palmetto can work for many men, but there’s a smart and effective way to use it and also a not-so-smart way. First of all, be aware that saw palmetto comes in two main forms: 1) ground berries, which is basically trash IMO, and 2) concentrated 4 to 1 extract in oil, which is very effective at a dose of 320 to 960 mg per day taken with meals. Second, saw palmetto works best when combined with several other supplements. Those are mainly: pygeum (50 to 100 mg per day), beta sitosterol (the active ingredient in saw palmetto), vitamin E (400 mg per day), vitamin D, freeze dried Stinging Nettle tablets (stinging nettle tea is a traditional remedy) mine are 420 mg, pumpkin seed oil capsules (usually sold in 1000 mg), and lycopene (a concentrated tomato extract).

The important thing is to take the saw palmetto in a 4 to one extract at a large enough dose, not the trash, along with pygeum and dried nettle. Eating pumpkin seeds is good but you would need to eat a lot of them to equal a 1000 mg capsule (I use both). Raw flax seeds are said to be helpful in reducing the prostate, and more effective than flax seed oil, but they’re small and will get stuck in your teeth.

The Austrian herbalist Maria Treben has reported that Epilobium Parviflorum (Small Flowered Willow Herb) cures benign prostate enlargement. I have Epilobium seedlings growing in my outside vegetable garden but I found them hard to germinate outdoors and very slow growing so I don’t know if they will finish by autumn.

When I started using saw palmetto etc daily as above (about 18 months ago) I noticed improvement in a few weeks, a worthwhile improvement after 6 weeks, and a lot of improvement in three months. I’m in my 60’s, a paraplegic, sexually active, and this regimen worked has very well for me both in reducing symptoms and stabilizing. I hope this info will help you or someone you know. Good Health!


Milk Thistle, in addition to all the benefits for your liver, is preventive of prostate cancer. Not sure if it does much for BPH tho'...