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Propane & Propane Accessories....


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
I partially agree with you brother, Sky. I like the theory that differing boiling points contributes to nucleation. However, I think that the temps should be decreased running pure propane, as also the rapid boiling of a solvent as it is reduced in ratio also contributes to waxing up. Since there is a near 70 degree F differential in the BPs of the solvents being used, perhaps a lower finishing point or a slower work-up to the final temp is necessary.

Tapering the boil off energy input during final boil off is a good point. It's obvious there are many triggers that bring on waxing up, moisture, way too much unpurged solvent, rapid and excessive temperature shifts, overly physically manipulating the oil getting it to parchment...they all seemed to me to be categorizable as things which would stress the oil to the point of surrender, causing the matrix to become unstable. I address all of them by keeping my entire process as simple and smooth as possible.

Not to be hating on those who are intentionally creating wax products, a local I met at the HT Cannabis Cup laid a gram of honeycomb on me that is high art...blond, solid, break off a piece, and you can squeeze in between your fingers, and it will crumple to fine dust which doesn't melt or have any stickiness, vapes liquid and clear...from an OG he's been working with for years. He's in the background of a couple of my 2015 High Times Cannabis Cup pictures, wiry old head, met him at the Concentrates Panel.


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Active member
I know of a fellow having same propane issues. Hard to get stable, when it does, 2 weeks later it looks like the large grain sugar wax. Which in my opinion looks cool!

I deduce that a different purge strategy and technique is clearly needed. I also imagine a 50/50 blend would yield better stability and lower pressures but that's not going to help at the purge stage.

I got some blend from ecogreen but I'm scared to even distill it after the whole tainted tane thing.

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