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Prophets of Rage



This is the power combo ! I'm looking for their album...

Looks like they are politicaly motivated... :)


Word on the web is that de la rocha is gonna get on board....with the current political climate its gotta happen right?

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
"The Prophets of Rage" is one of the most evocative rock band names I have ever encountered.

Next to "The Stone Temple Pilots", this is one of my favorite band names fer sure.

Now to go back and listen to their sound, and find out if it measures up to the name they chose.

Even though rap is not my favorite music, their video "Unfuck the World" that I just watched on youtube, does carry a powerful and controversial message that will certainly divide audiences along political lines.

It is very brave and perhaps even foolhardy to express such rage against a sitting president, but freedom of expression is one of the most cherished liberties enjoyed by all who are lucky enough to reside in nations that practice true democracy, so these guys are not likely to be victimized by the powers that be, unless of course any of them is found to be owing state or federal taxes, in which case they could be singled out on the basis of that convenient reason.
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