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Proposed new felony. Any objections?


^that's why you just get the sign

They ignored the sign.

They ignored the lights.

They ignored the cameras.

They ignored the dogs.

And the guy that was shot was warned to his face by the lookout. Less than sixty seconds before he was shot.

He laughed.


One purpose in passing the law would be to get leo to realize we need to be protected.

That we are law abiding citizens that deserve to be treated that way.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
They ignored the sign.

They ignored the lights.

They ignored the cameras.

They ignored the dogs.

And the guy that was shot was warned to his face by the lookout. Less than sixty seconds before he was shot.

He laughed.

^wow, that's is just a crazy person, which is why I think it is a shame the federal government was able to pass a law that says i can get 20 more years for being a peaceful citizen and just having a gun. it is straight up fascism, and really pisses me off. why should i have to chose. I have a plant associated with peaceful hippies but if i have a gun and that plant they automatically assume I am just some crazy violent mass murderer.


One purpose in passing the law would be to get leo to realize we need to be protected.

That we are law abiding citizens that deserve to be treated that way.

Are all really law abiding citizens? The cops don't think you need to be protected...because again...it's a gray market..in which..many are operating outside of the guidelines.

Their sympathy...if they had any...goes down the tubes. They are not there to protect and serve you...that's nonsense....they are there to enforce government will. Any safety or protection they provide..is only a byproduct of that mission.

You will be better served pushing the rescheduling of pot...than making up new laws to protect yourself. New laws are not going to make you one bit...safer
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G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Laws and police don't protect anyone from anything. Shooting intruders might not work out that well for you in the end.

Don't blame criminals for being criminals - it's what they do. If you're getting jacked, it's because your perimeter isn't as secure as it needs to be, too many people know your shit, and/or you're at a location you should be away from.


Rubbing my glands together
Laws and police don't protect anyone from anything. Shooting intruders might not work out that well for you in the end.

Don't blame criminals for being criminals - it's what they do. If you're getting jacked, it's because your perimeter isn't as secure as it needs to be, too many people know your shit, and/or you're at a location you should be away from.

That's like saying don't blame rapist for being rapist. it's what they do. If you're getting raped you didn't pay attention to your surrounding and were probably wearing something or were some place you didn't need to be. Pulease


10 years for breaking into a building full of plants?

How about we just execute them, too?!

Our system will never be perfect, but that's asinine.

It should be treated as a standard burglary or robbery.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That's like saying don't blame rapist for being rapist. it's what they do. If you're getting raped you didn't pay attention to your surrounding and were probably wearing something or were some place you didn't need to be. Pulease

^ty. i was gonna say something along those lines

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Laws and police don't stop rape from happening either.

......but these do

Anti-Rape Condoms (PICTURE): Will Jagged Teeth Deter World Cup Sex Assaults? Rape-aXe Hopes So

(CBS) A South African doctor has created a female condom that puts teeth in the fight against rape.


The anti-rape condom, called "Rape-aXe," features rows of jagged hooks designed to attach to a man's penis during penetration. Once attached, the condom can only be removed by a doctor - hopefully when authorities can arrest him, Dr. Sonnet Ehlers, the condom's designer, told CNN.

"It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on," she said. "If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter... however, it doesn't break the skin, and there's no danger of fluid exposure."

Ehlers said she sold her house and car to launch the project, and she planned to supervise the distribution of 30,000 free devices in cities hosting the World Cup soccer matches. After the trial period, they'll be available for about $2 apiece, according to CNN.

"The mother of two daughters said she visited prisons and talked to convicted rapists to find out whether such a device would have made them rethink their actions," CNN reported. "Some said it would have."

Critics say the condom makes women vulnerable to violence from men trapped by the device.

It's also a form of "enslavement," Victoria Kajja, a fellow for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the east African country of Uganda, told CNN. "The fears surrounding the victim, the act of wearing the condom in anticipation of being assaulted all represent enslavement that no woman should be subjected to."

Kajja added that the device reminds women of their vulnerability.

"It not only presents the victim with a false sense of security, but psychological trauma," she added. "It also does not help with the psychological problems that manifest after assaults."

But she acknowledged that the device might allow justice to be served.

Rape convictions are rare in most African countries, according to CNN. Victims don't get immediate access to medical care, and DNA tests to provide evidence are too expensive.

Women take drastic measures to prevent rape in South Africa, Ehlers said. Some go so far as to insert razor blades wrapped in sponges in their private parts.

Critics have said the device is like something out of the Middle Ages.

"Yes, my device may be medieval, but it's for a medieval deed that has been around for decades," she told CNN. "I believe something's got to be done ... and this will make some men rethink before they assault a woman."

More information at the Rape-aXe website

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Maybe we're getting a little sidetracked? Maybe you need an explanation?

At some point in time, people sometimes discover that reality intrudes, and it's often at a bad time for them.

You can't stop reality from happening to you, but you have a degree of influence.


Laws and police don't protect anyone from anything. Shooting intruders might not work out that well for you in the end.

Don't blame criminals for being criminals - it's what they do. If you're getting jacked, it's because your perimeter isn't as secure as it needs to be, too many people know your shit, and/or you're at a location you should be away from.

So it's all the fault of the victim.

Just what leo says .. That way they can just focus on investigating the victim.


Active member
Two words...

Security culture

Or five for those who aren't going to research, keep your big mouth shut!


Active member
Just saying i know some victims, and they will always and forever will be victims.

The perpetrator is responsible for what they do obviously, but some people just put themselves in positions to betaken advantage of.

Don't flash you wad kids....


Just saying i know some victims, and they will always and forever will be victims.

The perpetrator is responsible for what they do obviously, but some people just put themselves in positions to betaken advantage of.

Don't flash you wad kids....

Stop blaming me.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Just saying i know some victims, and they will always and forever will be victims.

The perpetrator is responsible for what they do obviously, but some people just put themselves in positions to betaken advantage of.

Don't flash you wad kids....

^this is correct. The criminal may be to blame, but if a person is "flashing their wad" so to speak then they must put some blame on themselves to in order to not make the same mistake in the future. People that are secretive and or secure get robbed still too. there are still thousands of bank robberies every year. they spend millions on being secure and it still happens.


Just saying i know some victims, and they will always and forever will be victims.

The perpetrator is responsible for what they do obviously, but some people just put themselves in positions to betaken advantage of.

Don't flash you wad kids....

Stop blaming me.

^^^ Stop blaming me, too. I'm not going to get into the specifics of my case as it is ongoing, but it sure in hell wasn't me blabbing, or flashing a wad, or really doing any of those things that got me targeted. I'm also nothing resembling a victim--my home invasion was the first time I'd ever been targeted by random violence, EVER.

And don't tell me that my only solution is to cut and run. Fuck that shit. Once you start running you never stop.

I agree about the white, black and gray markets, and it just so happens that so do the police investigating my attack. The primary detective didn't come right out and say that we should fully legalize, but he did say that if we eliminated the black market, people like me would not be made into victims. Then, he went on to say, the police could focus on other crimes, as legalization would reduce the criminal incentives associated with cannabis.

I swear, I was about to sign him up for LEAP right then and there!

So, back to the black, white and gray markets. How's that dismantled? How many, just on ICMag, are busy voting or contacting their representatives in the federal government, which is where this has to happen? I'm going to suggest that it's a low percentage. Furthermore, the law already has what are called sentencing enhancements for things like shooting a police officer, because that is ostensibly more egregious than shooting a civilian.

I'll tell you what's surprising me right this very moment, are the sheer numbers of people here who seem to agree with me, but are afraid to come out and say it openly. We seem to target each other, as a group, and that's hateful, despicable.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^it seems that you want an equal protection law more than a hate crime law. the u.s.a. has this already, but is like every other law. It depends on the people who enforce it.


Active member
no more laws please...
what we need is justice, and that unfortunately has nothing to do with a courthouse or prison.. I do not trust the government to prosecute crime and administer punishment justly.
there are far too many agendas for that to be possible.

This is unfortunately not a great place to be... which is why secrecy is paramount.

I wish I had a good answer, or solution to this issue but I dont.

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